Thursday, November 14, 2019

Your Turn

Favorite cooking show, holiday or otherwise.


  1. The only one I ever watched even once was the Japanese version of Iron Chef.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Galloping Gourmet with Graham Kerr

  4. I don't watch cooking shows but as a kid, I did love The Galloping Gourmet! Then he just seemed to disappear.

  5. Currently binging The Great British Bake Off and I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would. Much shouting and hands over my eyes.

    In the past it was Bourdain. Not technically cooking, but close enough.

  6. I like watching Justin the Cajun cook. RIP coonass!

    1. Justin Wilson was my pop's favorite.

  7. mexico one plate at a time..rick bayless. atk/cooks country ...although i did like it more when chris kimball was still there. Simply Ming..sometimes i watch those older episodes...lots of excellent cooking shows on pbs...

  8. Big Daddy Jack Cooking With the Blues
    at his restaurant on historic Bank Street in New London, Ct

  9. Jacques Pepin repeats

    Also Ciao Italia with Mary Ann Esposito

  10. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Emeril Lagasse back in the 90's(?) He taught my husband that men can cook. Until then my husband refused to set foot in the kitchen. After watching Emeril he decided it was okay to cook. No one would take away his mancard. I owe Emeril for helping break that stigma.

    I also used to like watching Bobby Flay grill and Guy Fiere's Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. We actually ate at one of the places where Guy filmed. They had great food.

  11. Jed's Friend - I'm going to have to watch because of the name itself !!

  12. The old Keith Floyd cooking shows here in the UK.

    Floyd was the dogs bollocks!

    He'd be drunk half the time, sorry, way more than half. Most of the filming was outdoors. He'd argue with the cameramen, producers and lighting crew. If the recipe went wrong he'd just walk off swearing or fire the food into the bin.

  13. Emeril was the best. Food Network did him wrong.

    Ciao Italia
    I watch Barefoot Contessa and Giada. But just because there's not much out there now. It's all stupid competition stuff.

    Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver shows are the tops for me. I don't even know where I can see them now in the US though unless watching online clips.

    I like Laura Calder too. She's a Canadian who rocks out French cuisine.

    And Gordon Ramsay making over the restaurants and screaming at everyone is just really great tv for me.

    I gave up on Top Chef. I used to watch it avidly but I never would stick through the finals.

  14. Mexico: One Plate at a time with Rick Bayless

  15. Nailed It. It's the best thing on Netflix.

  16. Great British Bake Off. So stressful...for no reason at all! It’s just a cake,cookies,bread...but I love the drama. No bleeps for swearing, no wine thrown in faces.

  17. Barefoot Contessa. I used to watch Pioneer Woman, but that show has become insufferable with her "perfect" family, including the daughter who was shipped off to bible camp after her arrest.

  18. The Great British Bake Off - mainly because I love Sandy and Noel.

  19. I like 'The Kitchen' on Food Network.

  20. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'm off TV shows. /r/GifRecipes/ and /r/Old_Recipes/ Much better than any TV show

  21. Anyone else ever used to love "Two Fat Ladies"? I loved it. It was so much more than a cooking show, it was just an indulgence. Everything was heavy on butter, cream, alcohol, and the shows always ended with a cocktail and a smoke. And I loved how they cruised Great Britain on a Triumph Thunderbird.

  22. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I loved Two Fat Ladies. I was sad to hear when the one died. They were a hoot to watch.

  23. Flashy -- Youve mentioned this Keith fellow before, and he sounds AMAZING! I keep forgetting to search Youtube, but this is a great reminder!

    I loved the old PBS cooking lineup when my mom would watch. I used to love Top Chef, but have lost track.

    I loved the old Food Network seasonal/themed cake decorating battles...Halloween, Simpsons, Christmas, etc. They were great, even though it didn't matter in the least what anything tasted like. They do a couple of variations on them now, but I don't like them quite as much.

    I love the Great British Bake Off and The Kids Baking Challenge (Championship?). Duff Goldman and Valerie Bertinelli do such a great job both mentoring and judging these insanely talented kids.

