Friday, November 01, 2019

Blind Item #11

This actress has been the lead in her own show. She works now. She started in the show about that county south of Los Angeles. She is also someone who does product placement photos 2-3 times a week. I admire the hustle, but doing too much of it makes producers think you are not interested in acting. 


  1. Shes done a lot more than just product placement! Easier than hooking i guess..

  2. Really--- she doing a honest day's work, what's the fucking problem
    So it's best if she sell her body for money.. GTFOOHWTBS
    Only in a man's mind

  3. This is disgusting exploitation! It undermines the plot and....excuse me while I have a cool refreshing drink of FLASHY COLA. After a hard ten minutes frothing with indignation and rage at something someone somewhere posted on the internet, I like to wind down with an ice cold draught of FLASHY COLA...Aaaaaah....and treats the viewers like fucking tools! Cunts!

  4. Flashy--LOL!😂

    Agree this is Bilson

  5. I loved shitting on the Eva Mendes/Super Cuts articles on Yahoo a couple weeks ago. I think PR hacks were even flooding the comments, because i got a lot of thumbs down for asking what she, People and Yahoo got paid for it.

  6. Having a sponsored instagram post is different from appearing in a traditional advertisement in legacy media, how exactly? Good for her for being with the times like Shay Mitchell

  7. Those magnum ads had the same production values as porns anyway...

  8. Those Magnum ice cream bars are the bomb. But naming an ice cream bar after a condom( or a gun,but you know which it was named after). So Rachel Bilson for the win.

    1. Those bars must be incredible! Bilson got more exposure for that campaign than reality tv...i think someone just took pity on her that she was having to yacht and hook at such a young career age

  9. Anonymous5:12 PM

    a lot of these blinds are really misogynist...

    1. That word is gender specific
      I much prefer theyogynist.

    2. What ones are misogynist?

      Have you seen any that are misandrist?

  10. A girl has got to hussle. They only hire you for these shows now if your "social IQ" has a high rating but then they penalize you for wasting your time. Producers complain about everything. They're never happy.
