Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Your Turn

Something from your childhood Halloweens that is no longer done.


  1. Toilet papering houses

  2. Parents walking alongside their children instead of driving next to them and blocking all traffic.

  3. I don't know, I mean I moved from the trick-or-treating to the doling out candy role, I really couldn't say what organizational changes have been made since my departure.

  4. Collecting for UNICEF.

  5. In general maybe that the whole adult Slutoween thing wasn't as mainstream as it is now? Like you'd see it at clubs but not every bar or party.

  6. 1. Your parents making your costume
    2. Nowadays it seems like more people just put a bowl outside with a note to “take one” or “take a handful”. IN MY DAY we had to risk a trick to get that treat.

  7. Saw movie opening nights.

  8. Do kids trick or treat without adults anymore? The last time I went was in sixth grade, many moons ago, and I went with my friends, no adults.

  9. I'm not one of those people constantly screaming about climate change, but I remember it being warm and nice when I was a kid. Since I had my own kid though, if it's not pouring rain, it may be snowing. It's been miserable just about every year, and I only live an hour from where I grew up, same state.

  10. Turnips for lanterns.

    Until about six or seven years ago, I had never even seen a pumpkin in real life but no no turnips just pumpkins.

    Disgusting fucking things they are too.

    1. I was just talking about this yesterday.
      We have become very Americanised at Halloween which I think is great!
      The Yanks do know how to celebrate a holiday.

  11. Soaping peoples' windows, trick or treating without the parents

  12. 'But now', not 'but no'.

  13. I just realized that the last time I went trick or treating was the year Etan Patz went missing.

  14. SO much for global warming Jennfier

  15. No one did trick or treating in the UK when I was young, it was an American thing we saw on telly. Occasionally there would be a carved turnip lit with a candle up and we knew the householders were probably a Scottish or Irish because Hallowe’e, as it was spelt, was a longstanding tradition there. All Saints Day on 1 November was celebrated in the church calendar but no sweetie/candy grabs. It’s a merchandising thing here now, loads of costumes and decorations for sale, but mainly a kid thing. Not many people decorate their houses or front gardens

  16. Hallowe’en I meant. Damn iPad keeping removing the n.

  17. Halloween being for kids and not adults that just want to dress slutty or like the opposite sex.

    1. I used to read lingerie catalogues when I was a kid
      But I would have never left my bedroom if I'd owned a Halloween costume catalogue!

    2. Getting old though now so tend to read mainly DIY catalogues.

  18. Every lot on the street is 65 to 75 feet wide. In my youth, every house in the neighborhood held 2 to 4 kids.

    The streets looked like a block party on Halloween night back then. Now we're lucky to get 30 to 50 when their used to be 100's.

  19. Splitting up when the creepy music plays

  20. Kids trick of treating by themselves or with minimal adult supervision. If they trick or treat at all. My dad used to take us in the back of his truck and we’d just jump out and run around and meet him wherever. When I was older we’d just go on our own (me and friends that is, I’m an only child). True you don’t see many homemade costumes. My mom made me a toucan costume once, a black outfit with feathers sewed on it and wings, bird foot slippers and a plastic beak. Very cool. I was a witch another time, she made the costume and painted my face, it was creative and fun for her as she was an artist. Now it’s all branded store bought “characters” and nothing unique. Also lots of sluts dressing up and also lots of yard decorations for it, that was very rare when I was a kid. Most adults wouldn’t waste the money and it was strictly a kids thing. If adults did Halloween they had parties. My mom, aunt and uncle would go to some, sometimes but it wasn’t like it is nowadays. At least that’s what I was told (perhaps they lied to me!).

  21. Wearing something that wasn't 'slutty'

  22. I saw a bunch of homes that were TPed this past weekend. Idk if that’s for Halloween or something else but we did notice because it’s been years since we have seen that.

  23. Being able to eat the candy without screening it,and getting good homemade stuff because everyone knew who made the good stuff. Now it has to be thrown out.

  24. When I was little, full-sized candy bars. Popcorn balls and home-made treats.

    Trick-or-treating with other kids from about 2nd grade on; no parents needed.

