Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Your Turn

Would you be willing to replace turkey as the meat on Thanksgiving?


  1. No, why would I do that?

  2. No. And I think we've all seen the Peanuts Thanksgiving special to know of the dangers of veering away from Turkey.

  3. Cornish hens and Prime ribeye

  4. Yes. We almost did one year, and then we made the best turkey we've ever had.

  5. My family never served turkey, always a roast chicken or capon. Turkey is quite gamey tasting

    1. Your buying the wrong kind and cooking it wrong then

  6. In the words of the classical poet Stephen Lynch,
    "Tofurkey tofuck yourself
    I want some meat"

  7. Ifprime rib didn’t cost about $40/lb I’d eat that over $.49/lb turkey any day. The pilgrims and the natives they eventually slaughtered didn’t eat turkey.

  8. Tofurkey is delicious & a lot healthier.

  9. I always do. I don't eat meat, pork or poultry.

  10. After the cannabalism blind yesterday, I read "Would you be willing to replace turkey as the meat for Thanksgiving?" with a very different slant! Hell no, I will not be served!

    Although, a fabulous Twilight Zone episode comes to mind!

    1. Hahaha...I scrolled down and was just about to make the same comment.
      We think the same on a lot of things Vita.
      Bawdy Unknown.

  11. We have turkey and ham. Don't like either so I would not care if turkey was replaced.

  12. We've had potroast, roasted chicken,Cornish hen, roast beef alternatively in addition to turkey for those who don't care for it.

  13. We never have turkey. We always do something fun and different, like steaks on the grill, kabobs, etc.

  14. Only commies and them vegan loons dont do turkey for thanksgiving.

  15. My wife also bakes a ham with turkey just in case.

  16. we're having grilled pork chops

  17. We're already planning to have fried shrimp and steaks for Thanksgiving this year, so yes.

  18. We have a Christmas extravaganza planned for ALL family Christmas Day with turkey dinner so thanksgiving this year is prime rib roast for 15 with PF Chang’s garlic green beans, roasted red potatoes, salad and pie. Easy meal. Easy clean up

  19. I feel like shit this year and today I said FUCK THE TURKEY I just can't do it. It's the first time in more than 50 years and frankly I don't care. There's a possibility we are invited to someone else's thing but I dont wanna do that either. Really don't feel good. Bad head cold, headache, cough that chokes me in the morning and no energy. Back to bed for me. FUck the turkey this year.

    1. "Fuck the turkey this year"?

      I suppose that's one way to baste it.

    2. dont cook momo. just take it easy. that cold is horrible and lingers

  20. How unamerican of you guys...tofucky...no thanks

  21. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I don't eat meat.
    I do not eat beautiful sentient beings. Beings that have brains, hearts and feelings.
    I will not enable a system that keeps beautiful pigs and cows caged and terrified in some warehouse.
    A system that keeps creatures stuffed into cages, where they cannot move or see sunlight.
    Nor do I cut down a beautiful living tree, for "Christmas".

    1. How about all the deer and varmints killed and displaced for yer precious soy, corn & wheat?

      Loons are so funny

  22. Feel better, Momo!😷💊🍵😊

  23. @Daryl, I respect that. Not wanting to harm other living creatures, disgusted by the factory farms, those are good values. I don't trust a meatless diet, but I hope it pans out for you. And I agree on the trees. I used to think fake trees were for pansies, but like fishing and hunting I just got tired of killing things for holidays or fun. Seems kind of assholely to kill a tree just because you need a giant air freshener to hang shit on in your living room.

  24. I don't eat anything with eyes ... besides, I'm a believer that you take on the torture (in a sense) of the animal that has been butchered when you eat it. So it's a 'yes' from me.

  25. Always have. The only time I eat turkey on T-Day is if we're going to friends, which we are this year. So no standing rib roast for me!

  26. @DarylIsBigFan - so beautifully said! 💛
    I'm making a Christmas tree out of plywood which I'm going to affix wooden pegs to, and hang it from the wall; I will decorate it with environmentally friendly painted bits of paper from my shredding machine.

  27. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Yes! My family had a "summer Thanksgiving" so everyone could attend and because my father lives near the beach. We never get to go to the beach in Nov but having it in July was perfect. Instead of turkey, my dad made pork, fried plantains, spanish rice, etc. Couldn't have been better!

  28. 100%
    vegan for the animals, baby!

  29. Sure! I prefer turkey at Christmas anyway. But hubby would kill me if I took away one of his two (sometimes three) turkeys a year.

  30. Momo, I hope you feel better quickly.

  31. Bawdy Unknown -- LOL and cheers!😂 I'm honored, bc the basting comment just made me guffaw!😂

  32. I canceled my plans for Thanksgiving today. Everything kept changing and getting more and more complicated to the point that I was feeling totally stressed out 😫. No thanks. So I’ll eat whatever I decide to eat.

    As far as Christmas, I don’t have to worry about 🎄❄️🎄, because I’ll be celebrating with 🌴🌺🌴🌈🌴.

  33. sure! replacing it with beer. Cheers !

  34. Yes. Don't like it or trust it. My family leases land to a turkey farm they do not eat them she said to many hormones.

  35. Samoans love fried turkey ass

  36. Yes. Shrimp, scallops, lobster, crab.

  37. I am replacing the turkey. Here’s my menu:
    Boston Butt Pork Roast
    Stuffed Merlitons
    Oyster Dressing
    Crawfish Bisque w/rice
    Green Bean Casserole
    Salad w/huge boiled shrimp, feta, red onion, cucumber, tomato, green and black olives, avocado
    Italian Bread
    Praline Pecan Panacotta

  38. I'm not cooking it this year, just demoted to sides. Sis in law is though, I hope she can finally pull off a non-dry, well seasoned bird. I might possibly sneak in a prime rib done in my instant pot though, muahahahaha!

  39. It's hilarious how some assholes are so thinskinned and defensive over people not wanting to eat meat. It doesn't affect you any.

  40. I am always on the side against mental illness.



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