Friday, November 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 4, 2019

This former Olympic athlete turned reality star turned celebrity is headed to a new reality show with the understanding they will spill about a certain family. Not going to happen. Oh, the reality star will do the show but will collect the check and then not utter a peep.

Caitlyn Jenner/I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!/The Kardashians


  1. Caitlyn probably has an NDA since the family wants nothing to do with her anymore. So good luck in getting whatever info anyone thinks is interesting about these whores.

  2. I'm male genitalia... get me out of here!

  3. Caitlyn will probably only spill tea like so-and-so is a slob, and funny childhood stories about the girls. And those brain dead fans will be enthralled.

  4. I truly hope Caitlyn is happier now than when she was Bruce, because she's become such a spectacle. I hope it's worth it.

  5. you know your future is dim right after you have to agree to be on a show called 'im a celebrity get me out of here"

  6. Sad sack of a human being

  7. cairlyn said so many horrible things about his own family, withhout taking any accountability so he could play the victim card. I know Kris is the devil but so is Bruce. He dumped his first three kids when he moved to California AND he would only see his son's occasionally while refusing to see the youngest, his daughter because he was pissed his first wife didn't abort her-so he took his anger out on a little girl. He paid support but refused any contact with her for many years. He then went on to blow off the kids from the second wife as well. All of this is somehow the fault of Kris and the other see Caitlyn had a wee problem with her sexualityand she was, "confused" so she's absolved from responsibility in her mind. She's a disgusting human being.

  8. @Slim, And a killer behind the wheel apparently. Has anyone here ever pushed another car into oncoming traffic?

  9. Until Kaitlyn get's her penis removed, or at least, stops looking and sounding like a man in drag, I refuse to call him a her. So he's still Bruce as far as I'm concerned.

  10. Unless Bruce gets a monthly period like all real women do, he is still a man wearing dresses.

  11. He's still Bruce and he's still - and always - will remain a piece of shit. Fuck that guy, I don't know why anyone wants to give him air time other than to show what a spectacle he is.

  12. I think s/he will be the first celebrity to participate as both a man AND a woman! And I wonder if she will talk about how different it is this time.
