Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Your Turn

The movie that scared you the most.


  1. Nightmare on Elm Street when I was 5.

  2. Jaws, at least at the beach or on the water.

  3. Sex & the City 2.....still makes me shudders !

  4. Poltergeist. Still scares the crap out of me.

    There's also a movie from the 70s that I saw on TV when I was a kid that had a scene where a woman was taking a shower, and there was a snake in the tub behind her. Don't know what it was called, but from then until I was in college, I'd regularly check behind me in the shower for snakes.

  5. The Omen - that kid was sheer evil

  6. Scary, IDK, but most disturbing: A Clockwork Orange.

  7. The new Ghostbusters scared me so much I wouldn't even set foot in any theater showing it.

  8. Psycho - I was very young when I saw it...eeeeeek!!!

  9. Where is our Tricia13??

  10. Going on 3 1/2 hours with no comment approvals.

  11. Probably Jaws, the ocean still kinda scares me.

  12. Night of the Living Dead. Saw it in the late 1960's right after my grandmother died and I couldn't sleep through the night for months (why my parents thought this was a good movie for an 8 yo child is beyond me). Still get creeped out watching it.

  13. When I was a kid, nothing scared me more than the "A Drop of Water" segment of Mario Bava's Black Sabbath!

  14. How can it be my turn when comments are disabled?

    Probably Even Horizon back when it first came out.

  15. Burnt Offerings gave me plenty of nightmares because of the creepy chauffeur.

  16. John Carpenter's The Thing. Couldn't walk the dog at night for weeks.

  17. Seriously,even on this one?

  18. The only movies to scare me were IT, and the Friday the 13th movies. Didn't help I watched them at 7-8-9 years old.

    1. It is a second place award for scaring me.

  19. Poltergeist or Night of the Living Dead.

  20. Life, the one with jake G and Ryan Reynolds.

  21. I usually avoid truly intense horror movies. I remember when I was little, just ads for Suspiria and the one with Anthony Hopkins and the ventriloquist 's dummy left me terror-stricken. Several years later, my parents watched The Omen and The Exorcist. I was too scared to watch, but also too scared to leave the room, so I hid behind furniture to block my view, and tried to read, occasionally peeking out, only to dive back to safety,lol.

  22. I Know What You Did Last Summer

  23. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The Halloween movie series. That mask creeps me out. I know I saw the first two movies but couldn't force myself to watch any more.

  24. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The Wizard of Oz.
    The wicked witch gave me terrible nightmares for years.

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  26. Silence of the Lambs

  27. The Blair Witch Project and Manhunter (the original Hannibal Lecter film before Anthony Hopkins)

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  29. the original "The Omen" - the kid that played Damien was terrifying

  30. I saw a very old movie on TV about 10 years ago - The Reincarnation of Peter Proud. It's from the early 70s and was more of a thriller that had me on the edge of my seat.

  31. Also, Hell House LLC. That scared the crap out of me.

  32. Don't Look Now - great movie with Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland. Scariest ending.

  33. Psycho - saw it at a very young age...eeeeeekkk!!!

  34. Original Night of the LIving Dead. My mother told me NOT TO WATCH IT before they went out, and of course I did. My TV was a BW sony, and it was on Network tv. I started looking outside the drapes. I may haven been 10.

    1. Me too, though I saw it in the theater

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Watched the Exorcist alone at home when I was 8 years old. Scared the sh*t out of me.

    As an adult, Alien was pretty intense.

  37. Some old film called The Norliss Tapes about a sculptor making a demon with blood mixed in the clay.
    Scared the crap out of me.
    Have never watched it since

  38. The Sixth Sense.

    It was creepy. I had to go home to an empty house afterwards, and do laundry in the basement

  39. As a kid living out in the woods any werewolf movie scared the crap out of me. @ Cheesegrater, was that the movie where the snake is coming out of the faucet? I think I remember that one.

  40. Lady in a Cage with Olivia de Havilland trapped in a broken home elevator, terrorized by "hoodlums." Small elevators scare me. Lots of nightmares.

