Thursday, November 14, 2019

Blind Item #10

Why yes, that was a meth pipe being used by this former child star turned mess turned A-/B+ list actress who is blowing this second chance. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Possibly Jodie Sweetin

  3. I don’t think Jodie could be rated that high, don’t know anything else she’s done except DWTS and Fuller House

  4. Well we know Jodie Sweetin liked meth

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    mischa barton?

  6. If ya wanna get model skinny, meth will do the job. It's the insanity, paranoia and face picking that poses more than a few problems. Yuck!

  7. Lohan has had 35 2nd chances, not one.

  8. Fuller House has filmed the last season so I think if it was Jodie it would say blown her 2nd chance.

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Lohan is on her 34th chance

  10. My first thought was Amanda Bynes but I want to be wrong. Has she gotten a second chance though? I thought they stripped her of it.

  11. Jodi is making HallMark movies

  12. Demi Lovato? She is doing Will & Grace and that Will Ferrell movie. . .

  13. Are there actually any long term ex-methheads? I don't mean someone who tried or used meth on occasion but full on years long tweaker. Once they have fried their bodies is it possible to come back from it?

  14. Either of the Olsens?

  15. I am a successful ex meth addict, really bad addict too.
    It was 6 years of chronic smoking the meth pipe, and now 20 years off of it. Mind over matter, faith in God, an ultimatum from my boyfriend and finally valuing myself more than the pipe. It was hard at first, but I have made up my mind. Also, getting away from the environment and people that are unhealthy. It is the devils grip!

    1. Hugs, good job! just like coke/crack, smoking the meth bring the addiction on hard. I stick to snorting and i get 3-5 months out of a gram.

  16. @hugsandkisses I admire your strength. I quit smoking over 15 years ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever done so I can't even imagine the strength it took for you to overcome that. Kudos to you.

  17. @bamazalea, That is Great! that you are 15 years off of that sh**!! Don't get me wrong, it was really hard to do, especially in the beginning. I can still taste it and loved the 'smoke', but nothing is worth taking my soul away, the way that I let it happen back then. I thank God for my grandchildren and try to have gratitude. Not that life is easy, but that sh** will make your life horrible/miserable in an instant. I still have scars everywhere, but they are my battle wounds and I can only try to be healthy every day forward. Sad for the ones who are still consumed by the grips and pray that they will be free of it. Ok, enough about me....

  18. hugs and bama, you are to be commended. Blessings.

  19. @GentleBreeze, Thank you!

  20. Bella thorne/Jody Sweetin tag team meth fueled marathon hotel session would be awesome.

    My fave line of Family guy is the end of the meth lab episode when Jody is knocking on the Griffins' door and says she has Maureen McCormick with her.

    4:07 is yer time stamp.

  21. my friend started smoking meth a few months ago and he's getting pretty bad

  22. @hunter yeah it be like that, the high is so smooth you don't think it's that bad for you so you keep doing it



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