Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Your Turn

Do you think flu shots work?


  1. It's more about how effective they are, which can vary from year to year.

  2. We're not going to talk about the rocket the mouse is launching today?

  3. I don't think so. Last time I had one was 17 years ago and coincidentally the last time I've been really sick.

  4. Each year it is a guess which strains to use in the vaccine so never exact science.

  5. No which is why I’ve never had one.

  6. Yes...they do.
    I was the only one to get among my friends and only one to duck Flu !

  7. @Brayson+1 spot on. I was going to say it depends on the year. Some years it has worked for me and others I still ended up sick. Key is to look at the effectiveness rates but a lot of times it is known until later in the season.

    And, yah nothing on Disney launch crashing misfire?
    Or...if any US soap fans still out there (my grandma/ aunts lol)....that all of the Days of Our Lives cast has been released from their contracts indicating it is about to potentially be cancelled after the show has been on for 45 yearsish ??

  8. Depends what you expect them to do. Preventing illness is not what they are used for. Disposing of industrial waste is one use -like they do with fluoride and whatever is being sprayed in the sky

  9. No, most people that I know who got the shot ended up catching the flu.

  10. Yes, I haven't had the flu in many, many years because I get a shot. There were several times when all of my co-workers around me were dropping like flies, and I was the only one left standing. I was also the only one who got a shot each of those times, that's what sold me.

  11. Yes, especially for the elderly. Selecting the right strains can be a bit hit or miss, so some years they are more effective than others. I have to have the flu vaccination each year; it’s a requirement if my job.

  12. Occasionally they hit the winning combo. Last year's guess was about 10% accurate. This year's elderly version is 4X stronger than the "regular" one for non-geriatric adults. Good plan! /sarc

    What is certain...is that the pharma company makes about $8 billion every time they come out with a new dose of any vaccine.

  13. Absolutely. I had the flu last February because I had to spend hours in an ER due to the DH being involved in an accident. No matter how many times I washed my hands, it still got me. My dumbass didn’t think to wear a ,mask at that time. That is the one and only time I have gotten it in over 20 years.

  14. Sure if you want the flu or to be a carrier, get one. It's a free country, I think.

  15. They work for me. I get one every year and never get the flu. The one year that I never got around to getting one I ended up with the flu.

  16. Yes and no. As a nurse working in community health - the years I did not get the shot I did NOT become ill with the flu (including the year we had a massive outbreak with 25% absentees from school). The years I did take the shot - I came down with the flu.
    I have explained this to area doctors who agree with my assessment. It depends on your level of exposure and your overall health.
    Now with a compromised immune system due to a kidney transplant, I get the flu shot.

  17. Anti bacteria soap created super germs. Anti flu shot will do the same. Eat healthy with what Mother Nature has provided us. That’s all you need 99.0% of the time.

  18. Nearly everyone I know that gets one always winds up sick.
    I suppose the pharmaceutical companies can claim that at least they didn't catch that one KIND of flu... But that's just stupid.

  19. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Flu Shot's only accomplishment is making me feel terrible. I hadn't had a shot in years, then I did and got the flu for the first time that year. Haven't had the shot since then and only had the flu once since then. So I don't get flu shots anymore.

  20. Infant vaccinations, Purel, Flu shots.....=weak immune systems

  21. No, I don't think they work. I think they will some day, but as others have said, it's hit or miss with the shot because the strain changes. I've also read multiple articles that when people wash their hands back and forth and not in a circular motion, they miss washing their thumbs which is one of the primary reasons the flu spreads.

  22. I used to get hit with these persistent colds that would last for weeks whether I had a flu shot or not. Then, almost two years ago, I started drinking OJ twice a day, once at lunch and once at breakfast and I've only had one bad cold that lasted three days in that time.

    Maybe it's a placebo, but as long as it works I'm fine with it.