    Lots of kids going and 1/2 to 2/3 of people giving out candy.

    It was great fun to trick-or-treat in the 1960s and early 1970s.

    People don't have as many kids anymore. All too often it's "one and done" or none at all. Not many have more than two kids unless they're trying for a certain sex. In my time, families had more kids - at LEAST two.

  25. I'm pretty sure teens trick-or-treat nowadays to see the neighborhood MILFs on display ;)

  26. The only change I have noticed is the number of churches doing Harvest Festivals and trunk-or-treats on Halloween has increased as the number of families in the neighborhood participating in traditional trick-or-treat decreases. Damn churches ruining the fun.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. being able to dress up as someone from a different race or country without being called racist.

  29. In New Orleans it is not just for children. It is huge. Starting like this weekend there are parades and events. Hardly a day passes where people don't have an excuse to wear a costume, or dress slutty, as it seems to be now. Many of my friends are bartenders or tour guides so it pays for them to play that shit up. THere is a VERY WEALTHY family on St. Charles that does a huge satirical political display every year. They are funny as hell and very high society.

  30. Chanting “trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!” You never hear that anymore.

  31. I’m f*cking sick of Elsas and Minions.

  32. Those plastic masks that covered your face (eye, nose and mouth holes cut out) and had the cheap rubber band around the back of your head to keep them in place.

  33. The steamy hot plastic masks ( mine was Sabrina the teenage witch) and going in groups of kids only no parents to different neighborhoods and filling up the pillowcases or pumpkin baskets full of candies . Going home dumping the stash and going out again until late . Fun times !

  34. Neighbors passing out homemade cookies and candy apples.

  35. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Bobbing for apples. Now we know it's a petri dish full bacteria. As kids we thought it was fun.

  36. Elementary school Halloween parade through the side streets near the school. We would all dress up in our Halloween costumes that day and some of the people would come out of their houses to watch us. It was a chance to see what all of our classmates costumes were that you otherwise wouldn't see because you'd only trick-or-treat with your siblings or neighbors. It was during school hours but it was so much fun. I miss the 70's :-(

  37. Bobbing for apples

  38. Bobbing for apples. I would never allow my child to mix saliva like that. Germs have changed.

  39. My first thoughts were the school Halloween parade that the old school no longer does; trick or treating in a big group of kids just walking house to house no adults and bobing for apples. But my favorite personal past time was my Dad grew his own gigantic pumpkins every year, and he would hollow them out and then myself and the family dog would climb in and take photos every year as I grew. He still grows pumpkins, (not the giant ones anymore), and now he gives them out to the neighborhood kids, which they absolutely love.

  40. Moms or cooks making home made treats for children's/grandchildren's classes. In Louisiana, we can't according to law. Instead we have to buy crap bakery goods full of preservatives and God knows what all because food brought to school has to be individually wrapped and sealed. Kinda sorta thinking about buying a heat seal gun and cellophane bags.

  41. Gator, 'Soaping peoples' windows, trick or treating without the parents'
    Mimsey, 'Bobbing for apples'
    school Halloween parade

    All Hallows Eve was/IS the night before All Saints Day. Time to show the spirits we aren't afraid of them. Naught wrong with that.

  42. I hate these sexy versions of Halloween costume dad's. There used to be pop-up stores that would sell Halloween stuff and that's all for 30 days and on Halloween would be gone like they never existed. Also GWAR Halloween shows just don't happen anymore. Mainly because they're dead, Zappa and GWAR were the coolest Halloween bands. I can only think of one other musician who does that stuff. There will be a horror Triple Feature this Halloween. I'm looking forward to it.

  43. Anonymous9:48 AM

    why all the boring Halloween themed survey blinds?
    Many people don't give a rat's ass about Halloween. Myself included.

  44. The time change used to happen before Halloween. So it was dark earlier. I always thought the time change was because of Halloween. Now it seems a whole lot of trick or treating takes place during daylight. And in weird places like malls. I don't get that.



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