Monday, November 18, 2019

Blind Item #2

As I told you last week, the studio was still hopeful the third installment of a movie would hit $10M after seeing its expectations drop in half the past several months. It way under performed even that. The former A/A- list franchise actress is taking most of the blame. Se has not exactly been box office gold.


  1. Kstew/Charlie’s Angels

    1. No McG, no hot pussy! No one wants to suffer through a woke liz banks no fun filtered Charlies angels

  2. Who pitched this movie? This had disaster written all over it. Stewart is not well liked and doesn’t care if you don’t like her.

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You would have to pay ME to watch that movie. I have less than zero interest in it.

  4. I know... let's do Charlie's Angels with the most unappealing, obnoxious actress we can find! Especially if she's a lesbian!

    Give the audience what it's craving!

  5. Yes this was a strange thing. Don't recognize a face on the billboard but for Stew and her delivery is as cardboard as ever but not in some camp way. WHO keeps giving her work? She is a dreadful actress who gives terrible interview/press FOR a movie and is popular NOWHERE. Really, what is the thinking?

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Ever see “The Producers”. The whole idea was to put on a bad show. These days the whole idea is to write off a flop for taxes. Uwe Boll doesn’t even try to hide it.

  6. I had to come back to say NOW I get a little how and why it was made after reading a lot of POSITIVE critic reviews online. Apparently re-invents the franchise, commentary on women in charge etc. I like all that. I just think movies sell on TRAILERS. You don't have the luxury of script reviews and if it is aimed at teenage girls would they BOTHER to find out the script is fun. The actresses look forgettable in the trailer. This may not have been a misstep in the room with the script but it WAS with figuring out demographics, marketing, casting.

  7. There was no publicity Blitzkrieg.
    Unless a movie is everywhere from billboard/internet/TV etc people rarely watch nowadays. Too many distractions social/political/entertainment available driving away viewers .
    Also it's a small movie like $50 mill.

  8. Emma Watson/Kristen Stewart/Emilia Clarke are box office poison if you ask anybody.

    Same goes for Chaning Tatum who can't act if it was to save his own life.

  9. It was a $50 million movie that was supposed to have $100 million P&A but that was reduced by half or more. A guess is that they realized it was going to be wasted money.

    I think they targeted the movie at an extremely narrow audience and missed. How you can spend that sort of money and still make a lame movie just baffles me. They should just pick random film school students to write and direct. I bet the results would be better.

    I really am starting to believe that a lot of these movie production efforts are just a giant money laundering scheme that might just have a finished movie as an accidental by-product.

    1. Yep money laundering is quite possible,losses for tax exemption!
      Creative Accounting is also an ART after all you see...

  10. The write off is a better explanation than any I have seen.

  11. It looked bad. I really think people are getting tired of these reboots. Hollywood is stupid.

    1. Hollywood thinks we are Stupid, who want to see endless Reboots !

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. They gave kstew and Banks this movie because they wanted to bring a younger, hipper (in their assessment) audience to the 'Angels' franchise - as opposed to the 40-something women (Barrymore, Liu, Diaz) who ran with it last time. Like it or not, Kristen still carries a fan base from the Twilight series, and producers were hoping to tap that and reinvigorate the Angels to a younger, more profitable/marketable franchise that could carry on for several years. They also seemed to want to play on Kristen's edgy, sometimes-gay, sometimes-bi persona as well. Strangely, they trusted Banks could bring her experience on Pitch Perfect to play here as well. None of it worked. Angels will NEVER work as a modern, real-life story. It lives to be cartoon-y, throwback and even mocked. That's why Barrymore's versions were fun and worked so well. Updating it like this was doomed to fail, and they should have known better.

  14. The only reason KStew got this part is because every other big name actress passed. The script was terrible and nobody wanted near it. Her playing the sexy was is a joke. That role needed Margot Robbie, JLAW, Zoe Kravitz-someone with sex appeal and a personality with the ability to smile

  15. Well ya gotta find content for that HBO
    Saturday Nite premier somewhere!!

  16. all these pc reboots are way too forced, and having this social justice warrior shite rammed down your throat when all you ask for is to be entertained, clearly doesn't work

    when you write a compelling story, such as 'Boys don't cry' or 'Brokeback Mountain' the applause will come by itself. But when you force this shit, people with an IQ higher than single digits, tend to reject it.

  17. There are a lot of great articles about what went wrong with this movie. Apparently even the script was screwed up in the beginning and couldn't attract any big named actresses. The last two films had three of the bigger actresses at the time, this film had one actress people kind of remembered from the vampire movies and two relative unknowns. It had less action than previous movies, etc. In retrospect it would have been almost impossible for this movie to have made any money.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I have never seen any of the Charlie's Angels movies. Gonna have an all broad action movie, there better be some titties in it. Tight pants and a bikini scene aint getting me to stop flippin the channels, much less shell out money.