  23. If you want to get the flu, the most effective way of getting it is the flu shot. I avoid it.

  24. I don't get a flu shot and only had the flu once. I'm not exactly a spring chicken so do the math. I make a drink using chicken broth, garlic cloves, ginger root, cayenne pepper and raw honey. They are natures anti viral anti bacterial medicines. It's really quite good, make it as spicy hot as you can handle. Rarely have a cold.

  25. This year I got the shot on a Friday and was diagnosed with flu type B on Monday.

    I'm not sure if the flu test detected residue from the shot or if I had already been coming down with the flu when i got the shot. In any case, it was 5 free days off. Can't complain, I suppose.

  26. No. Haven't had the flu in 10 years. If it's "dependent" on what flu strain is going around, why take the chances of pumping that crap into your body? Never understood that. My parents get the shot every year and invariably get the flu. Then blame it on the "strain". Dumb.

  27. No. Fuck NO they don't work!

    I've only had ONE flu shot my entire life (in my mid 20's) and right after that flu shot, I not only got the flu, but also pneumonia, bronchitis, and pleurisy. Fucking pleurisy!!!(I'm a runner and don't normally get sick NOR have an issue breathing).

    For those who don't know what that is: it's normally caused by the flu and it's inflammation of your lungs and the MORE you breathe the WORSE it gets.

    You are dying. Seriously breathing hurts so bad, you don't want to breathe, but you feel like you can't breathe anyway - you truly do feel as if you are at deaths door. It's an evil illness and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    I was in bed for longer than 2 months. My company couldn't say anything about me being deathly ill and missing so much work since they were the ones who "strongly encouraged" me to get the shot when I didn't want it.

    Fuck the flu shot and fuck every asshole who bullies anyone into getting one.

  28. Flu shots only work for those who love themselves some depopulation/genocide. i.e.Prince Phillip and Bill Gates.

  29. Oh my God, I've had pleuritic attacks on and off for years. It's so unsatisfying and uncomfortable trying to take short little shallow breaths when all you want to do is gulp down air. And then sometimes if you move wrong you get that stabbing sensation as well.

  30. Do I think flu shots work for what, exactly?

  31. It will make you walk backwards.

  32. It's a statistical question. Viewed that way, yes, they are usually helpful.

  33. I haven't had Influenza in over two decades. In that time, I've gotten vaccinations. Their efficacy fades toward the end of the 'flu season, as the virus mutates. So, you may get a milder form in February (as I usually do, despite the vaccination).

  34. Ohhh speaking of shots.
    We need a reveal on that blind regarding the vaccines in foreign countries that are intentionally giving poor groups of people deadly diseases.
    I'm sure it was real.

  35. I usually get some side effects, almost like a little cold after the shot. But it's better than a full blown flu. It's very difficult to show what didn't happen, maybe you would have dodged the flu on your own or maybe you would have caught it. I've known lots of people with super immune systems, they all get sick eventually.

  36. @Rosie, That is exactly what many people and tribes in Africa believe is happening to them with vaccines. Are you making fun of Africans?

  37. No. But if you watch EXPLAINED on Netflix you’ll see that it’s really preparation for the next pandemic the worst of which killed my maternal grandmothers parents

  38. Yes. I believe in vaccinations. I took allergy shots for years, they help.

  39. Each year it's the luck of the draw. Last March I caught the flu which had me in bed for almost three weeks. I have never been as sick in my entire life which includes having the chickenpox at 38.

  40. Yes, but not 100%. I get them every year, probably for the last 20 or so years. I did get the flu last year (confirmed with a test), however I believe it would have been a hell of a lot worse if I had not gotten the shot.

  41. I have never had a flu shot and I have never had the flu, so....

  42. I get one every year and have no complaints.

  43. Anonymous2:31 PM

    With my compromised immune system I get a flu shot religiously every year. This year I received one of the quadrivalent shots since I'm now considered high risk. In fact I just got my flu shot yesterday. Traditionally we are a late flu season area so I wait until mid-November. If I get the flu it will be in February.

