Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 1, 2019

This foreign born athlete who sexually assaults women when he cheats on his significant other should be barred from going o other countries because of it and what happened today, but somehow he keeps getting those work visas.

Conor McGregor


  1. That's easy to figure out, most countries don't give a sh!t about women or their rights.

  2. Conor McGregor i hope they kill all your clones

  3. Sure twas only a bit o' craic, to be sure, begorrah and all and all.

    De hussies had it comin' what wit dem keeping saying dose things I didn't want to hear like, "No! stop, please!" and "Help! Help!".0

  4. Probably has to post a bond. Gotta figure it is the same for the NFL when games are played in London or Toronto.
