Friday, October 11, 2019

Hey Everybody

Last night, and up until a few minutes ago, I thought it was going to be a hoax or that the information I received was all wrong. It had to have been a mistake. Instead, I'm in shock. I really don't even know what to say. One of the Himmmm's has died. Apparently he took his own life. No conspiracies or anything like that. There were witnesses. I really don't know what else to say, other than he was such a good friend to the site and was always there with a kind word or two thousand, because nothing he ever did was short or half assed. He went all in on everything he did. Damn, I am going to miss him. 


  1. Sorry for your loss Enty

  2. RIP. Depression claims another victim. So sad. Sorry for your loss, ENTY.

  3. So sorry.

    I liked all of the Himmmm's (and Herrrrs') insight!

  4. I’m sorry to hear this, Enty. May he rest in Peace.
    Thanks to him (and you) for adding some zest to my dull little life.

  5. Given that there was only one of the four Himmmms who wasn't supposed to be a celebrity of sorts, that must mean it's the "not famous one" aka the actual writer of the blinds who's died.

  6. All the love in the world - I’m so sorry 💔💗

  7. Time to really do some sleuthing. Off to twitter. RIP whether he's famous or not..

  8. OMG. I'm so sorry, Enty. :( And love to the other three Himmmms.

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Someone on Facebook said this might be Tally Griffith. Whoever it is, I pray that they are out of pain.

  10. I'm so sorry. Sending good vibes/prayers/strengthening thoughts your way.

  11. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Someone on Facebook said this might be Talley Griffith. Whoever it is, I pray that they are out of pain.

  12. Sorry you lost a friend.

  13. Condolences from the UK.

  14. Horrible news, my condolences Enty.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss enty. Sending you love and prayers. May he be at peace.

  16. Really sad. I don't want to pray. But I wonder if he was one of the people running the Twitter account? if so I had a few enjoyable convos through DMs with him. Very sad. Prayers for friends, family and loved ones.

  17. I'm so sorry Enty. Sending love and hugs

  18. I’m so sorry for your loss, Enty. This world is sometimes too much to take. Praying for peace for his family and all who loved him.

  19. This hurts. condolences.

  20. So sorry for your loss Enty. Sending lots of hugs your way, and thoughts to the family as well. xoxo

  21. Devastating news, Enty. I am so very sorry for the loss of your close friend. RIP.

  22. Rest in Power 💔

  23. Deepest sympathies and prayers to Enty, the rest of the Himmmms and his family. This is such sad news. May he Rest in Peace.💜

  24. I'm sorry you lost your friend. Such a terrible thing.

  25. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Condolences 😢

  26. Sending much sympathy to you, the Himmmm’s, and his family and friends during this sad and difficult time.

  27. So sorry for your loss. Ddepression is a bitch and its a real struggle. I wish more ppl would ask for help so they could see how many others truly care.

  28. My condolences, to you. May he Soar with the Angels, free of all his struggles.

  29. Sudden loss is inconsolable. May your heart be filled with peace.

  30. My condolences.

  31. Anonymous4:05 PM

    The rabbit hole is a very dark places. RIP

  32. I’m so sorry to read about this. My heart and hugs go out to their family and friends, the other Himmms and Herrrs, and of course you too.

    When you are ready, let us know when a celebration of their life is appropriate.

  33. So sad he felt suicide was his only choice. my heartfelt condolences to you, Enty, his family and friends. 💗

  34. It was Talley Griffith. His myspace is still up.
    I guess it's time to retire my name.


  36. RIP condolences Enty

  37. That is such sad news. So sorry for everyone's loss.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Where's Melanija's jacket when you need it?

  41. So sorry for your loss of a friend. Many hugs .

  42. Such terrible news. I hope that anyone who ever feels helpless will find the strength to reach out for help because it truly can get better.

  43. So very sorry to hear this, Enty. Sending condolences to you the Himmmms and the family.

  44. So very sorry for your loss. May he rest in piece. Sending prayers and thoughts.

  45. So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you, his family and friends.

  46. May he Rest in Peace

  47. This is so sad. I hope Himmmm is finally at peace and somehow realized how much he meant to so many here for all he shared. And condolences to his loved ones; their grief must be unbearable

  48. 💫The Brightest stars ⭐️ may fall but they never fade.

