Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Blind Item #9

Why yes, that was this former A- list mostly television actress from multiple hit network shows doing lines of coke off the hood of a car in a parking lot this past weekend.


  1. Geeze. This one's off the rails.

  2. Were these very long lines or was she being bent over the hood at the time? Otherwise car hood seems kind of excessive.

  3. Hood of a car....I hope it was some fancy car !
    At least washed and clean ;

  4. Was it a pedal car? Isn't she only 3ft 6?

    1. Does that make her a Pedal Phile too ?!

  5. Like the Whitesnake video but not?

  6. Kirstie Alley or Marion Ross.

  7. It's a shame about Hayden, I find her very compelling on screen and loooove watching her, as (clearly) does everyone else or she wouldn't have headlined multiple hit shows. I've even seen child Hayden on old episodes of Law & Order, and she was great in those too.

    I love watching her EMOTE, she's really a great actress and I really enjoyed Nashville plus the music on that show was really good. The Scarlett character was annoying AF though, would unfriend her for sure.

    I seriously doubt Hayden will ever get it together. She will probably be like Katie Price or Jenna Jameson, Bridgette Nielson - they go through phases where it looks like everything is going to be okay followed by a big disastrous period where everyone averts their eyes.

    For everyone who says "oh I hope she'll get better" for all the Lindsay & Haydens & Courtneys out there - remember these are very damaged people surrounded by parasitic hangers-on and anyone who would have intervened has already come and gone.

    1. Aint no curing crazy, Hunter.

      I got an 8ball for H-pants anytime she is in the NYC/NJ/Philly area, she just has to role play as the teen sugarbaby from her 2nd RapeTV appearance.

  8. Hear hear Hunter.
    You're more likely to be killed by your entourages neglect, or incompetence, than any stalker (looking at you Britney).

  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Isn't she a parent? Why aren't you reporting this to the proper services?

    1. Google can catch you up on these issues since your new

  10. @Daryl, She doesn't have custody.

  11. Not a logic place to toot lines ...her car must be immaculate..

  12. Like this blind its snappy. Kudos

  13. hit mess Hayden , coke bloat on shorties is not attractive!!

  14. I thought she was pregnant?

  15. H-pants was a really hot preggo, as most tiny hotties are.

  16. It must have been a very still night...

  17. This is what child’s sexual abuse causes. Lives are ruined forever.
    Remember that as we read about Gov Bill Richardson and Senator George Mitchell.
    The Bogey man can present with the biggest smile
    Dig up that Haiti politician who accused Bill Richardson on trying to bribe him after theHaitian disaster that somehow the crooked Clinton Foundation took over the donations for
    Then Lauren Silsby arrest trying g to steal kids out - why did Clinton have to fly in to get her out

  18. @Veritas: "crooked Clinton Foundation?" Baloney. It's A rated. You must mean Comrade Trump's COMPLETE SCAM the Trump Foundation, which he just had to pay $2 million to settle. Read the NY Attorney General's criminal complaint against Trump, Kremlin Barbie, Jr. and Eric. Total corruption on a massive scale plus ripping off vets in 2016 when he was running for President.
