Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

Two stories about this actress who plays a character in a current successful franchise that will soon have her own film.  She was married at one time to an actor who played two different comic book characters.

1.) At a promotional event not too long, the audience had a large number of Asians in it. Later, the actress who thought she was alone with her PA pulled her eyes sideways and made a stereotypical accent.  Several event crew personnel witnessed this.

2.) A few years ago, the actress was in a film about a person who acquires superhuman gifts.  The actress had bragged in the past about her scores on a certain exam so as part of the promotional efforts for this film, she took an IQ test. Her score was in the lower intelligence/below normal range.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Scarlet Johansson/Ryan Reynolds for ex

  2. Scarjo and Ryan Reynolds

  3. I wouldn't have known otherwise Scarjo is fucking stupid😰

  4. Well part 2 explained the foolishness in part 1 !

  5. Another reason why Scarlett Johansson is THE WORSR

  6. I seem to remember hearing about both stories.

  7. She is a horrible actress, a wooden mannequin would be better. Probably would have a made a good model.

  8. You know what's gross? Pete Davidson. He's like, this generation's Adam Duritz.

  9. Ugh she’s from NY as well(hate knowing that)... upstate originally(know the small town it’s Suffern I think)- Raised in NYC. Pseudo Intellectual. She almost ruined Match Point which was saved by John Rhys Meyers(love that film though it’s kind of unspectacular) as far as Writing/directing. Also ruined Lost in Translation. She is no femme fatale,sorry

  10. Scarlett honestly might be the dumbest woman in Hollywood, & knowing Hollywood...that’s Really saying something.

  11. I bet #1 was a promo event for Ghost in the Shell. Originally an anime

  12. Unpopular opinion, but I like Collin Jost, so hopefully he see's how fake she is and dumps her. I can't imagine wanting to go into my first marriage with someone who's been divorced twice and is as dense as her! Guess men are blinded by the big tits and lips though!

    1. A friend mentioned to me a few years ago how Collin Jost looks like a human Mike Wizowski and I can’t unsee it

  13. @notthis, That would certainly add fuel to the whitewashing fire around that movie.

  14. @AList, He wouldn't be the first guy to settle for Harvey's sloppy seconds, just ask Pitt, Reynolds, etc.

  15. Years ago when ScarJo was first getting notice, I was discussing with friends. I said that she just didn't look all that bright, and could never shut her mouth all the way. (Like Anna Kendrick- CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, although I do think she's bright) I was assured that in addition to being "insanely hot" she was very bright and would be a big star some day.

    Guess I should look up those friends and say "Not so much."

  16. @Gen, WTF is approbriation? Did you not want to appropriate a spellchecker?😅

  17. I don’t understand why she’s as big as is....hideous acting ability.

  18. She has the female equivalent of Ben Affleck’s hideous back tattoo.

  19. She's just released a heartfelt apology:
    "I wish to apologise to all my fans in Asia who I may have offended with my 'slitty eyes' gesture.
    I am velly solly and realise how wong I've been."

  20. @Brayson.

    The act of disapproving of 'cultural appropriation'? 'Cultural appropriation' is a ridiculous, whiny and bogus concept in itself, so why not.

  21. I just saw an interview with scarjo that was 30 minutes long and it was painful. I had a friend who spent some time with Celine dion and said she was very dim.

    1. If you ever come back to the comments please link us/me to the interview as I would like to watch a dimwitted person pull off a smart person.

      I'm not joking about linking me to it either.

  22. Genz99 is appropriating White Computing.

    It's Turing/Newton/White Europeans all the way, so stop your appropriating now

  23. She plays the dumbest alien evah in Under the Skin. She has the greatest alien rack evah in Under the Skin. Under the Skin. Alien tits.
    (BTW, who in their right mind would think that tits are paid to be smart? Only genius Jayne Mansfield was smart enough to play dumbth)

  24. You know it's not a good sign when the first sentence of an article is, "It’s not a good day to be Scarlett Johansson’s publicist."

  25. Sounds like the second part is about Lucy, which is BS in itself because humans already use 100% of our brains so as a scifi premise, that whole "unlocing 100% of the brain's capabilities and gaining powers" was dumb. Decent movie, though.

    1. I seriously question the notion that "humans already use 100% of their brains," based on this site alone.

      ScarHo reveals herself making attention grasping comments such as saying she doesn't believe in monogamy. Of course idiots are going to drool all over themselves for that, so I call disingenuous on that BS.

  26. Ha! Match Point was the first thing I thought of. Her acting was cringeworthy at times.

  27. ScarJo is also unattractive, she bugs the hell out of me.

  28. I heard she's a man and so are most of the A list celebrity women.

  29. 3 words on Scar Jo’s insane popularity . DSL - d*ck sucking lips.

  30. Uh oh, Gen is triggered again.
    We all know Scar-Jo sucks. Calm down.

  31. Everything about this blind and the comments make me laugh.

    But, yes Scarjo always seemed more a model material vs. actress to me. Pretty, but, very wooden. I have not seen one performance of hers that was memorable.

  32. Hi Tricia13! You are so beautiful!

  33. Scarlett is very good in JoJo Rabbit, she is actually delightful in it. I also enjoyed her in Ghost World.

    I had to walk out of Marriage Story at the one hour mark because i found it so forced, and also I find Adam Driver's weird looks and plodding "acting" very distracting. She wasn't the problem in it for me.

    *shrug* I like her as an actress.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. And JFC at the "I knew she's a racist just from looking at her, just by seeing her whiteness you knew she was a bigot!"

    That from the biggest fucking racist on here. Your posts just get stupider every time.

    Bearing in mind that this is the site that openly admits not everything on it is true.

  36. Playing "Lucy" I was not convinced she could 5% of her brain.

  37. ScarJo is vile. I remember her bragging about her IQ also. No wonder she supports perv Woody.

  38. @Hotbox: Thanks for mentioning the tattoos so that I didn’t have to. So gross.

  39. @Gen-z99 I read that she is close to Samuel Jackson.

  40. @Yaccub don't forget her tits.

  41. I'm only one found the time of the blind item odd

  42. Scarjo climbed the movie ladder on those "big for an actress"saggy udders. But her annoying speech impediment of hers just never seems to go away. Imagine the gross favors she did for that slimy pedo clarinet know who. He may not have liked her slant eye comment since he enjoys underaged Asians.

  43. Well the comments are quite the character assasintion pile-on. Y’all must love yourselves some public hangings. No one is so stupid as number one. No one. Enty has it in for this woman. The blinds are often made up. No critical thinking skills at all. And all you righteous pedo haters can’t even figure out that she has been in the business since she was a kid. What do you think she’s seen or experienced? Yet she survived it so she’s got something going on. Finally she is half Jewish and half Danish, two of the most liberal progressive cultures in the world. STFU

  44. After the big PR push supporting Super Pedo and Epstein frequent flyer it told me all I need to know about her
    She will never carry her own film
    Put her with Streep as far as nosedive in like ability factor
    I will not watch anything with them in it- they support rapists and pedophiles
    Who does that
    You know the answer

  45. She’s a Wood Allen apologist and one of his muses, so yeah, they both suck.

  46. She's entitled to her opinion, just as you are all entitled to your tantrums. But she is a talented actress.

    And she doesn't have a speech impediment.

    JL, +10000

  47. Scarjo is so bland. Not a good actress and not even very attractive. Pretty much your average empty vessal.