  49. So sorry for the shock and sadness. Many condolences. I trust he found peace.

  50. Peace to him and to his family and friends.

  51. And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love, you make.

    Go hug a friend, they might need it but maybe are too brittle to ask. You can literally save a person on the edge, with a kindness, a smile, a phone call. My depression is like a sneaker wave, it comes, you survive, it’s gone. It’s that moment of peril where a kindness can see me through. Depression is a disease, not a choice.

  52. Awful, awful news. I’m so saddened by this - I adored Himmmm 💔🥀

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Condolences to his family and friends.
    That's tragic. RIP.

  55. Sorry for your loss. Peace and prayers to you and all that loved him.

  56. So sorry for your loss, Enty.

  57. RIP Him. Keep walking past the open windows

  58. I'm very sorry for your loss Enty. I have no idea who this poster is though. I pray he is at peace now.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. so sorry to hear this. hope you find peace.

  61. I'm so sorry for your loss and pain. I hope you and his family find peace.

  62. Condolences to you and the Himmmms and Herrrrs. So tragic 💔 May he rest in peace.

  63. Thinking of you and praying for peace.

  64. Anonymous10:07 PM

    So sorry for your loss.

  65. This is heartbreaking. Prayers to you and his family and friends.

  66. I’m so sorry this happened, and for your loss. You and his family are in my prayers.

  67. I was never a fan of Himmmm. I found it especially cringeworthy when readers eagerly believed (with Himmmm’s coy, tacit encouragement) that he was really Robert Downey Jr and that they were actually exchanging posts with him. Right here on CDaN! Such an ignoble deception. I truly am sorry for your loss of a friend, Enty, but I believed Himmmm to be a charlatan.

    1. Agree, Mango.

      I just hope his children werent the witnesses to his suicide, but dude had mental issues, so it wouldnt surprise me.

      In addition, i hope Himmmmonamobile is still healthy & happy.

  68. Sorry for your loss Enty.

  69. My heart goes out. May peace be found. You and the family are in my prayers. Much love sent to all of you.

  70. "...Himmmm to be a charlatan." end partial quote @Mango
    Charlatan you say? Is that like being an actor projecting a false image? Who for some reason happens to be highest paid convincing liar. As in the act of emotionally triggering normies for a buck or the empowering hero worship manipulation.
    Do not know which one of the Himmmmm's died, but this site is all about the actors and the Blackmail that controls them.
    The only entity that is a better liar than an actors actor is the Blackmail Specialist. Pedo-Blackmail is like the Producers Producer. Cough, Spielberg, cough/spit.
    Even the "made" lawyers tread lightly around these spooks. The drugs are first rate though, so the money flows...
    Right Geffen and Co?
    Could be why Pedo-Blackmail is worth more than the highest grossing movie to-date, just ask James Cameron. He just might be intellectually honest enough to give a straight answer.

  71. I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend Enty. I really enjoyed his visits. Rest in Peace.

  72. May his soul finally find all the peace he needs in the afterlife. Rest in peace, Himmmm.🕯

  73. Sorry to hear it Enty. Prayers sent for you and Himmmm.

  74. This is my first post here in a good while and possibly my very last. So sorry to hear about this news. I fell out with himmmm months ago and ment to apologise and mend that bridge but didn't get around to it, I really wish I did now. He was a force for good in this dark world and will be missed!
    If you plan to mend relationships please do it soon because you never know what's round the next corner and may never get the chance! 😔
    I'll speak to you again Himmmm in that great gig in the sky.
    Peace and love to everyone.

  75. Sorry for your loss, I will miss his stories.

  76. Sad and tragic. Condolences to his family. Rest in peace.

  77. Mango are you for real? What a fucking appalling comment to leave - talk about cringing upon reading it 😑

  78. whoever he was, amy he be in peace, now

  79. So sorry for your loss. Prayers sent for his family.

  80. Thoughts and prayers to your friend.

  81. Has to be Talley because he was only in his 40s and he was a leading guess for one of them Himmmmms. I'm sorry, Enty. So sad. May he rest in peace and please accept my condolences.

  82. So very sorry. Suicide is the saddest thing. THere's nothing anyone can do, really.

  83. Anonymous8:38 AM

    How can himmmm be the imdb person named Talley Griffith? Only 1 single movie credit to this name back in 1995.