    I got an idea for the next money losing bomb remake. How about The Blues Sisters, starring the Shumer pig as Elanor Blues and Melissa McCarthy as Jacqueline Blues. I see it opening in 1000 theaters and grossing 37cents.

  20. They need to stop remaking all the movies over and over..
    People don’t want to pay to see that shit
    They would all be broke if they’re waiting on me to see a movie at the theater

  21. Anonymous8:52 AM

    You know as much as I love that Kristen is taking the blame for The Films Flop.
    At the same time, I just don't know at this point if this is going to be enough to finally wake Her up and make Her realize that She needs to start playing the game if She doesn't want to be a - Whatever Happened To ?.

    Because the problem with Kristen is that She has always been very Rebellious ( Which during Her Twilight Day's I liked ) But now I definitely think at this point think She needs to start following orders from now on. But whether or not She will - I don't know ?.

    I guess we'll have to see come either Next Month or Sometime Next Year.

  22. +1 B626, HBO's newer movie selection seems to specialize in box office fails and awful movies.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @ Tierney does she REALLY still have TWILIGHT fans? The original movie was almost 12 years ago so her THEN audience has grown up and have they watched her religiously since then? Does she play into the demographic? No. Not with her subsequent choices POST Vampire series. I think it may be execs recognized she is EDGY and outside the box and thought THIS might help v typical 20-something T&A etc.

    1. Last year I unexpectedly found myself in Forks, WA (a twilight location?) days before their Twilight Festival. I asked some locals at a restaurant if people still came out and apparently it’s still a big deal. All hotels are sold out, there is a parade (?!) and all businesses have a twilight theme.

  25. They should have made one of the angels a tranny.

  26. Get Woke Go Broke, Part 5,679

  27. @Troy Dyer — How in the heck did you end up unexpectedly in Forks?? 😂 Pretty sure it’s out in the middle of nowhere!

    1. We were in the area visiting Olympic National Park and all the campgrounds were sold out so we had to stay in Forks for a night. I got some nice hoka waterproof hiking boots at some grocery store/sporting goods/ gun store 😂

  28. @kiki - it's not the exact same audience, but Twilight is still a profit generator (see Troy's post), even all these years later. People still follow the lead actors, and of those, Kstew probably ranks above Pattinson in terms of getting headlines. She won't exactly open a movie on her own, but she was definitely a 'get' for this film. She was just wrong for this (and she knew it) - I can only assume it was part of some bigger plan/deal.

  29. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Oh yeah Twilight is definitely still a Big Deal and I don't think it will ever not be.

    Funny enough although I never got Twilight Merchandise at the time besides The Calendar's lately I have been getting quite a bit of Merchandise lately.

    I'm talking The Dolls, The Key Chains and The Twilight Director's Notebook - Book.

    Now of course a lot of this is nostalgia but you know what I am having fun with it.

    And you know what it wouldn't Surprise Me if Kristen was to possibly show up sometime Next Year at an Twilight Con Event looking like Bella again.

    To try and get people like Me who was once an hardcore fan.

    Back on Her side again.

  30. I hope this epic flop sends a message that people don’t want their classics shit upon & turned into woke SJW propaganda.

  31. I'm glad it bombed. The commercials for it were awful. I'm glad there is some junk an audience won't buy.

  32. Blogger Troy Dyer said...
    We were in the area visiting Olympic National Park and all the campgrounds were sold out so we had to stay in Forks for a night. I got some nice hoka waterproof hiking boots at some grocery store/sporting goods/ gun store 😂

    I can remember growing up a little further down the hwy in Aberdeen, Forks was known for having lots of mean ass loggers. The actually kicked the Hells Angels asses out of town in either 67 or 68 and they were always a town people tread lightly in. Now they known for sparkly vampires...

  33. The budget of Charlie's Angeles wasn't high I read on Deadline less than $50 million so that should help. And the publicity and advertising probably wasn't a lot. The movie won't be a hit BUT if it gets good word of mouth overseas can break even maybe?

  34. @ Chernobyl

    did you see Channing Tatum in 'A Guide To Recognising Your Saints'

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @ Count Jerkula

    Amy Schumer box office (so far)

    Trainwreck $140m
    Snatched $60m

  37. Wonder woman 300 million usa..lizzie banks less than 8 or 9! Patty Jenkins wins

  38. a friend saw Charlies Angles saw it and said it was good



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