Monday, October 14, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Leaker

Over the years, I have told you how difficult it is to get really good royal gossip. That is, of course before the alliterate one came along. She has so many friends who are always willing to talk. The royal pedophile has an offspring living in the States, so gossip can be gained through that branch too. Except for that, there really has not been a way to get gossip on anyone else unless they encountered someone who was willing to share. The royals themselves were not sharing. Over the past year, the alliterate side has tried to spill whatever tea they can about the "other half" of the family. The thing is though, because of the wide divide between the two halves there has not been much interesting to share. For this blind, the tip took nearly six months before it finally broke free from the alliterate side and it is a good one. In the spring there was a mini-split between the one closer to the throne and his wife. The reason was well documented. It was such a rough split that the wife chose to cancel all her events that had been scheduled for a trip with her husband and he was to go alone. Oh, he traveled alone alright, but he didn't stay alone. The person that was at the center of the mini-split was there the entire time. Thew tip that made its way over to the alliterate side and eventually out to me and to you didn't include whether the wife knew about it or not. It was only about 5 weeks after the trip, that the person in question also showed up a very big event which both the husband and wife attended. 


  1. William/Rose Hanbury

    1. Charles and Camilla. She skipped several events and did not even go to E's wedding

  2. Correction re: "two halves."

    On one side there are two halves, on the other side just one-half, thanks to that rascal Hewitt.

  3. William and Kate/Sophie agnew

  4. I suppose William slept with the loyal employee of 7 years? The one who they fired as she returned from her honeymoon.. Enty would never let a headline like this go without a juicy blind

  5. I have a really hard time believing this. Kate looks at William with such love and affection. That look is almost impossible to fake convincingly. I'm deciding that it is just not true and going on believing that they have a great marriage.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Catherine rarely looks at William in public anymore. She looks at her surroundings, guests and the hosts.

  6. The event was the trump dinner that Rose also attended.

  7. and the trump buckingham palace dinner

  8. It's pretty clear that the hate is directed at MM to distract from William's bad behavior and Andrew's disgusting crimes.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Agree. They have cast Markle as 'bad girl', to distract attention

  9. @ Unknown I believe Kate love him but Vaanaity Fair did good piece years ago before their wedding. They had split for while, but no one would publicly date William because none of his crowd wanted to live under a microscope.

    He went back to Kate cause he knew she would marry him

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Don’t believe a single thing that comes from MM camp. She is a repugnant, vile, narcissist. All her stories and PR are total horseshit.

  11. Which pedo offspring lives in the US? Unless Andy has another illigitimate one, which wouldn't surprise me.

    1. Beatrice lives in NYC

    2. She is not illegitimate .

    3. When she accidentally bit Epstein's beaver prodder
      He did shout out:
      "You toothy little bastard!"
      So maybe...

  12. I agree with @Observant1, and am very disappointed with Enty.

  13. @CBGB I couldn't agree more!

  14. I don't believe a word of it. Anything that comes out about W&K is vile as it comes out of Meghan's envious mouth. Besides, have you seen that Rose woman? nothing to bother taking off your clothes for.

  15. bollocks! A complete load of crap put out by alliterate one!

  16. This reminds me of that game Telephone.
    One person whispers something to someone. That person then whispers it to another, and so on & so on.
    They ask the final person what was said, and the info has become so distorted that it doesn’t even make sense.

    Also, if Royal gossip is so hard to come by, then how come we have a royal blind a day? You’re not saying they are fake, are you? 😱 Gasp! 😉

  17. hey, the not so hot one might be a panther in the sack. totally believe it. probably just a BJ. kate is very pretty I must say. pluse just like dear old dad and CPB. 🤣🤣

  18. Sparkles is still trying to make this a thing. She’ll do whatever she can to affect the public’s image of Kate and Will.

  19. I have no doubt Markle is a gold digger with ulterior motives and maybe even planting the William affair but.... Andrew has just as much if not MORE motive at this point... both to point at the would-be King in fingering the sister in law AND because Andrew himself needs to deflect over his own associations and accusations. This is a game of chess/house of cards at this point.

