Saturday, November 16, 2019

Blind Item #2

This foreign born B- list celebrity at her peak who also had a little reality television on multiple shows was with a foreign born serial cheater/criminal for much of the past decade. That liar is gone from her life and now she is with another guy roughly the same age who she is trying to get pregnant with, but has suffered a couple miscarriages. 


  1. Sounds like she'll be a first-rate mom. No doubt her kids will move the human cause forward significantly.

  2. Doesn't she have five or six already?

  3. Miscarriage is personal....very personal !
    Plz don't guess.

  4. Katie needs to take care of her current kids before popping out another...unless she’s gonna give it to the dad to raise like her kids with Peter

  5. Miscarriage blinds always masks me feel uncomfortable. Just seems cruel & inappropriate but that’s just me

  6. Katie Price doesn't stay with anyone long enough for this to be her.

    She changes boy toys every time she goes in for another lip injection.

    I think this might be that poor Jordy or Jordan, who was a body builder for a while.
