Thursday, October 17, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Revenge Served Super Cold

When I say super cold, I mean it has been decades, but this mogul is taking his shot. He is paying the legal bills of multiple people who are trying to bring down his ex. His ex, is someone all of you know. Every single one of you. For years, the mogul has been trying to plant people who get close to his ex and then bring him back things he can use against the ex or leak stuff to the press. The mogul was wildly successful a few years ago and managed to land three people in positions close to his ex. They were there for every bit of every day and night and saw and heard things that the mogul has been using to benefit himself and others in his employ. The ex has no idea the amount of stuff that has been taken from her. These are not material things, but they are just about every bit of her life for several years. The mogul is going to be ruining his ex's life for the next five or ten years with this stuff and is footing the bill for those who helped him, as well as giving them jobs and money.


  1. Mariah Tommy Mottola is exactly who I thought too.

  2. Well when you f*ck your way to stardom, you're going to run into some pr!cks.

  3. Agree with Mariah. Also the assistant is suing her too

  4. He's the only mogul who I know that has an ex everybody here knows. Only one other mogul I know who has an ex or two I/we all know of is Trump with Marla Maples and Ivana and I dont expect this to be them.

  5. when you set out to seek revenge, dig 2 graves.

    1. Good idea...I'll kill her and her mother-in-law.

    2. @herbert: Good God, an actual intelligent and thoughtful comment on this site!

  6. @herbert, One for them and one for their family? ;)

  7. I initially thought Ted Turner and Jane Fonda, but Mariah and Mottola make way more sense.

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Years ago, Mariah Carey and her "entourage" came into our office building to visit the president of our company. She had about eighteen people with her. And it seemed like their entire purpose was to surround her so that no one could make any visual contact the person of Mariah Carey. My office looked down the hallway towards the president's office. It was absurd to watch these clowns surround her and shuffle down the hall. The other part of the too funny to watch shit show was when they tired to get on the elevator. The elevator was not large enough to hold all of these people. So the after the doors started buzzing the elevator lottery losers backed off and ran towards the stairs and then raced down the stairs to make an attempt to meet up with her on the first floor.

  9. He might want to be careful because she's not stupid and I am sure she could turn those tables on him with some of the stuff she knows about things that were done to other artists at Sony. Plus Mariah has the most loyal gays. They are everywhere and her lambs would never turn on her.

  10. This sounds like something Tommy Mottola would do, he was one of the most hated men in the music biz for a reason.

  11. @Seijn, Jeez it's not like she's Tori Amos.

  12. I don't believe Ted Turner go after Jane Fonda - they're friends. Though you never know ...

  13. Why can't people just cut their losses, especially when the other person has moved on and hasn't done anything especially reprehensible?

  14. Wouldn't Mariah have everyone she does business with or who works for her sign NDAs? I thought that was pretty standard in the celebrity world.

  15. @brayson. 1 for your target and 1 for yourself.

  16. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I trust Mottola knows that a curse touches both parties. When you drag someone down, you just did the same to yourself.
    We are all wronged at one time or another. The test of character is, do you raise that experience to love and compassion?..or do you lose yourself in hate?

    1. OMG @Daryl, the 2nd intelligent and thoughtful comment I've seen on this site. On the same day, on the same BI? Must be through the looking glass or something.

  17. So revenge is a dish best served cold?
    By my reckoning this makes revenge gazpacho.

  18. @herbert, No I'm pretty sure the second is for the person's family so they can hear their loved ones screaming as they're both buried alive. Dig your own grave please, who's going to fill it in afterwards? ;)

  19. Did you see her shove Diane Warren out of the way? It's on LaineyGossip.
    The nerve!

    1. It's also on the tube of you too.

  20. Mariah should have served him a dish of Fugu.

  21. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Gen-z 99
    Writing credit for the performer is standard procedure.
    There's a clip where Harry Styles is laughing about it, in his One Direction days.
    Julian says, "Give me a word...any word..." and they get writing credit.
    It was in their contract.
    Sure, Mariah was an opportunist... like any smart New Yorker

    1. 'The' and 'and' are their biggest contributions.

  22. Mariah may have been ruthless in her climb to stardom, but she has the talent to back it up. You don't see Iggy being a long lasting star,do you? Mottola started his revenge by making less talented singers famous. He treated Mariah horribly, and yet she's the cause of the problem. He has no reason for revenge,he is still sucessful. Can we possibly get at least one other reasonable guess?

  23. Do you think he was disappointed when he realized she was f*cking up her own life just fine? Like he had some grand master plan but her being a self-destructive drunken ho was way worse than anything he could have done? Like going to administer some karmic payback only to find the person trying to wrap their toes around the trigger. It's like whoa, yeah never mind, sorry to interrupt, I'll let myself out.

  24. @Brayson - yes he would want credit for anything that f*cked up her life whether he was responsible or not. It's how the ego rolls.. he would talk her out of the trigger so he could turn around and pull it himself, eh?

  25. @Half Domer, If that isn't already a scene from a movie or show, please write it, that would be an epic scene! 👍

  26. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Mariah was always going to be a star. Mottola just got the demo tape before anyone else did.

  27. @Dary, Right right, like Mottola was just along for the ride. Great singers are so rare that the real reason they suck c*ck for songs must be that it's good for their vocal cords, not that they're common or talentless.

  28. I am socially connected to his son who uh... invited me to LA last week (yes for reals). If I was more of a social climbing gossip whore I would jump at it but instead it would be more like visiting a buddy who might want sex and I'm too polite to straight up ask about these rumors so **SIGH** ... opportunity wasted.

  29. I thought of Geffen and Cher, but maybe they're still on good terms.

  30. I was thinking Russell Simmons and his ex wife

  31. So mottola is still infatuated with Mariah...interesting

  32. If it wasnt for "her" ⅔ of the way through, i was gonna guess Geffen and Renner.

  33. He's a Satanist. When he headed up Sony he forced everyone who signed with them to undergo a Satanic ritual where they gave their souls to Satan. Candles, robes, and all.

    1. I'd like to see one of these employees take that shit to employment tribunal.
      "Then Mr Mottola proceeded to extract my soul while stabbing a virgin on the company altar".

  34. Anonymous7:44 AM

    My first thought was also Jane Fonda and Ted Turner but at their ages why bother?
    It's gotta be Mariah and Mottola. He's probably still angry about how she portrayed him when she made her split from him.
    Revenge is a dish best served cold they say, but it can also go bad if kept too long.
    What could anybody possibly say about Mariah Carey that would shock anybody at his point? She's bat poo crazy Mariah but she's our bat poo crazy Mariah.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      She's also filthy rich.
      The royalties every year from "All I Want for Christmas is You" will make Mariah and her kids very wealthy for a long time.

  35. If it's Mottola and Mariah, why has he waited this long? When that whole Eminem thing happened, he could have swooped in and further made her life hell. He's waited too long.

    Monkeyweather, wasn't Chris Blackwell from Island Records a Satanist as well?

  36. I hope Mottola takes her over-rated fat ass and dumps it in the trash.
