Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Blind Item #11 - Kindness

This A- list mostly movie actress who is a fairly recent Oscar winner has set aside $250K to pay off layaway purchases for people this holiday season. 


  1. Replies

    2. Other guess Emma Stone

  2. How is this not a promotional or virtue signalling leak? Like she hasn't even paid anything yet, she just set money aside.

    1. Also - who does this and then announces it?
      Is anyone going to be allowed to track that the money is actually been used this way?
      Or just this announcement and we are to ASSUME it actually happens?

    2. @Monkeyweather What announcement..? Or did she not announce it, and you've just made shit up?

  3. What store even offers layaway anymore?

  4. @AngelSleuth

    Walmart does layaway and I think Target does.

    I would also imagine Kohl's and JC Penny do as well.

  5. you could probably get layaway almost anywhere even higher end stores.

  6. The chains do layaway

  7. Thanks. Interesting, we haven't had layaway in Canada since the 80's I think.

  8. several stores still offer layaway...
    Tractor supply for one (haha, no really it does)
    Walmart, Big Lots, TJ maxx/Marshalls, Burlington, GameStop, Kmart/Sears...some best buys,

    I would imagine that this is Walmart...since that is where most stars go to pay off layaway for feelgood cred.

  9. i'd like to know who this is. honestly don't care if it turns out they *are* doing it for the publicity. if you're a struggling family & your christmas layaway bills just got paid off you think you'll give a shit that a celebrity gets to look good? i know i wouldn't

  10. How would anyone know this about someone?

  11. Their hack PR people have had it planned for months?

  12. No good deed goes unbitched about.

  13. its not that we dont love good deeds its just that theres a lot of recent good deeds that arent really that.. either fake news , promises not kept etc... i always think at least do the fucking deed first before you leak it

  14. If you do good, you aren't supposed to tell people about it. If you do, it's about you, not them.

  15. We still have a KMart in St. Pete.

  16. I am all for doing good deeds, but, to leak it beforehand to get a pat on the back...bleh. Also, I am sure studios/ her representation might match the donations and they will both use them as tax deductions.

    Don't get me wrong...I am happy for the ones who benefitted but it is always better to have the leak after the holiday/ fact than before it if you want it to be genuine and not publicity seeking.

  17. I can't help but to assume most of you folks actually donate your hard earned to this entytee.... Daily mail is free but ya don't get to be the cool kid that can donate $250 for the chance at a podcast question. LOL.
