Monday, October 14, 2019

Your Turn

Is today a holiday for you? Do you think we should have more holidays?


  1. Nope. Not here at the Shipyard. I do miss all the holidays I got when I was a banker....but don't miss the banking.

  2. I just discovered my neighbors ..give me a holiday its bs the Native Americans were here and settled before this farce landed here..

  3. 365 a year would be nice.
    I don't mind working one day every four years.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    No holiday for me but the kiddos have a 4 day weekend.

  5. Everyday is a holiday for me since I retired by 40.
    However, when I was corporate cog Troy Dyer, I wished we had one holiday a month in the US like Canada or more frequently, like in Europe. I felt like my EU colleagues were ALWAYS on some sort of holiday and they had stricter hours of working, which I was also jealous of.

  6. To counter unemployment and robotics, etc., we should move toward a shorter work week, 3 or 4 days. Much better plan than "universal basic income."

  7. Its National Dessert Day in America,only thing I'll celebrate today. Anyhow Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

  8. Yes, I get the day off, but I seriously believe we need a holiday in August. From July 4th to Labor Day, there is nothing. Something significant must have occurred in August.

  9. No, plenty of family time as it is. My mother is the worst.

  10. I’m all for holidays! Bring em on!
    💝🍀🥚🐇🇺🇸 🎃 🦃 🎅🏼 🎄

  11. Yes, today is a holiday for me and a good deal of folks in the US, except retail. And I do think need a few more holidays.

  12. NOT in Nevada!

    We celebrate Nevada Day on October 31st.

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I'm retired but hubby had to work. They traded Columbus Day for Black Friday. So hubby happily went to work today.

  14. The US is stingy when it comes to holidays.

    I'm all for Halloween being declared a holiday. 🎃

  15. Every day is a holiday for me since I don’t work, but it is a holiday for my husband. So yay 😁

  16. No, but I work for the Great State of Texas. We get like 17 paid days off (if they don't fall on a weekend that is).

  17. I work for the State and the holiday was taken away from us back under Schwartzenegger (along with one of the President's birthdays) and we are now given it as a day to schedule when we want for "personal development". I hate August, October, and March because there are no holidays off.

  18. Yes I get every Federal Holiday off with pay. Of course there should be many, many more.

  19. @Pattie - I worked for a company that did something similar. We had 10 holidays, they took 4 away and they became "flex holidays" that you could use for whatever.

  20. Today simply happens to be a regular day off for me. But my birthday also counts as a holiday where I work, if i want to take it off, I can.

  21. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I don't believe in "government holidays" anymore. One more way for Banking Elite to run your life.

    I choose to work holidays; I take personal days when I feel like it... not when the banking elite tell me .

  22. Fewer holidays. Let people choose when they want to take their time off.

  23. II don’t work so it doesn’t matter to me. The internet is open 24/7. Holidays-oh yeah, that’s when my grandson is out of school and can hang out with me.

  24. Yeah, it's Thanksgiving. :) We had the turkey yesterday though.

    I think there are enough holidays. About one a month, and it works out fine.

  25. i think columbus day should b celebrated like st patricks day...big italian food parties, galliano and sambuca, parades with famous mafiosi....martin luther king day should be a mardi gras for black culture also...big parties! big parties! we need more big parties!

  26. Everyday is Halloween ooombopbopbop ooombopbopbop

  27. Someone told me it's national viking day today, so there's that...

  28. I don’t think that there are enough holidays in the US, and the ones that we do have are cliches. I worked today but I am taking time off later this week for a holiday I’ll call ‘Going to see Fall Foliage with College Roommate.’ 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

  29. It's a holiday today... And I think every Monday should be Mental Health Monday, paid day off, but kids still go to school... =) lol! Hey, a girl can have her delusions, that's still free here in America....right?! Haha!

    I actually don't work Mondays, lol, not my regular paid job. I have been volunteering Mondays for a good 6 or so yrs a small thrift shop at my local Council On Aging from 9-12ish and love it. I hate holiday Mondays tho bc we are closed so I don't go in. =/



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