Saturday, November 02, 2019

Blind Item #3 - Kindness - Reader Blind Item

These three vocalists from the same foreign country are in three different bands and are friends.  All three are tall, handsome, and well-dressed and associated with a certain movement in music.  Their heyday was several decades ago but they are still active now.

Vocalist #1 was in one of the biggest bands if not the biggest band for a time in the world.  This was largely due to their second album named after a city and the rise of this TV channel that showed something related to music.

Vocalist #2 was also in a popular band that had one monster hit globally and a number of other popular songs. They were also helped by this TV channel.  At one point, he sued someone else in his band in court but lost.  He is not currently active with the band that made him famous.

Vocalist #3 is slightly younger than the other two but of the same generation.  He is currently the only original member in the group he is part of.  Their most recent release was a sequel to their first record which had several big hits on it.

#2 and #3 have worked together musically on occasion.

During the decade they were most popular in, #1 and #2 took part in this famous charity recording and event.  Later they along with #3 played a music festival in this country which has taken in a lot of refugees.  While there, they attended a refugee charitable event and ended up giving away part of their fee for the festival to a program for refugees and since then have met up occasionally over the years behind the scenes to do charity work with UNHCR and other refugee groups. This has become a family event as well as they often bring along their partners and children too.

Due to the current political climate in that country, the three singers have stepped up their efforts and are organizing a big show for next year.     


  1. Simon Le Bon, Tony Hadley and Martin Fry

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    "Tall and handsome" ? When did you write this? 1960?
    Handsome is subjective.

    1. Having seen both TH and MF live there were plenty of women of a certain age wetter than a British Summer

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      A matter of opinion ... def not my type

    3. I concur DQ
      My sister was moister than an oyster.

  3. Yet they take no refugees and donate not their money.

  4. Tony Hadley .❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Yessssssss.
      And Simon. Always was a Simon girl

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Did you write this blind @Tricia13?

    3. Nope... but I love it:)

  5. Great blind, and lovely actions by these three fellows! Thanks for sharing, Reader!

  6. I always say that looks don't matter on a man, but come on Enty. Its a stretch to call these fellas "Handsome". LOL. Loved the music back in the day, but I don't have any love for these SJWs. They talk the talk but I don't see them welcoming any refugees into their multi million dollar mansions. Its all BS. If you guys travel to the UK as much as I do, and you are honest, you will admit that that country is under siege with political correctness, and its culture is being destroyed by ridiculous multiculturalism. There are more foreigners in London than English people now. Its FULL of grit and crime. Getting stabbed and having acid thrown on you is common there now. Never used to be that way years ago.


  7. We need more of these blinds given 90 percent of gossip these days is all faux relationships, pedophilia, sex trafficking, sexual harassment. Amen to the good Guys!

  8. @Politically, they did donate their money. Re-read the blind.

  9. Errr I couldn’t disagree with you more John Doe...

  10. I hope this guess is right. 80’s new wave is my favorite genre! Duran Duran was my first concert experience and I loved Spandau Ballet and ABC! Please let this be right.

  11. John Doe-it's ridiculous to say someone who's raised millions for chairity REALLY isn't charitable but a selfish git because they don't take refugees into their home. Wtf? Get some perspective man. I'll wager it's not even close to a standard you would hold yourself to yet you feel free to judge them. Get a life, seriously. Your comment is just pretentous drivel.

  12. The first one is Mark Knopfler. He wanted his MTV and got it. Trying to figure out the other two.

  13. Sorry, Dire Strait's second album isn't named after a city, but neither is Rio by Duran Duran. If you don't know that it's about the Rio Grande, you're not a real fan.
