Friday, November 22, 2019

Blind Item #2

Didn't the manager accuse the A+ lister of playing the victim card? Isn't that what the manager just did with a little bullying shot at the end? I think the A+ lister wants to make the manager's name poison so he won't get new clients and will lose existing ones and I think it is working.


Tricia13 said...


Kelly said...

Agreed. I don't know what Taylor is like, but Braun seems like a real tool.

IndieRaga said...

Scooter Swift & Taylor Braun !

Kiki said...

Braun seems shady, but why does everything that has to do with Taylor Swift have drama around it? She's the mean girl that doesn't like when someone calls her out on her BS. I for one don't see her appeal!

MyDogSmiles said...

Braun sold his soul to the devil.

Trapped said...

Can’t stand Taylor/Scooter
They both disgusting

Thia said...

I'm with you @Kiki, she comes off as a mean girl. I don't get the appeal either.

Jim said...

Fuck Scooter Braun, the man is a parasite. This whole debacle has really sold me on sticking up for Swift

Morninglorri said...

Taylor Swift’s feuds are getting tired.

Yaccub said...

If you’re an adult named Scooter, chances are you’re fucked in the head and likely a PEDO

TeeHee@U said...

They both suck. Taylor is a mean girl who got bested and is throwing a temper tantrum because she did not get her way. So sick of her persistent victimhood.

Scooter is probably a tool as well, but, at the end of the day he still owns her music and her catalogue is worth more now than when he bought it . So over, Taylor/ Scooter, etc. But, her raid fans sending death threats....pathetic. Should be interesting to see how her ticket sales for her tour do after all this/ Cats release.

Brayson87 said...

If it's a question of price that's one thing, but if he's just outright refusing to sell her own sh!t back to her then that is pretty crappy.

Anonymous said...

Scooter braun is a garbage human who sucks the life out of his talent, gets them hooked on drugs and them pimps them out on tour like zombies.

Brayson87 said...

I can't remember, was Scooter supposed to have f*cked Bieber?

squirrelmistress said...

how does one buy all of someone else's music in the first place? sounds like some blackmail goin on

TeeHee@U said...

Michael Jackson bought all of the Beatles catalogue for $47.5 million.

Interesting history found at and the current state of the Beatles collection:

"Seven years after Jackson died, Sony/ATV agreed to pay $750 million to the late performer’s estate in order to buy out the remaining 50 percent stake in the company. The Beatles catalog alone has now been estimated to be worth in excess of $1 billion.

Following a lawsuit in US court in 2017, McCartney reached a settlement with Sony/ATV over copyright to the Beatles catalog under the US Copyright Act of 1976, which allows songwriters to reclaim copyright from music publishers 35 years after they gave them away. Details were not made public with a lawyer for McCartney informing the judge that the two sides “have resolved this matter by entering into a confidential settlement agreement.”

Anyways, I get why Taylor is upset and annoyed, but, if any of us commenting signed a contract or told a friend we were going to buy something and they bought it first....well, we would still be forced to abide by the law. So should Taylor.

Drewholtaus said...

Scooter has all the deeply buried homo secrets. Clients are not going anywhere! Lol

Do Tell said...

The thing with Taylor though is, wasn't this all because of a contract she signed when she was like 15 or 16? There should be some mitigating exceptions made in those circumstances.

And she absolutely should call off the fandogs who are making the death threats, but I noticed public figures rarely ever do when their supporters go too far. Gaga and Beyonce have historically let their fans do the dirty work, for example.

Drewholtaus said...

Cat lady is just as much a shark as braun. Not much sympathy on either side here

JL said...

+1 and she’s smart enough to do it. Borchetta too.

Brayson87 said...

TayTay needs to put a dead horse's head in Scooter's bed.

longtimereader said...

Swift had $300m and tried to buy her masters, Big machine said no and then sold then to Scooter who had to borrow the money. Neither read the contract so Swift will re-record just like Def Leppard did and screw Scooter next year. Scooter and Big Machine F***ed up and are lashing out. Enty podcast about this.

alphacranberry said...

She tried to buy her music from Borchetta and he refused to sell it to her, then later sold it to Scooter. That's just petty. It happens to musicians all the time and it's wrong. She wasn't asking for it for free - she would have paid the $300m. She has the visibility to make everyone aware - maybe this mess will help other artists in the future.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Swift lost in a business deal and she counters by having her rabid fans attack the person who bested her. She's a piece of work. I hope the debacle that Cats looks to be ends her forever.

Gator said...

He's a dick, I hope Ariana jumps ship.

DIA said...

'She tried to buy her music from Borchetta and he refused to sell it to her, then later sold it to Scooter. '

No. Her father sold her music as well. It's a family matter. I don't know why she blame Scooter for this.

OKay said...

Can't stand either of them, but I will take Taylor Swift over a Scooter Braun any damn day.

d-day said...

Her father did not sell her music. He was a board member, but he recused himself from so of the discussions around anything to do with Taylor's music due to conflict of interest rules. He did not have advance notice that Borchetta was selling to Braun.

Eupheme said...

@Brayson - don't think so. Defo heard the Usher rumours, but nothing about Scooter in that regard.

DIA said...

d-day What a lame excuse. He was a board member and that mean he signed the deal as well.

The Raving Badger said...

Scooter tried throwing Scott under the bus a few days ago and is now trying to rehab his image in another lie. His wife's IG account is linked to the hedgehog picture. Fake threat. He's a pig in how he treats the talent. Notice his marquee stars are druggies? Gotta wonder why...

bellabella said...

I have to believe that if Scooter and the owner of Big Machine Records said "sure Taylor... use whichever songs you want to for the AMAs...." Taylor would have zero reason to make a public statement about them. They're trying to F with her and control her, she's not having it. And thank God!

Having learned nothing about Justin's mental breakdown while Scooter had him on an endless tour, he added 2 more months of dates to Ariana's tour. She's not done until three days before Christmas. He's a skeevy POS and I hope she dumps him as a manager.

Dumblesnore said...

This 100%

Unknown said...

Scooter is a creep.


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