    1. Lol, I'm thinking Merkel is a little... Ok, a LOT... Too old for dirty perv Andrew to want to play "stinky finger" with... Or any "fingering"... Lol, the wording on that one stopped me dead in my track, and I had to go back and read it again... And then couldn't help but comment, lol!

    2. Ya, I know, Markel, Merkel, they are both useless idiots at this point, and I just don't care enough to change the spell check when it suggests one thing over the other... Just figured I'd clarify that though, so people don't think I'm really blonde and I'm using my sister's pic. ;)

  20. PS. And I don't buy the affair although a Kate-William fracture pecks away at their perfection and helps BOTH Markle and Andrew. Interesting though if Andrew was able to trump a lot of this up to create tension and also throw suspicion on Meghan away from him.

  21. Markle's all set... so long as Fifty is a chubby chaser, that is.

  22. Who besides MM's sheep actually believe this? 🙄

  23. SUCH PREDICTABLE TIMING at the exact moment the Cambridges land in Pakistan. This is total BS and we all know who is planting anti-Cambridge gossip, it is Markle and her PR grunts. No one believes there was ever an affair and no one believes this crap either. She is pathologically jealous of W & K.

    1. +1 Was just about to write this same idea. Oh that beyotch. Just in time for the tour.

    2. My mom was admitted to the hospital Friday when she went to the ER for chest pains & shortness of breath (turns out she had a mild heart attack, completely unexpected & she's only 64 and never had health issues, & is pretty healthy and very active. They found some pretty good blockages, & had 2stints put in today. I'm just so so thankful they caught it & praying she's with us another 30 yrs, lol, I'm too mama's girl to not have my moms around!) and had to be admitted, bringing nothing with her...i knew she'd love some good gossip mags so I went to check the Gift Shop and was surprised to see almost every damn magazine had Markal on the cover, either big or a good size blurb about her. I opened one magazine to see if it had a lot of articles or ads... I see a whole page about how Markle is so recycle conscious she actually STILL wears her maternity dresses! Like, yaaaa bullllshit! Even us poor broads couldn't wait to toss those damn God Awful pregnant belly ass clothes out the second our real clothes fit and your going to try to sell it to the common folk this gold Digger didn't go buy a whole new wardrobe once she could ditch the kid with a nanny?! Hahahaa, I thought Good try, but no. Lol!

  24. Observant1, his father cheated on his mother, Diana. It's a familial trait.

  25. Oh come on now, Enty! We're not falling for MM's paid lies. You're better than this and we know it's not true!

  26. It does say closer to the throne. Charles but I can’t guess who he cheated with.

  27. As expected, this is Meghan's BS. . . Today IS OCT 14, the first day of Will & Kate's Pakistan trip. Everyone has been
    waiting to see what Meghan would pull to overshadow their trip. HERE IT IS straight from Meghan's Camp.

    1. Completely agree, the Daily Mail have just put photo's of the Cambridge's arriving in Pakistan for start of their 4 day tour. This is pure MM backstabbing & lies to get at Wm & Kate - who she's incredibly jealous of. I do not believe a word of this so-called "affair" nonsense. Enty etc really do have to do better with their "sources" but like he says tips were/are pretty hard to come by - untill that is, a certain yacht-girl joined the firm 🙄😏

      Also, the number of negative comments from Sussex sugars towards the Cambridge's is sooo obvious, someone even said they'd seen it on Twitter, a call for them to all do it.

  28. Wow, for future reference, is there anyone else up on that pedestal besides William and Kate?

  29. Total BS if the implication is W & K. The love just pours out of their eyes when they look at each other.

  30. Don't believe it.
    I don't believe anything coming from Sparkles. She'd sell her own parents, lie, steal and cheat, for attention.

    Oh, wait a minute...

    People hate her. H-A-T-E her! So what do desperate narcissists do when they don't get the love, respect and admiration they believe they're entitled to? They smear those who are loved, respected and admired , to elevate themselves, because they can't elevate themselves in any other way, but in trashing others.

