Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

January 23, 2014

One of the greatest rumors I ever heard was about this one time A+ list mostly movie actress who also had A+ list name recognition. Today she is probably a B list mostly whatever she can get actress but isn't that old and still has A list name recognition. Until recently I always thought the story was just a story but I spoke to someone recently who was involved in the actual negotiation. Well, at least one part of it. When our actress was very young her mother had a lot of famous connections and these connections showed a great interest in her daughter. They wanted t be her first. The mother, who was always willing to make a buck auctioned off her daughter. The man I spoke to represented one of the three men bidding for the right to take the virginity of the daughter. His boss ultimately dropped out when the bidding reached $2M. He said that his boss said that no woman was worth that price for one night and he could buy 100 virgins for that price. Apparently the man who did win might have had some karma kick back against him two decades later.

The actress is OK with her name being revealed, but wants to wait until her mother passes away. The actress won't say whether she actually did have sex with the buyer, although she did know him very well when she was very young. The buyer was Jeffrey Epstein and the karma did kick back against him when he got arrested just about two decades after this happened. 


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