  84. @Unknown -- Please. No trolling. Not everyone in Hollywood needs to have their name attached to every little crumb of fame. There are plenty of people who are nameless, doing big things behind the scenes, keeping scripts in hand and images recording. This Himmmm was an intergral piece of what we know today.

  85. @Guesser

    You know what's truly disgusting? Taking advantage of some sad event to settle scores.
    Himmmm had been outed and his name repeatedly posted here in 2012, when he posed as RDJ, and got a lot of people interested in his true identity. Why do you think he left for years?

    I had exactly nothing to do with him being identified. My only actual interaction with him was in the comments of his 2018 piece about the wild night Paul Thomas Anderson supposedly had two decades before, because it was obviously not endorsed in any way by the real Paul Thomas Anderson. The conversation with the guy was so surreal that it made me curious about him and the research that had been put together on him around 2012. I largely refrained from posting my conclusions or his name, especially as they were only tangential to this blog and its evolution.

    And if you think that harassment is something that mentally ill people do and can result in suicide, making it more or less a murder, why do you use this event as an opportunity to harass me?

    1. @Angela, please, I'm begging you. Give a rest. Just for a few days.
      Also, I agree with above post, he didn't want to use his name, and actually had many alias. Be kind

  86. I didn't see anyone mention Enty has a free podcast on Himmmm up now.

  87. @Mango - Charlatan.... a master of misdirection who entertains and amuses. It takes a charlatan to survive the wilds of this business, but also consider the possibility that you have been a willing participant in the show.


    I have a suggestion.

    How about we NOT GUESS who any of the Himmmms are or could be.

    I like that they are anonymous and it should stay that way -- even with this passing.

    Also, to the remaining Himmmms, My Condolences!

    (Insert Heart emoji here!)

  89. I am so very sorry...

  90. I have zero interest in harassing or doxxing you or anyone else,@ Angela.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Deepest condolences, Enty. Peace to you and his friends and family.

  93. Certain people should not be speaking about taking the high road. *coughcoughdatalounge*

    I've always enjoyed anything and everything the Hmmmmms have had to say and how they said it, how they told and tell their stories. It's always sad when anyone chooses to end their life. I have been at that precipice, I understand what that feeling is. Enty, I'm so sorry that your friend felt that he/she needed to go.

  94. Comment deleted. Most here have it in their inbox. I have no interest in getting rid of you or anyone else. I do not consider you responsible for someone's death. I have defended the Himmmm for years even while calling Himmmm out on things he wrote. I never once thought he was RDJ. I wondered though, why Mr. Downey was never as upset about it as others seemed. I will always wonder why someone filled with hate for something keeps returning. I would not.

  95. @Unknown, if you listen to Enty's broadcast about Himmmm and his death, it's mentioned that a lot of his money came from pitching ideas and submitting treatments. I don't think those things would be documented in IMDB or any other "official" website.

  96. Anonymous poster said...
    @Mango - Charlatan.... a master of misdirection who entertains and amuses. It takes a charlatan to survive the wilds of this business, but also consider the possibility that you have been a willing participant in the show.

    @ Anonymous poster - I meant charlatan as in “fraud”. And no, I was not a willing participant in the show (which really blew up in maybe 2010/2011? I’m bad with dates). I just sat and read the Himmmm posts going “WTF??” at all the CDaN posters who were lead to believe that they were actually chatting with Robert Downey Jr. The energy and excitement here on the Himmmm posts was palpable, and I thought it was cruel and disingenuous of him to mislead all the folks here (and the newcomers who flocked to CDaN when they heard RDJ was a poster on CDaN).

    1. Please give it a rest. Just for a few days. He was a human being, with friends and family. You didn't know him personally. Just be civil

  97. Does anyone know how to access Enty’s podcast on himmmm?

  98. Here you go, Acquagirl.

  99. What was everyone's favorite Himmmm series? I love the multi part blinds that took place in the crappy little hotel.

    1. The Elvis Pallbearer club. Hands down.

  100. @Guesser

    I've deleted most of my previous comments.