  31. I thought Rose and the Marquess were bearding for one another? As I recall, family and friends of David's were very surprised when he married the much-younger Rose, as he "wasn't the marrying kind." However, he needed an heir and a spare. Marries Rose, has twins. David is super close friends with Francois-Marie Banier, himself accused of swindling the elderly Liliane Bettencourt (L'Oreal) out of a lot money. Case also linked to Sarkozy/Bruni. I'm not buying the alleged affair with William.

  32. I feel that Prince Harry's wife was quickly made such because of prior knowledge of Prince Andrew. If we here on this blog have been speaking about it for how long, trust, his mother and those that run things for her knew about it long before we did and have names, dates and places without a doubt. They picked her knowing she was not going to bow down to protocol. Perhaps they pay her to not.

  33. So the shitbag does not fall far from the cheating tree. You'd think William would have learned after seeing what his parents went through. Guess he doesn't care because he figures he'll get the throne anyway. Please, let this monarchy disappear forever.

  34. You guys are not seeing the big picture. The king of Spain has two blond children. Neither him or his wife is blond. What is the story behind that?

    1. The current King of Spain and his two sisters were all born with very, very blonde hair that darkened by age 5. Very common. It is unusual for an adult to have true blonde hair. The blondes you see are all bottle blondes.

  35. Kate doesn't deserve this shit.
    William is definitely Old Big Ears' son.

  36. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Catherine was the one who said "yes" at the right time.
    Also, her mother is highly aggressive; she was the Closer; and Mike Middleton is close chums with Prince Phillip.
    They have the best PR experts on earth. But cheating is still cheating .
    I believe they did break up. Catherine and W. have hardly been seen together in public, since that story broke last June. In one photo I saw, from July, C.was looking daggers at William.
    William is one of the alpha males on the planet.
    The British Commonwealth is 53 countries.
    2.4 billion people.
    Affairs, as Catherine herself said, "go with the territory".
    But she wanted it kept private.
    It is one thing when husband cheats; quite another when 7 billion people know about it.
    I won't be surprised if they become estranged within the next two years.
    I don't believe Catherine will allow affairs for the next 40 years.
    The "golden couple" are only human.

  37. Lmao! Enty is being fed lies about William, by Me-Gain, that actually Harry is guilty of. Harry went on a trip to Germany last spring after a fight he had with Me-Gain after she showed up at that polo match when she heard his ex Chelsy Davy, who Me-again is insanely jealous of, was there. After going home they had a blowout fight, and Harry left, stayed away for 3 days, then went to Germany. It was reported Chelsy was in Germany with Harry. Me-Gain is trying to to accuse William of what Harry is guilty of because she wants to destroy William and Kate’s happiness. Me-Gain is a spiteful, jealous PoS. For the past month I’ve gotten the idea enty has been co-opted by Me-Gain’s handlers

  38. Meghan couldn’t wait to leak this. She is so jealous of Catherine she ages 10 years because her face screws into an ugly hate mask whenever she sees her. And from the goo goo eyes she gave William, she has sour grapes he was visibly repulsed by her. She has more miles on her than a 1999 Honda Accord.

    1. 😂 I saw those “goo goo eyes”, too. I’ve wondered if that was the reason for the ill-will between the brothers. She made the moves on William. Skank. hahaa

    2. Does goo goo eyes mean Meghan's had a double dose of salami sauce right in the eyeballs?

    3. 😝 Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what that means.

    4. I see...definitely more than she can.

  39. I will throw a different guess. I think it might be Prince Charles and Camila. I remember earlier this year she was absent in a bunch of events. There were rumors they might had split or had a big row.

  40. This blind is false, if they mean to imply W &K. Why does Enty keep posting Me-gain’s PR propaganda?
    Will & Kate look at each other with genuine love, and smile at each other with true affection... They laugh easily and tease one another.

    Me-gain and Harry, however, looked miserable and do not seem genuine (over-guffawing, glares and scowls of anger and disgust, when she relaxes her fake mask of false smiles that don’t reach her eyes). They seem stiff around one another, there is no ease or flow in their movements together, nor in their interactions with others.

