Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Blind Item #8

As much as this momager would love for the one named north of the border A+ lister to be interested in her daughter, it isn't going to happen, no matter how much she leaks to the press otherwise. The momager has visions of being his manager and 10%, but nope. He sees what happened to the former A+ lister and the dead careers of half a dozen others that got swallowed in that black hole.


  1. Kylie isn't 13 so that's all smoke...

  2. Proud of you Drake...finally a sensible man in Hollywood !
    In your face Momanager !!!!

  3. PMK should hook up one of her whores with Justin Trudeau.

  4. @Indie, calm down! Drake isn't interested because Kylie is not underaged.

    1. PMK is that you.... either way, In your face Momanager !

  5. The first date would be a tutorial on how to apply black face make up :)

  6. +1 Everyone who said that Kylie was way too old for Drake.

  7. Kris can wait a couple of years and hook up a grandkid with Drake

  8. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Poor Kylie over the hill already. There's always Kendull though. She needs a new "romance" and Drake needs to draw attention away from the fact that he likes them young and likes to get there first.

  9. This is going to happen between the two of them anyway according to "Kneepads".

  10. Quit trying to make fetch happen, Kris! Drake's never gonna beard!

  11. Was PMK so traumatised by being rid bandy by OJ Simpson that in a twisted revenge she brought up her spawn to ensnare and destroy the careers of as many black men as possible?

  12. Black hole is no way to describe this momster's vagina
    No matter how accurate.

  13. Don't feel too bad for Kanye. The guy has 29,000,000 followers and the number is quickly growing.

  14. So is Drake gay or into underage girls? I can't keep up with this site.

    1. Live in the moment....take each day as it comes !

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I thought she made up fake romances just for kendall

  16. @Tricia13

    ... poor Kanye is having to go to Jesus and the tax benefits to keep the dollars floating. He married into the absolute worst trap. Four women who do absolutely NOTHING for a living and have zero clue what it is to actually create something and carry the burden of success or failure. All they do is play the push and pull game with the media. Intangible work (zero risk) makes money intangible... to them, spending it is like breathing air.

    Kanye puts his foot down about his kids. Kim turns around and shows the world who's boss. That has to SUCK!

  17. @Me, Bi Kanye prefers dudes, owes Jay-Z a ton of money, suffers from significant mental disorders and that's just a few of his problems.
    Ironically, Kanye probably does have 99 problems but a Kardashian b!tch ain't one 😅

  18. @Brayson

    Look at the company... Is Pete a gayer too?

  19. Kylie is too old for Drake.

    Kanye is just a fucking mess.

  20. @Sarton, According to the article, Kid Cudi and Pete were celebrating Cudi's birthday at Nobu when Chalamet showed up, then later Kanye and Kim K too. Unfortunately Pete had already put his card down, thinking it was just him and Cudi, but got stuck with everyone's bill. So yes from a certain point of view, Davidson did get screwed by a bunch of bi/closeted guys, but financially speaking.

    To be honest, when I saw the pic I assumed Pete was there to sell them drugs. Like Cudi, Kanye and Timmy came up empty and were like sh!t who's holding? Then someone said duh Davidson of course, text that grandef*cker!

  21. Another blind site said today that Kylie and Drake were working out a fake relationship agreement, mutually beneficial for both of their careers. Drake only wanted a 3 mo. agreement, Kylie wanted 1 yr.

  22. Selling drugs makes more sense, but the concentrated closeting made me wonder.

  23. @Studio BG says that, but you can't count on it because BG sucks. Think about it. Drake definitely does not need a KJen to benefit his career.

  24. @Brayson87

    If Kanye is bisexual or not is really not an issue outside of his household. All I have to say is two names and I'll make my case.

    Lamar Odom
    Bruce Jenner

    One resorted to cocaine to maintain his sanity and the other became a cross dressing ex-olympic decathlon winner who once graced the cover of a box of Wheaties.

    One thing you have to give Kanye... he's hung in there. I guess Jesus is more profitable than a drug habit.

    I would have bolted after the first family visit.

  25. @Me, Haha your comment makes me think of a Kardashian Get Out movie with Lamar freaking out at the garden party and Caitlyn taking her wig off inside the room. 😂

  26. The kartrashians and their cursed coochies!!! bruce jenner ended up becoming a woman, Kanye lost his marbles, lamar odom is a crackhead, scott disick a drunk, should I keep on going? Drake knows whats up. LOL

  27. Happy that Tristan escaped 😂 recalling pics of 1st Christmas he spent w Khloe after only dating a few months.his mom was there, too. Khloe gave him a $50,000 watch. His mom looked appropriately horrified.
