Friday, November 01, 2019

Your Turn

When you were going to school, did you buy lunch or bring lunch?


  1. I had a sweet Roger Rabbit lunchbox in elementary school

  2. In grade school I had lunch sandwiches made for me to eat. From junior high on I bought lunch from places near the school like burgers or pizza or sandwiches and sodas.

  3. LOL I was lucky, it depended on what was being served that day. I am a picky eater (even still) so it really did depend on the day.

  4. Mostly I brought lunch and for years I brought the same thing, PB and J with either yogurt or an apple. When my mom got divorced and needed to go on fod stamps, she begged me to take the free lunch but I hated the crap they served and I insisted on sticking to PB and J. Which when you think about it, really isn't a hardship of any kind.

  5. Everyone bought lunch where I went to school. They were actually really decent meals compared to alot of the crap that's out there today.

  6. Never cared for lunch, still dont. Whatever i had i played with it and mostly hung out with friends. Hard to eat in that disgusting smelling shithole anyway.

  7. I mostly brought my lunch all through school, except on Taco Salad Friday. Oddly enough, that taco salad was the best in the world.

  8. I walked home for lunch grade school. High School usually bought the alternate sandwich lunch except for spaghetti day,taco day or hoagie day. The tacos at my school were better than anywhere at the time. I skipped the pork roll sandwiches.

  9. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Went out for lunch. Anyone with a car didn't eat lunch at school.

  10. I ate school lunches the whole way, and they were mostly really good, made by cooks in kitchens located in the school. Not like now.

  11. I couldn't bring lunch until high school and then I brought the same thing every day. There was this chicken salad in a can made by I think Carnation that was so sleazy good. I brought that and a bag of Doritos Nacho Cheese chips and thoroughly enjoyed it. Ultimately I just had a TAB and Doritos every day and that was it. I wonder how I survived, really. I had a 4.6 GPA the whole time, too? We truly are pigs or something. I have lived on garbage and thrived?

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Our school food was really bad. My mother came to a mother daughter event and they cooked a Thanksgiving meal. For them it was really good and I was happily eating my food. My mother found it inedible and couldn't believe this was a meal above and beyond what they normally fixed. So she increased my weekly lunch budget and my parents never complained about me leaving campus for lunch again. Sometimes parents need a good dose of reality. Or in my case a taste of the school food.

  13. When I was little in catholic school food was very good. Went to public high school and the food was horrible, ran home for lunch everyday
    we lived 1 1/2 miles from the school... Sometimes my mother would bring our lunch to school, God Bless her.
    Lunch was in .35, now it 4.00 for shitty food 6.00 for teachers.......

  14. Grade school and junior high, it would depend on the menu, or if my mom had time to shop/pack one. High school was a closed campus, and everyone ate the school lunch.

  15. MyDogSmiles-- Awww, I miss the old metal lunchboxes and thermoses! I remember thinking it was so grown-up to switch to paper bags. That was a lame choice. Roger Rabbit, on the other hand, a quality selection, Sir!😁

  16. I always bought it. My mom was not going to make lunches for us kids. And actually back then the cooks made real food.

  17. In grade school I brought lunch. In high school, I didn't eat lunch. We didn't have food at home, and I didn't have money to buy lunch.

  18. grade school ate hot lunch..middle school brought lunch high school we had open campus so we could leave and i went home everyday..and i think i went to Mcdonalds maybe a couple times..back when they would run 2 big macs for $2... never ate in the lunch room in high school..probably some record.

  19. @Vita Thanks! I'm pretty sure my mom still has that lunchbox somewhere in storage lol

    1. The Linford Christie lunchbox was very popular in the UK.
      Google it.

  20. from 1-12, I Brown Bagged it.

    And, I had to bring the brown bag home, so my mom could put tomorrows Bologna and mayo sandwich in it.

    To this day, I hate Bologna and mayo.
    I won't eat it, period.

    BTW: My Mom passed away at 90 about two weeks ago.

    At a wake, it seemed like everyone who was anyone in the town of Rockland came to pay their last respects for her.

    One of my younger sisters had to inform me as to who was who.

  21. 1-8 ate lunch at school (I think it was included in our tuition but the food sucked.) In high school usually purchased lunch unless we snuck out to go somewhere.

  22. Mostly brought, but once I got to high school every Thursday was hot turkey and fries day for $2 and I was all over that.

  23. I. am. old.
    My grade school was a neighborhood school where everyone went home for lunch. Everyone.
    My junior high school was a closed campus with a cafeteria. This was a huge deal after 7 yrs (K-6) of home lunches. Yes, you could bring your lunch - few did.
    High school was wonderful - a 100+ year old gothic monster of a building where the fourth floor was condemned (state law changed - all high school were limited to three floors). We were located two blocks off the center of the city open campus. So we descended onto the downtown, and the university campus 4 blocks away. What fun! Kids today have no idea.

  24. In junior school (7-11) we had great hot meals.
    But in high school it was the cafeteria system and it wasn't so good.
    But as my mum was a terrible cook it was still good to me.
    I usually had chips and curry.
    I caught a work-life bug from the beef burgers which explained why I looked like a skeleton until I was 16 and took some medication.