  41. @CBGB: Megain does a great job of attracting hate all on her own. I thought Amal Clooney was thirsty, then along came MM. I look at her and I see a hungry-eyed predator. My spidery-senses tell me that she is not to be trusted at all. It’s an instinct thing.

    1. The only people that believe this crap is Markle stans. And it’s straight from her vile, jealous, narcissistic mouth bc they are landing on tour today. That’s exactly what the blind says, right? It’s coming from Markle? And hmmmm, she has some serious motives to perpetuate this false rumor. I seriously hate that smug bitch.

    2. 👏👏👏👏👏

  42. I’m intrigued by the Charles and Camilla guess. She was conspicuously absent from some major events, most notably the wedding, like litzmee said. I had thought at the time that she might have been seriously ill. But then they’d just run her through that Rife zapper that all those lizards use. 🤪

    Maybe it’s Charles that had the fling with Lady Rose? Physically, she would be a bit of an upgrade for him....

    But it’s probably meant to be W & K. Kate did look pretty rough there for a bit. Like she was going through some shit. And then she got that award / reward from the Queen. Perhaps for keeping a stiff upper lip, and not making a public scene of any kind. Whether the rumours were true or not...

    1. If Kate looked like she was "going thru it" a while back it was probably due to having to deal with someone with NPD in the family They were all fine before MM then the sh*t hit the fan, she is agressive, desperate & downright crazy, the sooner she's kicked out of the Royal family & Great Britain, the better.

    2. I agree with everything you’ve said. I have a close family member with NPD, and it is a nightmare. They suck the life right out of you. And you can’t fight back because they always manage to make themselves look like saints, and you look like the bad guy. It’s incredibly frustrating, to say the least.

      With MM spreading rumours about W & K, it would’ve been very hard to keep quiet and not try to set the record straight. I think those of us who’ve had close dealings with a Narc can see right through MM, where those who haven’t can’t see what we see.

  43. @flyingtiger, Study genetics.


    Those daughters are already dirty blonde, compare how much lighter their hair was when they were younger. By the time they're adults they'll probably be brunettes.

  44. This is NOT Kate and William. Fools.

    It is Charles and Camilla.

    1. Well then, do us fools a favor and fill us in! How are you so sure?

  45. I also believe this is Charles and Camilla. Where is Nutty? She really runs an excellent blog on Markle.

  46. Fleet Street covers for the Monarch and the heir to the throne.
    A relative told me back in the day when she was young, Princess Elizabeth was always lauded in the press, only presented in the best light, and Princess Margaret was just a party girl, exactly how William and Harry are portrayed.

    A blind like this would be the only way this story could come out. It's how the royals like to cheat, with people on the inside, who won't go to the press, who won't print it anyway, will kick the story over to the US press.

  47. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Once again we have distraction tactics from the Sussex camp. Harry's the naughty boy not William. Harry's been out drinking and picking up random women. There's the cheater.

  48. Markle leaking this does nothing for her, but to trash William and Catherine. The only thing that matters to the royals is the line of succession. Harry is so far down, NINTH, that nothing matters that he does, or who he marries.

    I don't see Kate putting up with it if William is cheating. She could be free to start a new life like Diana, while her children are still in line to be heirs to the throne. But yes, something like this might want to make the comatose Brits do something about their corrupt and useless Royal family.

  49. I don’t care that Kate waited 10 years. You have to want the job. (And everything you have to put up with). It could be Charles and Camilla.

  50. It's unfortunate but NONE of these people have any credibility, including the various faction backers. I used to have some sympathy for Markle because the press built her up so much prior to the wedding and the bashers were so obviously malicious. It does seem now though that she thinks she's somehow, delusionally, in charge of changing this institution, teaching lessons, doling out justice, being "green," instead of just doing her job as Mrs. Harry, Ninth in Line (for now).

    1. Ps Amartel. The press only “build her up” because of her own carefully crafted campaign. She wove a web of lies. It’s what she does.

