Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blind Item #11

This aging A/A- list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar nominee/winner started off as a funny man. He wasn't being funny the other night. He is an angry drunk.


  1. Bill Murray's a dick!

    1. He has a home where I’m from and has always been one. Restaurants ,golf courses etc. shame

  2. Isn't this all of them?

  3. Though I give him
    Perm A(and has been on and off here like that)Only other that comes to mind is a Chevy Chase butbsame rating


  4. Whenever I see people driving around with those stupid Bill Murray stickers on their cars my blood boils.

  5. As a star he was incredible in the 80s. But that's 30+ years ago, and now his schtick has become very very tired.

    Still love the old stuff though.

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    He’s pissed off people laughed at him for The Razors Edge. At least he had the balls to reach for that.

  7. Niceness and talent do not necessary overlap, nor need to.

  8. Razor's Edge is a pretty good movie only occasionally marred by the fact that someone felt Murray had to do Murray shtick.

  9. i want to see Bill as a hangry drunk

  10. Bill Murray is a perfect example of not meeting your heroes. If you like their work, just stay the f*ck away from them IRL. Just like DP, love her work, not a big fan in person though.

  11. Bill Murray looks the type to be an angry sober guy too.

  12. @Brayson Dolly Parton? Dana Perino? Danica Patrick?

  13. He is a very cyclical guy.
    Sucks to be rich and cyclical, if you are middle class and cyclical your friends keep you in line, if you are rich you don't know who your friends are

  14. @stephen cyclical or cynical? I'm confused.

  15. I meant cyclical - the actor in question is full of good thoughts and energy for a while, and people love to be around him because of that ---- and then for a while he is not full of good thoughts and energy,

    When rich people go through the down cycles almost nobody in their sphere says hey stop it, that is not you - you are not a drunk angry guy, that is just a pose ..... people in their sphere are afraid to call them out .....are afraid to tell them to look at the bright side of life ....

    when non-rich people go through the down cycles literally everyone they know is concerned and tries to keep them from being someone who is not full of good thoughts and good energy.

    the actor in question's basic shtick is a mix of "hey I am a cynical guy" which is cynical but it also has a lot of "hey there are things worth being cynical about because they could be really great things and they aren't"

    so I should have been more careful with my cyclical/cynical analysis.

    I think he has a lot of good years ahead of him so I meant to say

  16. Bipolar might be more apt than cyclical.

  17. @J.. agreed. Love the old stuff... which btw is primarily the stuff that Harold Ramis was involved in.. IMO he never should have shut HR out

  18. He's an ass. He is stupid and praised Trump for his tax scam for the rich.
