Saturday, November 09, 2019

Blind Item #1 - Reader Blind

This recently deceased entertainer left behind diaries he kept throughout his life.  The entries dealing with fame and celebrity are not the ones that are going to catch people’s attention.  They are fairly pedestrian in their descriptions of day to day life.

However, earlier entries from a period in the entertainer’s life when he was young and before he was famous detailing his experiences in a certain powerful body wherein he had a position that is often associated with sex scandals do contain some shocking revelations about powerful people.

The entertainer, whose sexuality was common knowledge despite a brief early marriage, has alluded generally in interviews to what he saw and experienced before but the diary names famous members of this body including at least one future candidate for a higher position indulging in same sex affairs (Some with very young partners) as well as same sex sexual harassment.  Of course, none of these men were out in their life.

All the people in the diary are deceased but considering their place in American history the fact that many of them were on the down low would be a huge story if the diary is ever made public.


  1. Scotty Bowers and Reagan!!

  2. Maybe Scotty Bowers???

  3. Not an entertainer in the traditional sense and his marriage ended with his wife dying last year...

  4. Rip Taylor? Openly gay and divorced in the 60s but not sure how anything else fits in

    1. Who ?
      Full name plz, iam not very familiar with the old Hollywood.

  5. @ A. Taylor is a good guess. He was a congressional page.

  6. Let us know when we can pre-order the sensational copies on Amazon. I have my checkbook ready.

  7. I heard some crazy shit about Reagan from someone who grew up in the biz. I had his nut house letters. Granted, he was in a nut house, but he was spilling it. He knew all the people we all saw in Tiger Beat and 16 magazine from the Brady kids to Sean Cassidy, etc. He's dead now and I don't have his letters anymore. They were hot hot hot. I sent them to his ex wife after he died.

  8. oooh. Rip is it!!! can't wait to read it!!

  9. It must have been when Reagan was young, because once old Nancy got her hooks in him, she controlled his entire life and never let him out of her sight.

    1. Nancy apparently gave head even better than the gheys

  10. I do have to say that the rumor about Nancy being the BJ queen of her day turned out to be false.

  11. Reagan was in a mental hospital?

  12. Love that story, MoMo. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Is this blind from you, @Troy?!

  14. Thanks for proving that homophobes are idiots

  15. Gotta love Republicans. The only name they can think of as a potential gay is womanizer Ted Kennedy

  16. Read the book, "Money, Murder and Dominic Dunne." Nancy Reagan did everyone, gay or straight, sometimes two guys at once in the backseat of a car. She must have been the laughingstock of Hollywood once she was FLOTUS. What a tramp!

  17. Great blind, Reader! Thanks for sharing!

    I like the Rip Taylor guess, I wouldn't have thought of him, but Im eager to know all that he wrote!

    Momo, I am always fascinated by your stories! Never a dull comment from you!

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    This has to be Rip Torn and probably Adlai Stevenson who ran for President twice against Eisenhower. Outed by J. Edgar Hoover at the time by spreading rumors...maybe not false after all.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Sorry Rip Taylor. I always got them confused.

  19. Ted Kennedy was a manly sex beast, but NANCY was a tramp? Why?

  20. I update my oul East Belfast nan's old saying, "If he's not careful he'll end up going to where you can't get near the fire for priests" by putting "and Kennedys" on it.

  21. Even I heard the rumours of Nancy Reagan's humming skills years ago.

    Let's face it, she had to have a back up plan, she wasnt going anywhere in Hollywood with her looks.
    I cannot but help but admire her though. One of nature's winners.

    I also remember the story of old Blue Eyes himself, sneaking into the Whitehouse and banging her behind poor old Ronnie's back. They were both more than old enough to know better.

    And when I thought that even a seventy year old Sinatra could do better I remember that he married that wee lad Mia Farrow.
    How can you pork Ava Gardner into mental instability...Ava Fucking hot that she started global warming...and go from those heights to banging some tart who looks like a ginger 12 yr old Dungeons and Dragons nerd.

    Still love old Ronnie though. One of the best. He shoved up the sneering lefty cunts in the end, didn't he half.

  22. I remember reading that someone said about his brother, "Jack would stick his dick in a cement mixer if he thought it would get him off," or words to that effect.

  23. Years ago, I flew from Atlanta to LAX in first class next to Rip Taylor. He had me in stitches the entire flight. Stores about old rat pack days. He was delightful. He had an injured back so I had to help push him up so he could go to the bathroom. He made me take him to baggage claim and wave people away who wanted an autograph like I was his assistant. We exchanged emails and wrote each other a few times. He taught me the word "merkin". LOL

  24. Rock Hudson had an early sham marriage then stayed closeted at least to the public. I'm sure there are some stories there!