  51. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Diana set the precedent. Divorce is a possibility. I'm kind of stunned that William would carry on an affair considering his parents' history. Maybe Charles set another precedent. Marry first for heirs and second for love.

  52. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I think Markle expected there to be a little more glamour and excitement to being Mrs. Prince Harry than there is in reality. It's got to be a bore. As adorable as he is Harry's got to be a bore after a while. She probably just wanted to do it for the sake of doing it and now it's done and she's like "What's next?" She's probably thinking she should have yachted a bit longer to see what kind of billionaire or A list movie star she could have landed.

  53. I don't think there are many billionaires or A-List movie stars anywhere near as stupid as Fifty.

    1. No doubt about it. She hooked herself the biggest moron in the sea. Harry’s practically retarded!

      (Why do you call him Fifty? His IQ?)

    2. He’s only half a prince! 50% 🤦‍♂️

    3. Let's rename him Arthur Prince
      (Arfur Prince as the Londoners pronounce it)

  54. People using Diana as an example of Kate being able to just leave William need to check their history. Didn't end so great for Diana.

  55. I think William cheating on Kate is what caused the rift between Harry and William. Harry was upset that William would do what Charles did to their mother. It's being spun like the issue is between Meghan and Kate, or Meghan is the problem, she's not, it's William.

  56. This is referring to Charles and Camilla. One or MeGain’s friends has ready admitted she made up that shit about Wills and Rose.

  57. Oh yes remember Camila did not go to Eugenie's wedding which was very odd. I do think this is Charles and Camila, not Kate and William.

  58. Parade, Wills was the one passing tissues under the door as his mother wept. He lived through the fighting, the divorce and her death. Wills and Catherine waited ten years to marry so that they were both sure. He’s the last man who would inflict pain on his own children or wife.

  59. This story had been BS since day 1. Just SS and MM feeding things to try to damage the Cambridges. Most of us with a brain saw through this when it 1st was said and see through it even more so now.

    1. The SS are involved?
      I knew those Saxe Gotha Coburgs were a bunch of Teutonic twats!

  60. I was at an event that Charles and Camilla were attending in early spring. They were not together once, didn’t interact or look at each other. Lots of staff running interference between them. Camilla was dour beyond belief, whereas Charles was happy and super charming, I genuinely liked him. Wasn’t expecting that as I’ve always been Team Diana. They arrived and left separately. So I think this is them rather than William and Kate.

  61. Charles and Camilla divorce shocker:

    1. Aussie New Idea hasJenifer Aniston getting pregnant ever year. I swear, it had no credibility

  62. Oh what a coincidence that this gossip dropped on the day of the Cambridges' tour to Pakistan... not. This is obviously an attempt by the jealous alliterate actress to upstage and distract from Will and Kate. Of course this came from the alliterate side - Meghan must be seething . I wouldn't believe a word that comes from her side. She can't help herself - she always has to ruin events for the rest of the royal family (like announcing her pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding).

    1. Spot on!
      It's a big game of PR chess.

  63. It sounds like it supposed to be Charles, but I can’t think of a trip that he went on solo. Remember it said "trip" and "Spring."

    A trip that a royal did go solo in the Spring was Harry to Rome, with Nacho, who was rumoured to be a onetime/longtime sexual partner.

    This is also seems like it is trying to be William, but like Charles, I cannot think of a trip that he went on in the Spring that Kate missed.


    @flyingtiger Many blondes grow up to have brown hair. Not to doubt your thought out of hand, was there anything else?

  64. I think it's William rather than Charles because Enty used "closer to the throne" and not closest to the throne.

  65. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I do believe they (W and C) separated. They were rarely seen together from June to October.
    She tries hard; but under strong emotion, it does show.
    An affair is one thing. An affair that seven billion people know about, is quite different. I don't believe C. will stick around for 40 more years of it.
    She lost a lot of weight. She needs her mom and sister; I truly hope they stay close.
    Money isn't everything.

