Saturday, November 16, 2019

Blind Item #4

Apparently this C+ list celebrity offspring is being allowed to join the club, simply because of one of the parental units and the publicity that brings. The significant other of the C+ lister was totally against the idea which seems to be a common theme in the membership of the club.


  1. Lol... bring on the John Gacys of 2050!

  2. Brandon Jenner? I know he has a daughter with his ex but not sure she is dressing like a boy etc...”The club” I think this refers too

  3. No clue but Eva Amurri just separated. Mom is Susan Sarandon. Not sure related

  4. Oh God, not the club again ;) Those moms are just weird.

  5. Stand with Heather Swanson


  7. Think this is disturbing. high schoolers can decide . some of these moms are pushing it onto their lil ones and am so glad the judge gave the father the right to intervene.

  8. This is disgusting and sickening
    They should be locked up in a mental ward, they are suppose to be parents first

  9. So society has decided that 15, 16 year olds can decide what gender they are?

    An age where I couldn't decide what type of jeans I preferred.

    If that's the case then prepare for our new Chinese/Russian/lslamic (delete where appropriate, but it'll be one of those three) overlords within the next few decades.

  10. Vic I think we've moved on to gender-swapping toddlers who just coincidentally have desperate-for-attention mothers.

  11. @Flashy Vic,I think they can at that age,but the kids here are around 4 to 8, which means the parents may start medically treating them with hormone blockers and later hormones,a lot more serious than just letting them pick out clothes,etc.

  12. Charlize seems to thrive on parading her son around in girls' clothes. I hope he will be able to decide what he wants to do, rather than her doing it for him.

    1. She said it was he who told her i am a girl! Im a girl! Having a transgender child in my family this is how it goes down. They KNOW who they are supposed to be. I highly doubt there is any club. Having a transgender child is nothing to be ashamed of, but it isnt something you wld choose because its a tough life. People are not always as nice as they could or should be.

  13. But still,the way this blind series is presented,it brings out the worst in people. We don't really know what the child went through,or what other course the families have taken. I hope this isn't just for celebrities to show how "woke" they are and making decisions for a child going through a phase of just being a butch girl or feminine boy. Why are they so set on gender stereotypes in the first place? I thought it was "Born this Way"?

  14. @J seriously, so many serial killers were dressed as girls when they were young. #notall become serial killers, but there is a correlation that is stronger than chance.

    I also know some women who were kids in the 70s and their feminist mothers dressed them like boys with short hair and no make up, they are salty about it to this day.

    I asked them why they didnt rebel, they said they did behind closed doors but would just get punished for it and had to put on a good face to the outside world

  15. Maybe the parents and doctors have Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

  16. >>so many serial killers were dressed as girls when they were young. #notall become serial killers, but there is a correlation that is stronger than chance.


  17. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Wake me when you can just declare yourself thin. That's what I'm waiting for.

  18. Nah, "they" just decide "morbidly obese is attractive".

  19. Remember the good old days, when celebs were trying to get papped w/ Starbucks cups? Then it was off white adoptees so the most obscure country you could find. Now, trans kids are the fashionable accessory. Where can it go from here, custom amputee children? Miscarriages in jars?

    1. Their aborted babies made into purses, medallions and belt buckles. Or, maybe aborted baby skin shoes.
      Who the fuck knows what these bored, rich degenerates will get up to next?
      I find everything they do to be deplorable.

      Whoever said the Jenner offspring is probably right, I dunno anymore.

  20. Liberal mob think gone totally haywire

  21. Count - Won't be long before 'normal children' become oddball fashionable accessories.

  22. Once a child reaches age 18, they can choose whatever sexuality or gender they want. People's brains really do not full mature until their mid-20's.

    As for the parents who want to change the genders of their young children, they should lose their parental rights at least until they go through extensive therapy. It speaks more about their mental health or lack thereof than anything. Seriously, people want to chop off the penises of pre-adolescent children? WTF

  23. Cmon Enty. The club doesn’t exist.

  24. If this was a red state, child protective services would be invoked.

  25. Technically the brain isn't done maturing until 25 -- a good time for experimentation is between 18 and 25. I had a couple of male friends who weren't sure if they were gay, and during that age range they slept with both men and women, then decided they were gay. Same with gender stuff. It's one thing to experiment by dressing up, but they're giving them hormones and cutting them off from being able to choose what they want in their early 20s.

  26. What’s amazing to me is the severity of the cross-dressing. Charlize’s son is often dressed in tutu’s, and Naomi’s son has very feminine clothes and hair and is quite over-accessorized. Idk any girls their age who dress in such an over-the-top manner on a daily basis.

  27. i don't believe for a second the "club" exists. at most it seems to be a way of furthering hatred towards the transgender community by scaring people with myths about the "transing" of kids when, at most, what we have here is some celebrities with kids who are gender nonconforming, which can mean a broad spectrum of things, from "i'm a boy who likes to play with barbies" to "i think i was born in the wrong gender body". if there seems to be a rise in transgender people it's not because it's "trendy" it's because it's gradually becoming more accepted. the arguments against it are all the same arguments and scare tactics that were used against the gay community from the 50s through to the 80s (where they were mostly replaced with AIDs-based fearmongering). but as is typical, if you look at where the funding for these arguments come from, it is the U.S. evangelical-right. they've just cottoned on that gay people are probably here to stay so they've moved on to a new "enemy". and the breadth of people who are falling for such shameless propaganda is staggering. though, with the kind of comments i see on here, i'm not surprised to see it on this site.

  28. Pink. Son dresses as a girl, she's c+ compare to the other's.

  29. Pink! Son Dresses in girls clothes! (Allegedly)

  30. Replies
    1. Oh, hadn't thought about her, Hudson is a good guess.

      Also, no one is "hating on trans people "

      I'm extremely empathetic to people who are mentally ill with a suicide rate that hovers around 42%. I find it incredibly sad what these doctors do to people genuinely suffering from mental illnesses for profit, esp since the suicide rate doesn't go down post surgery.
      The whole thing is just a horrible mess.

  31. Why is Scarlett always on the bottom of the list? Does she have a secret child? Was Scarlett born a born? I thought the club was for a-list actresses with a child assuming a new gender. So what is up with Scarlett?
