Friday, November 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 22, 2015

It appears that this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor from that franchise is waking up from his drug induced haze of the past year. With his celebrity girlfriend constantly harping on him to take photos and to be seen with her at events, he is realizing this relationship is more about her climb up the fame ladder than him. He is done with it and with her.

Robert Pattinson/FKA Twigs


  1. So you're saying they didn't kill a hooker together in Paris then? ;)

  2. Finally recognizing the obvious.

  3. God I hate it when celebrities kill people. Pisses me off but I'm funny that way! I'd probably want to do something like tell people....but go figure!

  4. Has he finally had a wash too?

  5. Once he takes a bath then he can talk about her using him.. Didn’t he use her for sex, okay they’re even because I don’t know
    how she or anyone woman can sleep with a man that don’t bathe. Just pure filthy

  6. We knew this before he did, come on Robert, sometimes you need to read your own goss. Then again, she kept him in drugs and he was stuck together with crust.

    Maybe Twigs can close her mouth now although I doubt it, I think its stuck that way.

  7. twigs is with Shia and that's 100x worse!

  8. Ha! I fucking KNEW she was only with him to get in pap pics. Every time I'd see pics of them together she'd ALWAYS be facing the cameras, like she knew where the paps were hiding. All while whining how she didn't want to be famous for who she was dating. Okay, gold-diggers-R-us, keep telling us how you don't like the invasion of your privacy because you of who you date.

  9. ...the whole situation created the tension and pain that fuel what is probably going to be considered the Album of the Year, twig's "Magdalene". It's really brilliant, next-level stuff. If you're a Kate Bush fan, check it out.