  25. In elementary school I refused to eat anything not made by my mother (including food at the houses of friends and relatives). I also would not eat peanut butter and jelly, so she want able to throw together a quick lunch. She always had to make me a tuna or egg salad sandwich, Sorry, Mom. ❤️

  26. My mother made me a huge delicious lunch, but I could burn through food the way actresses burn through sugardaddy money, so sometimes I would supplement with cafeteria food. And I was skinny as a rail.

  27. I, too am old. Went home for lunch and went to grade K-8 in the same building. Don't know what the kids whose moms worked, did for lunch. Latch key?
    High School I was very nervous in the cafeteria. Closed campus, or I'd just go home. Lived two blocks from both grammar and high schools.

  28. Gentle I hear you. Yes if and when I could go home I thoroughly enjoyed it. I purposefully moved into a neighborhood that put my children one or two blocks from the elementary school, the middle school and two universities. Both of my children still live in that neighborhood even though they have been self supporting adults for ten years. MY heart leaps with joy about that. I never had a sense of place, myself, but decided that was the most important thing I could give my children... But I digress. Sad what it all has become, no? You have to deprogram and debrief children every day now? anyheay

  29. Brown Bagged It. I was horrified by the slop they served at school. My amazing Dad made all of our lunches every single day. When I got to high school,I bought my lunch. Usually an apple and a Sunny D. It was cooler to do that because you could go sit in the gym if you were done eating. Lots of important things happened in that gym during lunch. Drama,comedy,romance,heartbreak! Fresh scandals daily.

  30. There were six or us children so my parents preferred to make our lunches. Really healthy sandwiches or salads plus fruit and nuts etc. usually. Lunch was only purchased if there was a major time or ingredient issue / disruption. Mum was an RN and very particular about the quality of our diets.

  31. Brown bagged and saved the bag. Lunch as a child was 25¢ so every once in awhile I'd buy lunch which was cooked by cooks and quite good. No such thing as soda. It was milk or milk. Milk was 3¢ and ordered at the beginning of class. If you wanted a cookie, the total was 5¢. Best cookie ever. They were cooked fresh and delivered to the classroom. I thought they were huge! Nobody had much money. And if someone had money, they didn't spend it. Very, very different. This was LA!

    High school? Hmmmm. Same or I didn't eat lunch. Skinny, skinny, skinny.. Back then I don't remember anyone overweight. Bunch of skinny after-WWII kids.

  32. Anonymous6:27 AM

    We were dirt poor for several years. Sperm donor deserted family when I was four. My mom was too proud to get on food assistance. So I went hungry a lot at lunchtime. If I had a nickel, I would buy myself a milk. Occasionally, a teacher would see me sitting there half-crying, and give me food.
    Later when I got a job (age 12), I had money, but I still didn't buy lunch very often.

  33. These comments sure bring back memories. We lived waaaay out in the country, my school was the proverbial little red brick school house. Grades 1-3 in one room, 4-6 in the other. There was a little library, maybe 15x15 on the main floor. They had such good books, I loved being in there. The basement was the gym and lunch room. The lunch lady was a grandma type and she cooked hot meals every day. Good stuff, country style. There were maybe 5 long tables with benches that we sat it. Young ones went 1st, older kids after. I think lunch was 10 cents a day, but it could have been a bit more. Some kids took the bus, some rode bike, you could even ride your horse if you wanted to. I wish the younger people could go back in time to see what it was like then. Such different times.

  34. In Sweden everyone gets free lunch in school... even in highschool. When I was little it was just one option but now I think it's three or four different options (meat, fish, vegan etc)

  35. DavidHowesCREBroker-- So sorry to learn about your mom's passing. My condolences.🙏

    I loved reading these stories!😀

  36. LaurenMaye WOW you paint a vivid picture and if only it were still that way. My school wasn't that small but it was in a bldg that is now 200 years old. No AC. Inkwells in wooden desks, all the windows open all day, because we were in the south. We also had old women everyone knew who cooked biscuits in the morning and lunch all day. We didn't need to know what was being served, we could smell it. Real real food. Peach and apple cobbler almost every day for dessert. mmm My children went to a high school where everyone ate french fries or bought crap from the vending machines. We made them good pbjs on homemade bread with butter, toasted. My daughter still eats that most days and she is 30 years old. Something about the time that passes between the making of the sandwich and actually eating it. Sometimes better even the next day. But I digress.

  37. Back in the day our grade school was a two block walk from home, 90% of the kids walked home for lunch. Our mom's had soup or grilled cheese sandwiches ready or if our dad's worked second shift a large meal was served. Lunch was a half hour including the walk. We felt sorry for the few kids that had to eat sacked lunch at school. Times were so much different then, all the moms were home in our neighborhood and the dads all worked in the steel mill. Jr. High Cafeteria ladies kicked ass cooking so hot lunch then. High School was all about jumping in someone's car and getting a pop and chips at one of the many neighborhood stores.

  38. Momo, you're a good mom.

  39. @ momo. I'm glad you got to experience that :) The good ol' days. In 7th grade we had to get bussed to the nearest town, God, I hated it so much!

  40. I must have mostly brought it to school. I remember very clearly my Snoopy dog house lunch box and my Bedknobs and Broomsticks lunchbox or maybe it's Doorknobs. But I also remember the few times I ate the school lunch which is probably what motivated me to ask my mother to fix my lunch. The spaghetti tasted like 'Janitor in a Drum'; those of you of a certain generation will get the reference.