  24. @Moose Yes.. Two Fat Ladies was a favorite of mine.

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I do not eat sentient beings. Right now I'm having a small salad. Earlier, I had some fruit and rice. Breakfast was a small bar, soy based. That's it for today. Cooking shows, where some jerk roasts a beautiful cow or pig, who suffered in fear?? No way. No way. Wouldn't watch if you paid me

  26. I’ve never understood the appeal of cooking shows. I find them as boringly frustrating as watching golf. Why watch people make things I won’t even get to eat when they’re finished?

  27. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Are you aware of what harvesting of palm oil is doing to the habitat of the Borneo orangutans? Heartbreaking.
    Please limit your purchase of products containing *palmitate or palm kernel oil*.It is added to many packaged foods.
    Thank you

  28. Nailed it! My cooking/baking skills are around the level of the contestants.

  29. @DarylsBigFan.

    "Cooking shows, where some jerk roasts a beautiful cow or pig, who suffered in fear?? No way. No way. Wouldn't watch if you paid me"

    Hardly a likely contingency. So you can relax. Take some weight off those Birkenstocks or go and knit your supper.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      I don't knit. But I will be distributing socks on "Thanksgiving", while you are likely scarfing down a poor innocent turkey.

  30. The Green Inferno.

  31. Didn't the Galloping Gourmet want to do or did strip naked for one of his episodes? Am I having a very odd hallucination or does anyone else recall this?

  32. I hate to say it but the Frugal Gourmet, He really changed me as a kid, he spoke about food and how it related to history and culture. You could read is cookbooks like a really good work of non-fiction

  33. Pasquale on YouTube Cin Cin!

  34. Cooking shows do not appeal to me, however, I do like the holiday shows where people compete for the best decorated cake, cookie, gingerbread, etc.

  35. The beverly hillbillies! Granny could cure anything with her mountain cooking!

  36. i watch them all from new scandinavian cooking to new orleans cooking with kevin belton's to lidia's kitchen to martha bakes... i'll watch any of them because i like to compare what they say or do to how i was taught to cook and bake. <3

  37. Two Fat Ladies, God rest their souls

  38. Julia Child when she made Buche de Noel. Spectacular!

  39. Good Eats with Alton Brown

    +1 for Julia Child

  40. Pasquale does rock. He is the cutest.

    Yes to all of you re: Julia Child shows and Two Fat Ladies.

    I find cooking shows very comforting and I love to cook and bake so I do try to learn something from them. When my son asks to watch cooking shows with me I just have to say yes. He likes those Bobby Flay competition shows too.

  41. I will watch anything Jamie Oliver. He's cute, he's got that Essex accent and he makes food I would love to eat.

  42. I've never watched cooking shows except in passing, but I love to read cookbooks. Also recipes online.
    Just imagining what the ingredients do, and when they are added. Comparing one recipe against the other and reading the comments have taught me a lot.

    Also, what kind of name is Bobby Flay? Flay??

  43. @Count Jerkula, Justin WIlson and his wife went to my parents' house for a boucherie (pig roast). Justin was really a very quiet man. Nice couple

    1. Thats cool, Abby. My dad always popped for when he would swill the wine he was cooking with.

  44. Masterchef UK - The Professionals , as best cookery show

  45. The French Chef with Julia Childs

  46. Two Fat Ladies on the BBC

  47. galloping Gourmet..thanks for the memories. Gaida and her lemon chicken, pasta and drinks was fascinating. and the Pioneer one has great meals. love to watch and hate to cook.

  48. Good Eats with Alton Brown. I used to watch Chopped a lot, but it’s kinda boring now. Sometimes I like to watch some of the other Food Network chefs for ideas, but they’re so annoying I can only take so much.

  49. Great British Bake Off and prior to that Julia Child.Guess deep down, I like authenticity........the Brits are funny and to me, not as fake as ours. Same for Julia Child......i.e. losing her chicken due to too much wine.No harm / no fowl. Also like stupid humor.

  50. I know that I'm days late ...but ANYTHING NIGELLA I love her. When I was married my wife said I was "allowed" with Nigella :)
