Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 14, 2019

Some other cast members who rely on conventions and signings to make a living are not thrilled that the foreign born A- list mostly movie actor trashed the franchise that made him a star.

Robert Pattinson/Twilight


  1. When you think you're better than the hand that feeds you, just remember Katherine Heigl !

  2. R-Pat is going to be Oscar nominated this year. Didn't some people think this was K-Stew? She trashes it too. Most of their fans have aged with them. and their tastes have changed as well. Otherwise there would be a Twilight-verse, if not in movies, than on TV.

  3. Senior Blonde - He only has good things to say about Harry Potter, so think it's the sex symbol bit he uncomfortable with.

  4. The truth is the truth

  5. KSkank sh*ts on it constantly too, hell she did while they were filming the 1st one.

  6. He's an actor trying to wrap his mind around a roll. He is now taking roles that are the polar opposite of Edward Cullen. I can see where he is coming from, I do not necessarily call it bashing. Did he say he regrets taking the role?

  7. At least he showers occasionally now

  8. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Who cares? Gossip doesn't matter.
    Find our missing persons.
    Tens of thousands disappear in the US. Enough is enough

  9. He's not wrong though is he? those movies sucked.
