Monday, November 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 27, 2015

This B list singer used to be A list. Hopefully at some point he will be D list. Unfortunately for all of us, he will probably always be famous. Anyway, he is dating a woman who claims to be a model. She is more of the Instagram variety. Probably sells tea or waist trainers on it. Our "model" is probably C list. She would love to be a reality star.  It is a life goal. So far, she has only achieved any level of fame from the people she has hooked up with. I wonder if they know she has a racist past. All of the model's old tweets using the n-word are still on the internet, tweets from back when she was dating a NFL player. This is not a one time thing. This was a daily thing from our model. The thing is her current boyfriend is going to be put in a really awkward position when all of this breaks. He just attracts bad publicity, but this will be really bad.

Robin Thicke/April Love Geary (instead they just deleted them all and pretend like it never happened)


  1. A racist blonde, stop the presses.

  2. Has this dumb bitch never heard of the Wayback Machine? Nothing is ever truly gone from the internet.

  3. So, she is the usual rich white kid, uses the n word cuz rappers do it, so she thinks she should get to also.

  4. She could have just replaced them all with "wigga" and it would have been appropriate for her current relationship.

  5. Whatever when she was fucking some black it’s okay but now he’s a nigga,

  6. She's Latina, ya'll. Self-hating, apparently.

  7. Robin is doing well being a "judge" on The Masked Singer, which in my opinion is totally produced from beginning to end, (as in not really a competition), but is still weirdly fun to watch.

  8. @Patti, Like Latina latina or fauxtina like Ariana?

  9. Thanks to the masked singer,Enty can dust off some Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy,and Nichole Scherzinger blinds. Three people who were no longer relevant.

  10. I always thought Pharrell was a little too interested in Thicke's dick around the time of Blurred Lines.
    Especially considering Emily Ratchestsick was in the video.

  11. @Brayson, I would characterize April as a convenient Latina. That is what we call folks in California who trot out their identity when, well, it's convenient. Like former Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, who was Loretta Brixey in her first campaign before she saw the value of reclaiming Sanchez.