  66. you know that William lies on the couch at the Middleton's house with his head on Carole Middleton's lap? you think he would do this to the only real family he has? After he saw what it did to his mother? You're all crazy if you think he's that much of a sociopath. Markle, on the other hand is a sociopath.

  67. @Daryl, she was barely seen because she was on maternity leave.

  68. MM is a truly self serving self affirming parasite. Harry married the wrong women and has let a narcissist into the royal family. MM is the reincarnation of Wallis Simpson. The royal family are not celebrities they are Royality. Truly tragic that MM is totally destroying a British national treasure and has no respect for Queen and Country.

  69. Hahaha what is the name of the frau who originated the Will affair lie -- Nicole Murphy I think. Markle has the WORST PR, honestly. To be fair their client is a narcissist/grifter with no originality or style, so they deserve each other.

  70. Markle is poison and I bet that her new USA-based PR company( that she hired to make her appear less horrible) is behind all of this. Markle must be bored to tears. Harry seems nice but hopelessly stupid; it must be hell to live with him. MeGain probably wants to 'move up' to the heir.

  71. I am not sophisticated but, y'all give these people money and for what exactly?

  72. I think this is Charles & Camilla. Camilla wasn't seen for quite a while (last spring) and it was reported she had a bad cold

  73. Way to make up a whole garment out of a few threads Enty. A few facts and The MM camp have spun you a fake web.

    Rose Hanbury is always at the State Dinners because her husband has to be there as part of the protocol. In fact she’s been to more state dinners than Kate. Now there might have been something to talk about if she hadn’t turned up. Wouldn’t put an affair past William but Kate is going nowhere, she isn’t following the Diana/Charles potboiler script , she is following the Elizabeth/Philip guidebook.

    @Kiki7……it’s in Andrews best interest to side with William in all things, William will one day be king and he will be the one who can give Bea and Eugenie a higher profile in the RF. Harry has burned his bridges and rebuilding them will be impossible while MM is still around, even if she departs William has inherited Diana’s vengeful streak.

    Not Camilla and Charles, they have been doing their regular thing for the past year, you just don’t notice because they don’t do 100 media posts a week and the tabloids rarely cover them. Did you know Anne has been in Japan for the past week , on the day the earthquake and hurricane hit she still carried on with 5 scheduled engagements in and around Tokyo, not one word about it from the tabloids. Charles has two private holidays a year, he goes off to a retreat in Greece (monastery) for a contemplative week or two each year and always has a week away at his house in Romania. Camilla spends time with her children and grandchildren then. They know how to keep their personal life private with no drama.

    Camilla not at Eugenie’s wedding…..she did have long scheduled engagements in Scotland but she does not like Andrew or Fergie (especially Andrew, they have had many clashes) so ‘duty’ was a good excuse. Camilla also always had MM’s number, Charles is slowly beginning to see why she never took to her.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Louis was born April 2018. June to Oct.2019 was not "maternity leave"

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Sunshine Sachs, if that is the entity behind MM's recent PR blitz, must be the worst ever! I disliked her last month, but I hate her now as do most people that I have laughed about this with. MM & PH are stuck in a hell of their own design; God bless the British taxpayers who paid for it.

  78. Yeah, Sunshine Sachs. The same scumbags that were hired by Weinstein, Smollett, Naomi Campbell, etc.

    This blind is bullshit and I honestly can’t believe that you published it, Enty.

  79. @emeraldcity: Why did QEII suddenly give Kate an award recently? What was it for and why then?

  80. Trading one underfed aristo for another seems like a lateral move to me.

  81. Who in their right mind would believe a damn thing that came out of that harpy's camp? She's a liar and a fake and would throw ANYONE under the bus because she is that superficial and self-absorbed. This blatant smear campaign can be seen from outer space so transparent is the motive.

  82. William and Catherine did fire a longtime employee just before this Pakistan trip. Reportedly this employee had become buddy-buddy with Media Meg, and was telling MM private things about the Cambridges. Go see Danja Zone's newest YouTube video. Media Meg is a snake. I don't believe that William had an affair. I believe MM made up the story. Even if he did, that was a low thing for MM to do. I just think William adores Catherine and Catherine's family too much to mess that up, especially after watching his parents.

