Friday, November 29, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #16 - Anniversary Month

May 12, 2016

If you would like to see your hard earned money being used to fund the shopping, eating and drug habits of this former A list singer in a group and solo, then by all means, go ahead and give some money to his foundation. wherever he goes, this celebrity talks about the foundation and it does have noble goals. The thing is though, the goals are never going to happen. He just figured out a way for the public to finance his lifestyle because he has already burned through a ton of the money he inherited. He has yet to even provide any documentation that the foundation was properly set up but he is out there taking in money hand over fist. It is appalling. It is even more appalling when you consider who he is exploiting.

Bobby Brown


  1. Shame, the 'Don't be cruel' album is my childhood. Only brings back happy memories.

  2. Just wait until Uncle Sam wants to see the receipts

  3. He’s not the only person around who sets up a charitable foundation to pay for himself.


  4. When I want to really help people, I immediately think of Bobby Brown as the guy to responsibly make good things happen.

  5. Oh did he now?
    Well two can play that game.

  6. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Don't trust any celebrity Foundation.

  7. Gee, this could be the Sussex Foundation. MeGain and Harry got Sarah Latham to set it up just like The Clinton Foundation so it may not be as obvious at first that it’s a scam.
