Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Your Turn

From a reader

What is your favorite news site from a different country than yours?


  1. Daily Mail do you even need to ask Enty?

  2. Daily Mail. But, that is a given on this site. I lived in London for awhile and at least it made me feel at home vs. the BBC. Even then I knew the BBC was full of it....and propaganda.

  3. Daily Mail is pretty cool. Lots of Epstein stuff lol

  4. Daily Mail of course, they don't skew or censor their US coverage anywhere near as much as their domestic news.

  5. The Daily Fail.
    Like 20 minutes in an insane asylum.

  6. Counterpunch, even the late great Stan Lee was a fan.

  7. Maybe this question is a test for those who get their news from al jazeera? ;P

    1. I know Count Jerkula is a big fan of Al Jizzeera.

  8. https://antarcticsun.usap.gov/

    It’s USA based but 100% of you never knew it existed so it’s like a foreign site.

  9. Obviously, the DM. :)

  10. It's sad, but if you want accurate or unbiased news coverage you have to look at news sources beyond your own country, all the local sources are usually bent one way or the other.

  11. Tie between Daily Mail and RT.

  12. Spiked Online. Wit + anger, as only the British can do.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    DM but the amount of censorship has me going to the site less often.

  14. The Straits Times, Singapore.

  15. Daily Mail - if you really want to know what's going on in the US, go to the DM.

  16. The same favorite as Enty- daily mail

  17. Fox News. I believe it's Russian based.

  18. Everyone else is gonna go with the DM but I'm throwing my vote for news.com.au which is kind of like the Australian version of trashy tabloid clickbait

  19. Sputnik, Russia Insider, Haaretz, Forward.

  20. I liked to read what Meghan & Harry Markle did TODAY in the Daily mailonline. Then hop on over to Spiked Blog to read the in-depth reactions to their screwups. Of course the mailonline comments section has some good, but abbreviated, reactions too.

  21. The funny thing is probably like others here,I started reading the DM for gossip. Then I came across a local story that was covered in depth on the website. Barely covered here. Started reading real news there and other sites. Really opens your eyes about the U.S. media regardless where you stand.

  22. Can i plug the CIA instagram feed? I learn something from their posts every day. Genuinely interesting.

  23. The “reader,” was me!

    I am a bit confused here. The Daily Mail is vilified on this site by the commenters, yet so many commenters read it?

    I will un-confuse myself and take this as a recommendation to check the DM out.

    (@Em) Thanks for the recommendation to The Straits Times, Singapore. It is new to me, and it looks really good.

    I have been searching for good world-news sites. I tend to use Wikipedia’s current events news portal the most, as it seems unbiased. There are pitfalls with that strategy of course.

    Thank you for the response!

    1. It's political stance is just slightly further right than Genghis Khan.
      It blames all the world's problems on immigrants, single mums, poor people instead of the actual perpetrators who are inevitably the dicks in suits.
      Likes to put down 'inferior' tabloids but has more bikini shots and 'ample assets' on it's pages than most of the UK'S titpapers like The Sun and the Daily Star.
