Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Throuple

I told you a couple months ago that this former A list mostly television actress from multiple hit shows was hooking up with someone very close to her boyfriend. Later, I also wrote about how she and the boyfriend were bringing in other people to their bedroom as often as possible. The two continue to abuse substances and the actress pays for all of it. It is an extremely volatile relationship that now also involves that person who is very close to the boyfriend. Although the actress has removed herself from friends and family, there is one friend who suspects the actress is pregnant, and knows the actress would not be able to stay sober during a pregnancy. The only possible bright spot, is the third person in the throuple is sober, so maybe can help out the other two.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. /Brian Dickerson

  2. Hayden p is back with her boyfriend and I guess brother too?

  3. +1 to Entys most hated person HaydenP

  4. I'm just psyched we'll have another well-adjusted Hollywood kid soon to lead us through the middle decades of this challenging century.

  5. IDK, Emilia Clarke is on ENTY's shit list as well haha, @Sandy

    Sounds like Hayden P. I am rooting for her though. She was another child thrusted into the industry at a very young age.

  6. Hayden Panettiere's Family 'Scared' As She's Spotted With Boyfriend After Abuse Case Dismissed
    Loved ones think he's 'mooching' off actress following domestic violence scandal.

  7. I'm not sold that the blind is about Hayden though, feels like Enty usually throws in something about her child living with the father.

  8. Well she’s been on the list a lot longer than Emilia has so she is definitely still the champ @TeeHee. I would even put Coke Mom ahead of Emilia based on longevity. But Emilia definitely is up there.

  9. She’s so fucked up it’s not even funny.

  10. When the other blind came out, I remember seeing a photo of her holding hands with the BF's brother

  11. I do too @Gen-z99!

    And, @Sandy haha touche. I still just really want to know what the hell Emilia Clark did to him or someone he knows! I guess I'll never know.

  12. What's the theory with her anyway? Bad childhood, drug addiction, trauma, mental illness, etc?

    1. All the above. She lived close to me -her home was a bit secluded(upscale)... I did t know her but she was known. Inappropriate father relationship-abused,Moms compliance... tapes of all the above

  13. disgusting. she is unfit to be a parent.

  14. @Tricia, That's really horrible, there's no quick rehab for that kind of trauma. She is truly child sized in person, probably brings out all the sickos.

  15. Hayden started acting when she was a baby. She was on a Soap as a child. I think she should be given some credit for allowing her child's father to raise her, at least she is aware she can't raise it herself. The public prefers women to pretend they are good mothers, rather than do what is best for the child.

  16. Agreed Guesser! People give her so much shit but She is in no shape to raise her child and she seems to know that to Hayden's credit.

    It is much better that her daughter only see Hayden sober and together and with other sober people that the child is use to than Hayden selfishly fighting for full custody then going off partying while leaving her daughter at home with a nanny.

    Truth be told, the fact that Hayden's daughter has one stable parent and is surrounded stability and in a place far from Hollyweird and with family and stable atmosphere....well that makes her daughter luckier than most famous couple's kids in Hollywood.

    Yes, I hate Hayden is an addict and I know there might be abandonment issues later on for her daughter...but, the child is much better off with one stable parent than none. Hayden has not fought back for custody so I do think she loves her daughter enough to put her child's needs first.

    Hayden is also keeping her daughter far from Hollywood as she can. And, we do not have to wonder why.... : (

  17. Hayden P as a pass around whore? Copious faps.

  18. If this is Hayden I feel so sorry for her. Don't hate on her or judge her. She was sold as a child. WTF people need to be hating on her parents. I'm in your corner Hayden.

  19. What passes for an abusive relationship in Hollywood? He didn't spit on it before he spit roasted her midget ass? Pulled out before she came and then got splooge in her eye? (I hear it stings)
    Maybe he didn't drink enough water to dilute the bladder blast when he water-pic'd her back molars and it tasted like flat beer sour Clamato?
    No wonder the cops don't come when she calls.

  20. If it's Hayden and her ex who is the 3rd?

  21. Can we also ban the word ‘throuple’? Ugh.
