Friday, November 22, 2019

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

I attended a Horror convention located in the Midwest about five years ago where they were hosting multiple current and older stars of the genre. On the last day when everyone was packing up to leave, I happened to walk past a table with this female star of a classic 70's horror film who hasn't done anything near the same level since but will always be remembered for it.  I knew she was done so I just took a step towards her to mention I loved her in a recent TV episode of the same genre. The second she saw me her arm went straight out and she put her hand in my face while looking the other direction. Almost immediately her smarmy handler appeared and started physically pushing me away while informing me that Miss _ was not seeing anyone else today. I tried to explain I understood that and was just passing by but the handler kept smiling condescendingly and pushing me down the aisle.

This was doubly insulting to me since I had just complimented a very nice actress in the next aisle over. The nice actress is mostly known for being in several films by the same horror director based on books by a turn of the century author. She was quite gracious.


  1. 1)Shelley Duvall-The Shining?

    1. Beam Stroker turn of century author?

  2. Linda Blair for the first one?

  3. Shelly Duvall has been out of public since the early 2000s - possibly due to mental illness. Her family was on Dr. Phil a few years back - accused of exploitation I think...

  4. I was thinking Marilyn Burns from Texas Chainsaw Massacre but she didn't do any horror TV.
    Turn of the century horror author, though- Lovecraft? Has anyone several films based on his work? I can't think of any other horror writer of that era that did more than one well-known horror story (Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker...?)

  5. Has anyone *done* several films based on Lovecraft's work. Sorry about that.

    1. There have been films based on Lovecraft's work (not a single one did him justice) but I don't think they had anything in common. Could be wrong, it's been a while.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Stuart Gordon. Re Animator, From Beyond, Castle Freak and Dagon as well as an episode of Masters of Horror entitled Dreams In The Witchhouse

    3. Thanks, Melvin! The only one that I remember is Re-Animator. Saw it many years before I ever heard of Lovecraft, and when I read the story I was appalled! They really did HP dirty. That movie was SHIT.

  6. wow Actors can be dicks, and water is wet.

  7. Neve Campbell for the second one?

  8. Linda Blair
    I have no idea for #2

  9. Barbara Crampton for the second actress

  10. Getting an Adrienne Barbeau vibe for the first actress.

  11. Karen Black, Trilogy of Terror for the first one.

    1. She's been dead for several years.

  12. Sounds like a nobody who thinks she’s a somebody. Probably pissed outside of cons she’s just another old lady to the world. Boohoo, grandma

  13. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Second actress is definitely Barbara Crampton, who made many HP Lovecraft adaptations with Stuart Gordon and who I,have met multiple times and can confirm is a sweetheart.

  14. Heather Langencamp. Tv show: American horror story

    No clue on the 2nd ...

  15. Lovecraft was not a "turn of the century author." He was born in 1890, and his first published stories weren't written until after the first world war. The stories for which he is best known were written in the 1920s and 1930s.

  16. I was thinking Adrienne Barbeau, but also tossed P.J. Soules around.
    Not literally, of course.

  17. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Adrienne Barbeau did do Revenge around that time. Only TV I can make fit, but not exactly same genre. Unless Reader was mentioning Linda Blair's episode of Supernatural that aired in 2006 to her?

  18. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I am racking my brain for all the big 70s scream gals. Lynn Lowry, Karen Black, Linda Blair, Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis, Camille Keaton. PJ Soles, Nancy Loomis, Marilyn Burns. None of them work perfectly.

  19. I'm waiting for a decent adaptation of "the king in yellow".

  20. No idea on rude actress. but I bet the nice one was Shawnee Smith from the Saw movies. She was on Becker too.

  21. I’d be surprised if this was Adrienne Barbeau. My husband and I interacted with her at a Con in Chicago a few years ago and she was the nicest, friendliest lady ever. My husband took a picture with her and afterwards we chatted for about 5 minutes about completely random stuff. Of course, everyone does have bad days, so maybe it could be her, but I hope not.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Same. Met her too, and she's a,sweetheart. But maybe she was just tired?

  22. @LowKey.

    Id love to see a decent budget movie of Beyond the Mountains of Madness or even better,

  23. ...the Shadow over Innsmouth.

    Shit, I clicked too early there.

    1. Anonymous12:24 AM

      At the mountains of madness

  24. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Three possible choices:

    Carolyn Munro (who played Evil Priestess in the Midsommar Murders around that time)

    Linda Miller (who was in Alice Sweet Alice and did the infamous Too Many Cooks,released that year)


    Eileen Dietz, who was the evil face of Pazuzu in The Exorcist and was in something called Paranormal Detective Society around then. She also does a lot of con stuff, too, I think

  25. @Vic

    Saw this.
    LOVECRAFT Cinematic Horror Universe In The Works!

    Not my thing but might be of interest.

  26. Jamie Lee Curtis, Halloween?

  27. Not Adrienne. She is extremely gracious as others have said. Even tired, she wouldn't be that way.

  28. Bram Stoker is my many greats uncle @trisha13

  29. @Tricia13 Bram Stoker is my many greats Uncle!

  30. "female star of a classic 70's horror film who hasn't done anything near the same level since" - Sissy Spacek? Although she's definitely been busy.

  31. I don't think that Barbara Crompton fits but I must comment that that crazy bitch she played on Y&R was one of my all time favorites.

    BTW Color out of space is coming out and it looks pretty good from the trailer.
