Monday, November 04, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born former A list boy bander reportedly flew to a country not his home or where he lives, to spend time with a 15 year old at the request of her parents who thinks they will be a good match.


  1. Like spend time playing board games so they can get to know each other before their future arranged marriage when she is street legal?

    Or spend time like the parents had to cover their ears not to hear the sounds from the other room?

  2. Will the dowry be paid in goats? Sexy,sexy goats.

  3. Man someone close to Zayn is just constantly feeding Enty blinds lately. At least it’s a way to keep his name out there

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    15 years old, if he is really A list then why is settling for someone over the hill?

  5. Dicaprio and the lil climate tard

  6. Why would anyone think zayn is a good match for anyone. A parent wanting to set up their 15 year old I guess. Ugh

  7. @Count.

    Anthony Cumia about the l'il climate tard.

    If I'm gonna have a teenager screaming in my face and pointing at me,then it better be because I'm fucking her.

    1. Am not liking your leveling up to be more like your hero @Count. It’s not working. My unsolicited advice? Just be you. That used to be pretty good. PS Thought this whole site hates pedos?

    2. Nothing pedo. The climate tard is post pubescent and legal in most states

  8. Speaking of those who are fangurled about, I saw "The Lighthouse" last night. I think Robert Pattinson has a really, really strong shot at the Oscar, he is shockingly *great* in it. I went to see it because I am a Willem Dafoe fan, and he is his usual, outrageously fabulous self, but Robert Pattinson really took me by surprise. I didn't think much of him as an actor before but I ended up being astounded by him. It will be a tough choice between Joaquin Phoenix and Pattinson for Best Actor.

    As far as The Lighthouse, it's a gorgeous looking movie, every shot is perfectly composed and it looks like it was shot as a nonsilver photograph. But it is really weird, pretty uncomfortable and ultimately fairly violent and graphic. It takes a lot of patience to stay with it. I walked out thinking that if David Lynch and Salvador Dali dropped acid together and made a movie, this would be it.

  9. Do Tell-- Thanks for the excellently written review! I've never even heard of it, but you've piqued my curiosity!

  10. But that's not allowed... except by... never mind.

  11. @ Flashy Vic

    If I'm gonna have a teenager screaming in my face and pointing at me,then it better be because I'm fucking her



  12. One of the K Pop boys? I saw a headline that one of them is under investigation?

  13. It's not Zayn. He has publicly said he is not a muslim anymore.

  14. @MysticMax

    He might say that but most practicing Muslims take a very very dim view of apostasy. Luckily for him, he's from a nation where such religious derangement is so rare it's almost unknow....oh wait.

  15. A good match...for a few hours.

  16. was it like playing trivial pursuit with the bubble boy

  17. Gilbert Grape and Pippi Climatestocking. They would be so cute: she with her lopsided "Bad Seed" grin, and him with his 8 month belly. Two 'tards in a pod. Good guess, Count. The thought of those 2 bumping uglies is enough to put me off sex for years.

    1. Leo charges for photo ops. She hopefully paid her fair share.

    2. "Where's Arnie?!"
      Arnie is Leo's name for his love pump.
      "Here's Arnie..and I hope you can take my carbon-footlong-print"

    3. First thing i thought when i saw the pic of them was "Arnie and Arnie with tits."

  18. Count and Vic, I'm dying 😆

  19. some kpop guy. Zayn isn't a muslim and likes white girls. There's no reason for him to do this despite his families questionable decisions. He wasn't even at his sisters wedding.

  20. dWelsh it says former. Most KPop groups are still in tact. This is Zayn unfortunately. I picture him going to her house, shooting up and falling asleep on the couch. Yawn

  21. Due to all the drugs
    Zayn's joystick only points in One Direction
    And it ain't up.

    1. That's not does get UP at the sight of Drugs !

  22. Zayn doesn't leave his house so I doubt this is him.

  23. Wanna puke at some of the jokes on this thread. Shame on everyone who are on this. Being sycophants of Cunty Count is the lowest one can get.

    1. Count is a demented pig whose combined love for Trump and violent hatred of females are so strong, he has to make human trafficking jokes and cry 'retarded whore' when an underage girl disagrees with him. He screams on 4chan and redpill about how women will barely even friend zone him because he's not a rich bad boy, but it's really because women keep finding his name on the registry. Hopefully he'll go the way of Epstein...or Himmmm/it.

  24. What, you think parents who pimp their developmentally disabled daughter out to further a political agenda wouldnt pimp her out to Leo? Probably not the first time he and Soros become Eskimo brothers.

  25. Wow I never had such parents to hook me up with when I was a teenager !

  26. I don’t know which is creepier, the parents for arranging this, or the pedophile who went there. What the hell, arrest all three of them.

  27. Anonymous3:39 AM

    This is not Zayn. Zayn is lost in hard core drugs. They don't travel; they just use until it kills them.