  41. Lots of films scared me but the worst in memory was sneaking in through the exit doors (back then there were no alarms) to see the original Night of the Living Dead when it was newly released. My friends and I were intrigued by the poster displayed outside the theater but knew we’d never get in at our age (9 years old), so we snuck in. Terrified out of our minds, I was scared and kept a light on and plagued by nightmares for ages after that.

  42. she's having a baby night i still wake up screaming

  43. @DarylsBigFan, I got nightmares of flying monkeys. The Witch never scared me.

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  45. Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte. Saw it when I was 8. Scared the cr*p outta me. Haven't watched a scary movie since.

  46. I’m not one for Horror Movies, but the darkest film I ever saw was Leaving Las Vegas. It left me feeling ill.

    1. Liz Shue on the floor of the shower bleeding from the butthole. On one hand i am horrified that someone would wound what is likely a lovely anus. On the other hand though is my pecker, growin like the Grinch's heart.

  47. The Matrix. For real, the first time I saw the original I just couldn't handle that everything might not be real. Of course now I am older & wiser & know it's all perception

  48. The OrginalT War of the Worlds movie (1953)when I was a kid. I watched the space ship's electronic eye drift through the house, it peeked at Sylvia,and then a Martian touches Sylvia on her shoulder. Oh my God! I could not sleep a wink.That summer we had a tremmor in the house and fourth grader me thought that the Martians landed.

  49. The Exorcist and The Omen

  50. Poltergeist. My dumbass dad took me and my brother to see it when we were 11 & 8, and we both had nightmares for weeks. We begged him to let us leave halfway through, but he wouldn't go because he said "by that time I wanted to see how it ended."

  51. John Doe said...
    The Day After.

    Same for me as well. I saw it when it aired on ABC when I was a freshman in high school and had nightmares about nuclear war for weeks. Had a similar reaction when watching Testament a few years later.

  52. The one and only classic of 70s TV: Movie of the Week. "Trilogy of Terror"....with the freakin' DOLL!!! (look it up)

  53. Candyman. My sister and I convinced our Mom to let us rent it when I was 10 after she wouldn't let us get The Exorcist because "it's way too scary". She regretted that decision later when we woke her up at 1am to cover all the mirrors and we refused to go to the bathroom alone for weeks. Never had another horror movie scare me like that. I refused to have a mirror in my bedroom for years. Fun fact: The Exorcist didn't scare me at all when I saw it a few months later.

  54. The Bear - came out after Jaws, thought it was going to be a Grizzly Adams type movie... NOT! Had to hitchhike home after the movie, middle of winter, up North... in bear country, at 13 yrs old. Kept looking over my shoulder until I got a ride in the back of an open pick-up truck. Shaking like a leaf and white as a ghost when I got home but told my mother it was due to the cold (yeah right!)

  55. Original Cat People

  56. The Nun Story at about 8 years old. A nun gets clubbed to death. The sound of the blows still gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  57. Iknow it was a Tv mini series originally but Salem`s Lot freaked me out big time.

  58. Wolf Creek.

    To this day I'm terrified of country folk & rural highways.

  59. Rabbit OMG ON the BEACH scared the hell out of me. I read Neville SHute's book too and it was incredible. I wanted to send it to Reagan with a letter and my dad said THEY WILL PUT YOU ON THE LIST lol

    Oh and Rednoir the original cat people really gets into the mind control stuff, like there is a scary shrink and hypnosis and stuff. VERY HEAVY and deep.

  60. Wait Until Dark, The Evil Dead

  61. The original “Vanishing” Dutch film with English subtitles. Still scared when I think about the ending.

  62. "Interview with the Vampire."

  63. Do Tell, I couldn't sleep for a week because of that chauffeur. He was slightly scarier than Karen Black and Oliver Reed - two actors who always creeped me out.

  64. shakey said...
    Do Tell, I couldn't sleep for a week because of that chauffeur. He was slightly scarier than Karen Black and Oliver Reed - two actors who always creeped me out.

    That was a good creepy one. A year or so later the movie Phantasm had the same effect on me, mostly due to Phantasm borrowing heavily from Burnt Offerings (same mansion was used, creepy tall mortician/hearse driver).

  65. As a kid Amittyville an adult Hostel

  66. “It” - the miniseries when I was about 10. The I watched The Ring as a preteen and that scared me bad. As an adult, nothing.



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