Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Blind Item #2

If you only read the state run media channel for the reality family, you would have thought a recent public performance was the greatest show ever. You would have thought people were healed and the dead raised. It turns out that it was a disaster, but that won't stop the former A+ lost rapper from trying again to find new ways to take more of people's money. If he is so anti-money, why didn't he do the show at cost? Hmmmm.


  1. E!/ardashins /Kanye’s Opera

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. At the Hollywood Bowl

  2. Kanye's ‘Nebuchadnezzar’

  3. "Former A LOST rapper" haha

  4. Kanye the lost soul
    They will get rid of him soon

  5. Those looking to Kanye for spiritual guidance are the ones who are truly 'lost'.

  6. Dude needs ECT, the pills ain't working.

  7. that sound slike Yeezy and his porno wife

  8. Is Kanye doing an Ernest Ainsley type of healing? God I hope so. That was some fantastically funny stuff.

  9. Will selling miracle water be far behind?

  10. Anonymous9:43 AM

    TMZ and Kanye's church. It's only a matter of time before mentally ill Kanye tires of it. Then what? The Kardashian gypsies will probably eventually team with Jay-Z and off him when he's worth more dead than alive. A lot of accidents can happen out in the wilds of Wyoming.

  11. Kanye's opera. Did he ask Sophie Hunter for help? Isn't she the opera expert?

  12. He's so GAY. Who else likes opera?

    That it would be a bomb is par for the course from the KON man.
    Whatever happened to his clothing line and those weird pods on this lawn? And all that money from his shoes no one wears.(snark).

    He's messing with Almighty God now with this religion farce, and his overpriced junk merchandise, and no one getting healed and delivered...

    Yes, he needs to get back on his bi-polar meds and come back out of the closet.

  13. Kuntye & his stupid “opera.”

    It shouldn’t be long before he’s smacking people on the head & claiming to have “healed” them. I’d watch that, if he had the same hair do as that Bennyhanawhateverthefuckhisnaneis had.

    1. This dude:


  14. @Studio 54 I like opera. You haven't lived until you've sat thru the entire "Ring Cycle" at the Met!

    1. Nothing will top Pavarotti, for me. Best performance ever. ❤️

  15. I was talking to one of my aunts today (it was her bday.) She grew up on a farm and has always led a very healthy, simple life. She’s very kind, but isn’t necessarily up to date on many things. She was in a very talkative mood and suddenly started asking me about Kanye and his preaching and the opera, and Kim, and how could she possibly become a lawyer and how is she getting people out of jail, and on and on and on. And she went on to theorize that Trump only meets with Kim because of who her father was. I have no idea how she knows about any of this shit! After about 90 minutes, she said she had to go but asked if I could call her again soon because she loves talking to me. I mean, who is she going to talk about next time...Gaga? Meanwhile, my cousin (her daughter) called me and I told her about the conversation, and she was like WTF?! Very sad that even my aunt knows about Kanye’s services & Kim’s bullshit. But she said that she loved the card that I sent her and she taped it to her refrigerator, so not everything has changed 😉!

  16. Hey Aquagirl, that's really cool about your aunt.

    Kanye the Giant Jacka$$.

  17. Has KON been able to get insurance? He had not been able to find an insurer, or take the risk, since he had a mental breakdown on tour and had to cancel the whole thing, and then was admitted to a mental hospital...

  18. Aquagirl, her father did represent OJ so I'm not surprised that your aunt knows about the family. I don't think anyone in this country didn't follow that trial. It was definitely more exciting than these damn impeachment hearings.

    And Enty, I'm sure it was a typo but let me commend you as "A lost rapper" was utter genius!
