Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 18, 2019

Whether there was a raid or just a target letter directed at the reality family from the feds, it doesn't change the fact that at least one pre-teen distant family member was somehow living with the pedophile. It also doesn't change the fact that the family is deleting a ton of social media posts, turning off comments and trying to scrub any actions they did overseas as part of "charitable relief."

The Duggars/Josh Duggar


  1. It was nice they got a family member to fulfill his desires instead of him having to look to the general population.

  2. Who could have guessed the bastard offshoot family of diggers and beggars would prove to be so disreputable?

  3. This is the blind from last week that Radar Online said the feds saw and sent them up to raid the Duggar’s last Wednesday.

  4. Weren't they looting Aid during the hurricane at gun point from rescue workers ?

  5. Josh knows how to use family members. Ask his sisters.

  6. "Charitable efforts" in disaster areas are often the disguise worn to hide the Cabal's child-collecting efforts
