Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 28, 2015

This foreign born permanent A list model was thought to be dead the other morning. Turns out she was just passed out from all the drugs and booze. It is going to kill her soon if she does not stop.

Kate Moss


  1. Her & Naomi are cockroaches that will out live us all, even after nuclear war.

  2. Yesss that's the blind I was waiting for to be revealed !
    Plz get help Kate, this will very SOON kill you otherwise !

  3. So do they just keep her soaking in formaldehyde, and wheel her out for special occasions?

  4. I think tomorrow is anniversary day so Happy Birthday CDaN you are now 14 legal in many countries.

  5. Probably smelled dead.

  6. My math skills suck 2019-2006=13 still legal in many places but also Bar/Bat Mitzvah time too.

  7. Kocaine Kate you mean

  8. She always looked so zoned in her shoots. Discovered so young and did so many "artistic" nude shots for fashion photographers, she must have had her time of it with all the pervy photogs.

  9. I had a pretty bad problem decades ago wherein I would stay up for four days working in a club, and then sleep for two after knocking myself out with a pill I won't name. I am lucky to be alive. My roommate at the time said he would put a mirror under my nose because my respiration wasn't detectable nor was a pulse. THANKFULLY I ended that madness. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    1. Glad you're alive to tell, thank that roommate from me !

  10. She's sober now. Has been for a while.

  11. Models just like pro athletes, disposable meat.

  12. yeah yeah. been hearing that for over 25 years. she's still here.

  13. Perhaps the coke has preserved her, wouldn't be the first.

  14. Look at Keith Richards. Geez Ginger Baker made it pretty far. These guys were maniacs.

  15. Hey, she was rock'n'roll encapsulated, but she's been sober nearly two years now.

  16. She was a child when she was "discovered" ... even when she got older photoshootings protraited as A TOO YOUNG GIRL ...

    Open your eyes and have tolerance with her, it s too notorious she was used and abused by the fashion industry AKA PIMPING AVEC STYLE ...
