Monday, November 18, 2019

Blind Item #9

The foreign born singer isn't going anywhere. He hates the A+ lister. The thing is though, the A list doughnut licker has left before and is perfectly willing to leave again, which has the manager trying to calm things down. 


  1. Ed Sheeran/Taylor/Ariana grande?

  2. Bieber and Taylor swift and Grande


  4. Beiber hates Swift. Grande and Scooter for the other 2.

  5. Can't her daddy fix it like he's fixed her whole career?

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I think its Bieber, Taylor and Grande and Scooter too but why does Bieber hate Swift?

    1. She's been hating on him for years...Not hard to see why he doesn't like her.


  8. @Unknown, Probably because she gets more chicks than he does.

    1. I thought he wasn't into chicks... that's he married in the first place !

    2. You have much to much reality TV perhaps..I would be ashamed to admit I didnt know the difference between the farce of a reality show and real life..perhaps I should start in with you on have American's percieved Indian people..let's just say call centers and scams are the hot topic of the day

    3. Go Back & read again I said I know the difference....Scammer Bosses are sitting in USA, just so YOU know !

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. He doesn't like Taylor Swift (presumably) because she is a pious anti-drug person and routinely told Selena to ditch his ass.


    That said, I still believe Taylor had a drug problem before she disappeared from public life and gained 20 lbs. Congrats to her if she beat it.

  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Foreign born singer: Bieber
    A+ lister: Taylor Swift
    A list doughnut licker: Ariana Grande
    Manager: Scooter Braun

    YAAAAAS, Ari! GTFO of there!

  12. Well, at least she can now perform her songs at the AMA. Live performances, even after they are taped and aired, are still considered live performances, and apparently that is the determination they were waiting on.

  13. Just to clarify, Ariana gets called "donut licker" for that thing with the donuts and not for tossing salads right?

  14. Okay. Let me get this straight;

    Bieber hates Taylor Swift and will stay with Scooter.

    Ariana is willing to ditch Scooter Braun. Awesome. She will find a better one.


    Donut licker? How very mature of you. *sarcasm*

    @Indi Yes, Enty keeps on changing his sexual orientation all the time. First all groupies, then men, then allegendly sex with Usher, then hookers and on and on.

    1. The fact is that Enty always whine and bitch about celebs getting drunk or using drugs while he can not get enough of free booze and bragging that he is utterly drunk. Such a moral example. *sarcasm*

    2. Mindflayer she literally licked some donuts. it's not a secret. it's a thing that happened. she's even made fun of herself for it a couple of times, i think (SNL monologue maybe?)

    3. Yes, I know. I have seen the news and all back then. And yes. She did made fun of herself a lot of times. And yes it was at SNL. Pretty funny.

      I just had enough of keep on hearing this and brought up by someone who is thinking he is such a moral compass.

  15. Ariana makes a lot more sense if you think of her as an evil person. It's a fun game you can play with anyone, imagine they're evil and see how well their behavior matches up with being a bad person.

    1. Is not it good that she may leave Scooter or is this just a bit of misunderstanding here?

  16. For the record,Ariana literally licked a donut, put it back,and it was caught on a servailance tape. Ok?

  17. There can only be one Donut Licker.
    She should develop a specialty alcoholic beverage called Donut Licker.

  18. Enty posted a blind a few years back stating that Taylor would always check Selenas belongings for drugs before they went anywhere together, or something like that. So I can believe the theories that Bieber hates Taylor cause she tells Selena to stay away from cause of drugs. Plus Taylor most likely refused to do any publicity stunts with Bieber and Selena because of his bad reputation

  19. Cat lady was probably too shy to ask for that tuna! Hell, selenas done every one at hillsong with biebs blessing, guess tay tay dodged one there

  20. @Mindflayer, At least Enty will call out people on their bad behavior. Is that worse than being pristine and silent?

  21. @Mindflayer: you do realize that all of the suggestions about JB’s sexuality are not mutually-exclusive, right? I definitely believe he was groomed by Usher, was probably passed around to other men as well, and has potentially slept with groupies and hookers as well as girlfriends/wife. Any issues that he currently has having sex with Hailey or whoever else might be in his life, is due to his drug abuse.

    As far as AG, she will always be the Donut Licker and we can discuss it as often as we want. As far as I can tell, this is the first time you’ve posted here, so if you’re ‘sick of hearing it’, this is probably not the place for you.

    And leave @Brayson alone.

    As per the blind: I hope that AG leaves Scooter, because Demi is probably going to OD and Justin might as well, so it looks like Scooter’s roster is potentially circling the drain. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

    1. Huh, first time? I have been here for a very very very long time already.

      Yes, I went on a bit of a break and have not post here for awhile, but new? No.

  22. Re: Taylor, I don’t feel bad for her at all. She’s had years (and her daddy) to try to figure out a way to buy her music back. She could’ve created her own company and gotten investors. But instead she wasted her time being in fake relationships (Hi Tom, Hi Harry, Hi Jake) and whining. I don’t ❤️ TS, but Scooter is a total prick.

  23. agree w/ Aquagirl - Bieber could have been victimized by men and remain heterosexual in his personal preferences, it's not mutually exclusive.

  24. Scooter has all the homo deets on the biebs and usher. Justin will never cross him just like hillsong

  25. That was pretty frigging devious of Braun to buy her catalog. Why didn't she buy it though?



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