  83. This blind is not true. How do I know, because a close family member is good friends with William and has been close to him since their schooldays, Where the rumour started I don’t know, but it’s bullshit,

  84. It's not true, but IT IS SHAMEFUL & VILE.
    What has William & Kate ever done to her?

  85. If it’s Camilla & Charles, I have zero sympathy for her. You lose em how you get em.

  86. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I sincerely hope this is Charles and Camilla and not William and Kate. Old Charlie may have one more marriage in him lol.

    1. Prince Philip looks like a Walking Dead Walker
      But I think he's got one more tunnel 'accident' in him.

  87. To whomever was asking about the King of Spain having two blonde children: Chris Cornell nor his wife have blonde hair. Their youngest son does have blond hair. It can run in a familial line, like in the same way neither Charles nor Diana have red hair yet Harry got red hair from the Spencer line. And no I don't believe he is James Hewett's child. About W and K, I think Meghan leaked that info and it's garbage, but she thought people would believe it and maybe it would take some of the heat off her. Meghan is already aware of Prince Andrew's shenanigans because she was a yacht girl around the same time. I thought the yacht girl story was a load of rubbish but there is proof out there for anyone who really wants to know the truth about this skank ho.

    1. Can you point us to this yachting proof Unknown?
      I didn't believe this at first but the rumours are STRONG!

    2. 🛳 👉👌 💩👅 🍆

  88. Charles and Camilla. Remember she wasn’t at the Christmas and several other events. Wouldn’t it be a riot if it it was Charles having the affair with Rose? Duchess of Dope got it wrong again. She really is a bitter little thing isn’t she? Strategizing all day long- well enjoy the gilded cage. That “ life” looks a lot better from the outside. Harry Fredo is sixth in line- yet they keep pushing themselves as if he is the heir. Really are a pathetic duo- she forty, he is almost, grow up . Whatever Harry likes in private is fine, but pull up his big girl panties and grow a pair

  89. Anonymous8:28 AM

    All the Windsor males have affairs. As Catherine said to a friend, "It goes with the territory."
    They are the alpha land owning males on the planet. Sleeping around is one of the perks.

  90. @Em22 ❤️ Sorry to read about your Mum. My best wishes to you and her for her health. *big hugs*

  91. The one “closer to the throne” = Charles & Camilla.

  92. @Studio 54.... the Royal Victorian Order? It is the equivalent of a Knighthood awarded by the Queen (no government input) for personal services to the Queen, the Royal wives usually get it after about 10years of marriage, basically it's a thank you from the Queen for a job well done, Camilla, and Sophie have one (Fergie never proved herself useful enough to get one). Before this latest order Kate was given the Royal Family Order, a jewelled portrait of the Queen worn on a yellow ribbon at state events, even that nod took around 7 years for her to earn by being a credit to the family. Both awards are a signal that the Queen trusts her and she is finally ‘in’ the family.

    Basically both award are rewards for long service (giving birth to the 3rd to 5th in line and being a good mother to them also helped) I can't see Meghan ever getting either one, self serving does not equal serving the Queen. Harry did get the same award (KCVO) about 3 years ago , I'm sure she is regretting that move now.

  93. I think the one who cheated was Charles. Didn't the Wales traveled to the Caribbean in Spring?

    I also think Meghan is an idiot, she probably got the tea but thought it was about the Cambridges lol anyway she seems pretty butthurt lately, I think she was trying to seduce William but got scarfed and now is mad because Charles cut out her cash flow.

  94. William and Kate/Rose. But, I don't believe it for one minute. Feels like Meghan's trying to start trouble with more lies and the Timed for the Pakistan trip. It must be miserable to be her

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. I don't care who cheated.

    Will & Kate looked so elegant exiting the plane. This is what royalty looks like.

    A true feminist wouldn't give up her life and career to play a supporting role in this ancient pageant.



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