Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Blind Item #2

This alliterate once upon a time A_ list mostly movie actress for a quick minute is so busy doing her thing that her offspring are being raised by hired help.


  1. I think the eldest was raised by her ex-husband in San Francisco. I think he owned or edited some newspaper there. I rarely see her out and about with them but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm tired of Jennifer Garner's kids being paraded aorund for the Paps before church every Sunday.

    1. Yes Phil something. I never saw her much having kids they seemed like more of an image enhancer when she garnered a reputation for being very -disagreeable (pitting it kindly)in the industry. Never once saw a photo of her and them tbat was organic or loving

    2. Just like your photos. Where were your last photos with them again? Oh yeah, Epstein Island...

  2. I don’t think this is stone, she was nominated for Oscar for casino and has an iconic role, The way it’s written it could be any alliterate actress.

    We got Renee Russo, Courtney, Cox, Paula Patton, Michelle Monaghan etc and on and on. This is too vague.

  3. At a huge push -Ginnifer Goodwin from tvs Once Upon a Time and Zootopia

  4. Okay, aren't most celeb offspring being raised by the help? And what is her thing that she's doing?

  5. Christ on a bike, psychic picture reading

  6. I don’t believe for one minute that Sharon stone is busy all of a sudden, too busy for her teenage sons that they need a nanny or whatever to raise them. The oldest is 19.

  7. Raised by hired help....sounds like everyone of those star kids !

  8. Based on my time in the entertainment industry, these kids are better off being raised by the help. They offer a semblance of normalcy & routine that their narcissistic, dysfunctional parents don’t provide.

  9. This is why I don't have kids.

    Raising children properly sounds like a real pain in the ass.
