Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Your Turn

What time of day do you eat Thanksgiving dinner?


  1. Between the first and second game of football. Then it’s turkey sandwich time by the third game.

  2. Afternoon generally. Let's you leave or give people the boot earlier so you can enjoy the rest of the day.

  3. Depends on where we are. This year... mid late afternoon on the beach-Friendsgiving💜

  4. Depends if anybody is working. I work retail and my store opens @ 6pm, so eating @ 4:30, then leaving for a**hole retail madness!

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I like Thanksgiving Dinner at about 3pm but I don't host so I have to eat when the hostess wants, usually around 6pm. I'd rather be eating leftovers or dessert by then.

  6. Depends on where we are and where we are going. Typically, around 2:30.

  7. We always aim for 3 p.m. (and I actually got it on the table on time this year!) We LOVE to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at 3, so we're ready to dive into the leftovers by 7!

  8. Try for mid afternoon, but depends on if the oven is cooperating!

  9. Depends on how early I start drinking.

  10. From about 3 p.m. my mother will say "we're about to eat". We end up eating about 6 p.m.

  11. About 2pm with lots of hanging out card and board games after. There is usually a football game on TV at low volume with no one really watching. It’s sort of visual audio comfort food. Reminding us of when our Grandpas/ Dads were with us and football mattered to them.

  12. Early afternoon is best, then there's time for leftovers later. I spent a couple of T-Days at friends' & BF's houses for evening dinner, and after snacking a drinking all day, there was no appetite left for the dinner.

  13. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I don't. I'm at work. Several of my friends are working .
    My dear friend is GM of a big box store; She is at work 14 hours today.
    For many of us, this so called. "Holiday" --lol--will mean a very demanding weekend at work, serving customers.

  14. My family decided a few years ago to just eat at a pretty normal dinner time, so usually around 4:30 or so. Go Lions!!!

  15. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The plan is 3PMish with a half hour window either way.



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