Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blind Item #3

The reunion tour that is wrapping up in the next few days was finally exposed for what it was. A money grab. None of the performers much care how they sound or what the production looks like because it has always been about the money. 


  1. The Guns n Roses tour ended November 2nd and it looks like it dragged on for 3 years. I can't believe GnR fans are still falling for this shit. By the way Axl looks like a middle aged lesbian who manages a local craft shop :)

  2. The Jonas Brothers?

    What's the over/under on days that Nick files for divorce from his wine-aunt Priyanka?

  3. @My Dog Smiles I can't stop laughing! You are SO right!!

  4. @my Dog Smiles, I nearly spat out my coffee! F*kin hilarious!

  5. @E and @A. Claire LOL

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    My guess would be Jonas Brothers. They can't possibly have as much money as Guns n Roses. They are still very young and have to set themselves up for life, especially considering they are marginally talented and not particularly good looking guys. They were lucky right place right time right gimmick boys. This is their last chance to really make some bank. There are no solo careers in music or acting on the horizon, maybe a minor hit or some minor roles but their time in the spotlight is going to be over sooner than later. Smart move to make bank. It's a shame they could not give their fans more, but I doubt they ever cared that much. They were a fluke and probably simply did not know how to handle fame.

  7. Show me one reunion tour that *isn't* a 'money-grab'.

  8. Speaking of better (imo) bands, I got tickets today to see the Pretenders with Journey. I've always wanted to see the Pretenders, they're one of the few bands left that I have yet to see, so I am excited!

  9. @MyDogSmiles...I am crying.

  10. Axl doesn't even slightly resemble his former self.

  11. Going with GnR as there was a reveal recently about how Axl, Slash, and Duff all wanted equal pay.

    I saw them in Seattle a few years ago with Alice In Chains opening. I thought it was a good show. Axl was on time (there were heavy fines in the contract), had multiple outfit changes (?), and rocked the hell out of his mom bob

  12. @Nope McNoperton LOL

  13. master p, no limit tour.

  14. All of them.
    Every reunion tour ever.

  15. You mean people are finally realizing that GnR sucks?

  16. @my Dog Smiles holy crap that's funny! He sings like he's being squeezed between someone's legs too hard.

  17. @MyDog, Hahaha I really did think Axl was a woman in those earlier videos.

  18. I was going to get tickets for that Journey concert, then I read about Jonathan Cain's wife. Hard pass.

  19. No Limit Records Reunion

  20. @Half Domer Homer and @Brayson87 LOL

  21. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Spice Girls?

  22. Didn't Axl love - & rock - standing in for the ill Brian Johnson on AC/DC's last tour.

    I heard from people who saw it in London that they were surprised how well he yelled with the band at short notice and how happy he looked to be there.

    That's right, I used the word 'happy' in relation to Axl Rose.

    This is the man who had the shite kicked out of him by Tommy Hilfiger. I'll repeat that, Tommy Hilfiger. He got his whine handed back to him by a handbag designer.

  23. 'Gelled' not 'yelled'. But seeing the context, I can forgive my dastardly autocorrect for once.

  24. Love you, Vic. Just generally, no biggie.

  25. Do Tell, I am so jealous! I LOVE The Pretenders! Only saw them once. It was the first tour they did after Martin Chambers cut his hand. I hope they come to Montreal, but they might not because bands have to pay a tax to play in Quebec.

  26. This isn't about the Jonas Brothers. Their tour ends in February 2020.
