Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 27, 2019

After all those stories and blinds about her husband cheating and even with photos and audio, this east coast Housewife always denied it until now, when it served her own purposes and ensured she keeps that really big paycheck that none of her co-stars gets.

Teresa Guidice/Joe Guidice


  1. She needs to lay off the fillers. She's starting to look like Jackie Stallone.

  2. can they all please go to italy and stay there

    1. What has Italy ever done to you !

  3. I think she denied it years ago because that's what married Italian Catholic broads do.

    I think she got her first taste of not relying on a man for the past few years and making her own bank, and that's what prompted her new tune.

    We shall see. I don't think the kids want her to get divorced.

  4. The real question is, why does low-brow Teresa get the "really big paycheck that none of her co-stars get." I don't watch the show, but I can't imagine that she is the biggest "star." Is she, though?

  5. No one cares. They both just got out of prison. Wasting blinds, time and effort on these pillars of society.

  6. Its going to continue to be a storyline. Shehas job security. Shes an idiot but clearly has good advisors.
