Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Blind Item #10

There is an individual who allegedly been in contact with the widow's team and is providing info on people operating social media accounts that are been critical of them. This person becomes friends with the people they are snitching on from fan groups and forums. They allegedly helped get at least one social media account that was critical of the situation suspended recently.


  1. Is that still going on.....

  2. Does anyone really care about Vicky Cornell?

  3. I generally do, but this blind is totally lame.

  4. I cannot believe Chris Cornell married this witch. He seemed such a cool nice guy.

  5. Why? Just why? Like it made sense after his death, but now? He wasn't Cobain or Presley, unless they're planning a reality tv show around the family nobody cares.

  6. This is just normal internet behavior. Mass flagging happens everyday in any culty fandom. This is not even a blind

  7. Vicky Cornell legit looks like a plague rat. What did Chris ever see in her??

  8. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Agree with gauloise. Flagging, reporting and getting accounts banned is what social media has become.
    The sites would rather just suspend a mass flagged account than actually investigate if it's for legitimate reasons or not.
    So tired of social media. It's just the worst. People ruin everything.

  9. Cant wait for the day she gets exposed. Martin is the key. Start digging.
