Saturday, November 16, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 5, 2019

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress has the worst luck with men. The actress, who is only hanging on to A- list because of that franchise when she was younger and a one off lead role is being cheated on yet again. She has never had a boyfriend who didn't cheat all the time.

Emma Watson


  1. Why have a cheating man, that's an invitation for STD's

    1. IKR....and they do so much of it!
      Is promiscuity worth a painful death?!

  2. What's her deal really.... didn't watch any Harry Potter or read them !
    But I like her....

  3. Well nobody likes feminists

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Some men hate feminism*

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      @Ubervation? 🀣🀣🀣 What has one thing to do with another? This shows how many men who cheat and can't just be with one woman. This blind only one meaning

  4. Can't see why men wouldn't want to devote all their care to a self-righteous, conceited chick who thinks she knows what's best based on being in adolescent wizard movies.

  5. I feel bad for her—she seems very unhappy. And whatever relationships she’s had that we know of seem to last days or a few weeks.

  6. Its only gonna get harder for her. At 29, she gonna have to start bangin 50yr olds for youth to camo the crazy.

  7. She's not got the looks to make a man overlook her misandry.

  8. So many sick commenters here linking feminism to cheating. Seriously wtf is your problem. It is as if you cannot stand strong women and want them to service your ego forever. So many toxic people here.

    1. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    2. I've been waiting for a comment like this. Very well done Unknown

  9. But I thought she was “self-partnered”?

  10. Remember that poster who would show up for every Emma Watson blind? Johnathon something?

    1. Hey, I just read the reveals now, in the evening.

  11. Without the wizard shit she'd nowcbe painting plates with tribal designs and running a failing vegan eatery in Swindon

  12. She needs to have a girl go down on her. Guys aren’t for her

  13. Johnathan Andrew Sheen (?) or JAS. The initials are right though if the name isn’t exact.

  14. Lots of dickhead comments here I see. Gen - if you truly hate sexism, reread your comments. 29 old? Fuck off. πŸ₯΄

    1. 29 ancient for crazy poon. By that age men in her dating pool should all be able to recognize the warning signs. Stuff that is quirky and cute at 22 becomes stunted development and pathological.

  15. To all the men on here who dislike Emma—then why would a guy date her in the first place? Why date and cheat? Why not just date someone else? The issue here is the cheating, not an analysis of her personality/likability.

  16. Well this sure falls in line with her current professed dating status doesn't it? First it was all men suck. Then it was men can be part of the #MeToo movement too! Now she is consciously self-coupled.

    When will she have 342 babies with Brad Pitt and man what a cash crop for knee pads magazine.

    Boo hoo...

  17. Bingo Aquagirl, it's just men who can't get laid so they're bitter loosers, they know it so they deflect, project and slut shame. It's weak and obvious. I don't read their comments and think, "yeah, what's wrong with her!". I think wtf is wrong with the commenter and I feel sorry for him because we ALL KNOW he's not getting any. A confident guy who's getting laid doesn't need to say all that nasty shit.

  18. Emma probably had a philandering father. Most people just copy their parents ...It is her choices.

  19. Maybe she's a boring lay.

  20. She needs a married fat guy twice her age who will welcome her as a bit o' crumpet on the side. That would definitely be best for her.

  21. Its Leave me alone sir, not leave me, oh wait. Poor Hermione.

  22. Tom Felton is cheating on her???

  23. @Aquagirl

    If you run into a wall face-first over and over again, the problem isn't the wall's hardness. Fix the broken compass first so you can avoid it altogether.


    Guys who frequently get laid are by far the most misogynist. They don't even bother to hide behind the mask of internet anonymity to voice their distaste either. Hang out with them in the absence of women and you'll find more than enough evidence to verify my claim.

  24. the strongest women I know are the exact opposite of feminists, like my grandmother. Strong AF, would wipe the floor with any of you.

    These Neo feminists, with their purple hair and tattoo sleeves, on the other hand, dissolve puddles of tears and self pity, without a green juice bar, wifi, and constant ego stroking.

    Oh yeah, I'm a woman. Not feminists. And I can take you on, all of you whiney cry babies.