  44. Flu shots work for me, but somehow blogger isn’t working. None of my comments have been going through.

  45. @ Rosie, "Ohhh speaking of shots."

    In the 1960's, after it was discovered the Polio vaccines contained SV40 monkey virus, Congress said no to manufacturing anymore of this vaccine for the US. They did not prohibit the drug companies from manufacturing it for overseas markets. Oh, and the companies were also allowed to use the vaccines on hand on the US population. Between 80-90% of all children in the US are thought to have been inoculated with the vaccine containing the SV40.

    Researchers from the 60's believed we would see a spike in cancers because of the SV40 virus, particularly mesothelioma, lymphomas, brain tumors,bone tumors, and sarcomas.

  46. Yes, I have asthma so having the flu could be dangerous.I haven't gotten it since the shot became available.

  47. Maybe they work sometimes, but I’ve never had one as an adult and I’ve only had it once or twice, and not that bad. I don’t trust the pharmaceutical companies.

  48. Yes. They give you a minute case of the virus in some and in others they give you the killed virus. Either way the body builds up antibodies. It doesn’t work I’d it’s the wrong strain of the virus or it has evolved into a resistant form.

  49. "Work"? You mean, 'work', as in making you SICK? Yeah. That yuuuuummy thimerosal...'Works' every time...

  50. No. Every year the mr gets one and he gets sick. I don't get one and I don't get sick. A good many people I know who take one gets sick, one friend wound up in the hospital 2 years in a row right after the shot because she already has a condition caused by a hyperactive immune system and of course the adjuvants in the shot aggravated it. You'd think the doctors would clue in to that? I think all these concoctions they like to pump into people are a crime against humanity. I also know a woman who lost a baby right after, and nearly the second one too. Btw, the mr agreed not to get one this year, we'll see how it goes.

  51. Nope, the flu shots are a cash-grab racket. I never take them. What's the point of taking a vaccine that never seems to carry any guarantee as to efficacy? Last year's shot was an absolute joke.

  52. got the pneumonia and flue shot last year and still got influenza type B. it was horrible but tamiflu worked really good. gonna get the shot in December.

  53. I've never had one in my life. I used to work in a Doctor's office too, and he didn't even request the staff get them. He said the virus is constantly changing or something like that.

  54. As long as one of the 3 selected "most likely" strains in the immunization is the flu that you are exposed to, then yes it works.
    I'm deliberately immuno-suppressed for auto an immune disorder, so I get the flu shots every year. I haven't had flu or had a respiratory illness progress to pneumonia since I started having the vaccine.
    I had 3 lots of flu that led to severe pneumonia (oxygen/hospitalisation x 2) in the decade prior to that.
    The vaccine is free in Australia if you are over 60 or "at risk" health wise and about $20 otherwise. Many employers provide the vaccination for free.

  55. Never had a flu shot or the flu. If I was elderly, I'd get one.

  56. @Rosie ... when not dumping tainted product or using them as Guinea pigs, or favorite trick seems to be adding sterilization agents to vaccines targeted to "women's health"

    Not exactly a blind ... most of this stuff is an Open Secret, all too speak.

    In fact, the "moral" justification used by the GOP Earth Resources & Population and Population task force* as they put into place the pop-contol measures the left could then brand as "rights" was premised almost exclusively on vaccines.

    "Since we have too many people now that we've saved so many aren't we're justified to decrease population"

    They were concerned as heck about overpopulation, resource management and ... well, back then it was called ... global warming.

    1967-1970, Rep. George Bush, Chairman
    See Congressional Record for some seriously tangy quotes on generic quality, downbreeding, the "right" to breed and the promise of Immunology for win:win birth control.

    See ya in the funny papers ...

  57. Well the past 3 years I've gotten the shot and I haven't gotten sick, so it must work.

  58. They do in The Sims



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