Friday, October 18, 2019

Your Turn

How many hours of sleep do you average per night?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I need a minimum of 10 hours.

  3. 6 last night was 2

  4. I'm a mess, so it probably averages to about 4-5, but that can be some nights with one or two hours, and others with 7-8.

  5. 8.5 - 9

    Great dreams almost every night. Clear conscience!

  6. 5 to 6 but I wake up at least 2-3 times every single god damn night. I am an insomniac disaster. The only good side to this is that I remember so many dreams quite vividly.

  7. It varies. Sometimes 4-5, then catch up time is about 8-9.

  8. As I get older I find my body needs less sleep but my brain needs more. Like the body can function for days without sleep but the brain starts suffering the effects after a missed night or two.

  9. 5 on a good night 🌙 😒

  10. 10. My brother and I inherited my dad's long sleep time. It sucks, because after sleep and work there isn't much time left in the day.

  11. At best 5. I usually take a nap after lunch. I got used to getting up at 430 am a long time ago, and it stuck. I make myself stay up until midnight just to get that 4.5 to 5, otherwise I get up refreshed after two hours. I have had this problem my entire life. I remember staring at the clock when I was 4 because I couldn't sleep. Luckily I discovered radio!

  12. 10. If it's a shoot day probably 8, but with turn around and travel, probably 6 hours.

  13. 6 during week. on vacation slept 8 everyday...

  14. I recently started taking melatonin. Sleeping one our longer, though with very intense dreams. The mind is rested though when waking. Just a tip. 5-10 mg should do the trick :-)

  15. 8 to 10. My mom always said I was the only kid she knew who would beg to take a nap.

  16. Sleep? Don't know her.

  17. 4-5, sometimes more and sometimes less

  18. Depends. On Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I got to sleep at 12:30 am (after Perry Mason on METV) to wake up at 5:20 so I can go to dialysis. On non-'school' days I go to bed at 2 am after Match Game/Hollywood Squares hour.

  19. I need 9 but am averaging 5.5. As I go with less, I realize you can and still function but I do best on several hours more.

  20. 2 naps been doing it for a decade when you go long periods without sleeping everything is hilarious and scary at the same time.

  21. I set my alarm to 8 hours (if there's a commitment). If I get less, I keep telling myself "no one has died from lack of sleep".

    Since I've retired, there is always the option of a nap.

  22. 6-7

    I get off at 1pm, I always take a 2 hr nap and then do 5.
    When I was younger, I would sleep for 9-10 hrs a night.