    I try to be consistent in my behavior. Himmmm was never my "enemy" of any sort. At worst, he contributed to people assuming that information on this site was provided by actual Hollywood A-listers and insiders, but it was more a result of Enty asking him to pose as several people he admired to create some degree of ambiguity. The actual thing I called him for is that PTA regards Stanley Kubrick as one of the greatest directors ever, and says that meeting him was one of the highlights of his life, and this totally clashed with posting on a blog a story attributed to PTA where weeks before a really disgusting and made up blind on Kubrick had been published.

    But, otherwise, when some obvious troll tried to pose as his real daughter and to share his name over and over, I called the person for what they were trying to do with his family. This was off-limits.

    You can also see that I'm one of the first to protest every time Enty uses an actual suicide and turns it into an opportunity for a murder conspiracy, like in Kurt Cobain's case or with Anthony Bourdain last year, you know the story that involved Harvey Weinstein, the Mossad, Macron and a cast of thousands. I didn't know much about Bourdain, but the guy had been extremely honest about his struggle with depression. Using this tragedy to give weight to a different, fictional narrative was just shameful, and an insult to Bourdain's memory as it negated the actual toll of depression, the very one Bourdain was trying to educate people about.

    From all accounts, the actual Himmmm had a very complicated life, with a lot of inner demons, and struggles with addiction. Most of his bio was made up. His legendary relatives? He was definitely not the nephew of a beloved actor. The actor was actually an only son and came from a different state. The actor wasn't either related to the silent movie director. All three just shared a last name. The guy, in some way, needed to connect with bigger names, and to project himself into model figures who had managed to turn their own life around, like RDJ. That may be why he made a compelling RDJ for some people. He really wanted to walk a mile in his shoes when he posed as him. That wasn't just an exercise in style, it was trying to find the same path, and it felt vital to him.

    1. Again, please. I'm not looking for a fight, or opinion. I just asked to let it go for a few days. Hes dead, and he loved. That's all.

  101. This must have been the HIMMMM that was brothers from another mother with Brandon Lee. So very sad...condolences to Enty and the HIMMMMS.

    I hope the remaining HIMMMMS continue the fight.

  102. @Angela - you are a straight up freak. Go play with yourself elsewhere. Your bloviating is annoying. Also TL;DR

  103. So sorry for your loss. He was such a major part of the site, and early internet history.

  104. If there were actually other Himmmms, there would have been a wordy eulogy by know

  105. Apologies for your loss and to all family and friends of Himmmmm

  106. I'm very sorry to hear.

  107. Daphne dororman?
    Sorry for your loss.

  108. Anonymous8:08 AM

    People go out and guess that himmmm is this person Talley Griffith. I did not make that guess. But once it is out there, check the facts available. Talley Griffith only has one imdb reference from a movie over two decades ago. This on its face does not support a person that has lots of ongoing inside knowledge about Hollywood. Yes a person named Talley Griffith passed away a few days before enty posted this notice about himmmm. The Talley Griffith death notice posted by a reader points to a person living in Stuart Virginia. Stuart Virginia is about as far from Hollywood as geography will allow. Some have speculated that this person, Talley Griffith just did not have his name attached to projects, but was very successful behind the scenes. The person in Virginia that passed away owns a home and only has one listing in the Patrick County property tax database. This single family, free standing home is assessed at $121,600. It is a small modest home in very rural remote Virginia. I'm sure is is nice cozy home. But none of this indicates a person that was successful and worked in Hollywood.

  109. For everyone who is following this thread, please save the snark for another day.

    Let's take a little time this afternoon for a moment of appreciation.

    While I never met him in person, he was a part of our community, a brother from another mother.

    His ability to take everyone's stories and make them better will be greatly missed.

  110. I'm sorry for your loss Enty. xx

    I honestly didn't "dig deep" nor read into much of what Himmmm said other than the PTA wild night so I'm not keenly/deeply aware of their/his/whoever backstory like some of the others. I am creeped out by some comments as if they knew the man and are projecting HIS feelings, what in the actual F? I don't know where people are finding out that he was depressed, an addict, etc., I assume on Enty's podcasts? Which I find strange because that's his personal business. Can't say his name, but we can talk about his troubles? Odd. In any case regardless of why, suicide is a powerful force that leaves a destructive wake in its path. I know because I've been there and never want to be there again. There's always hope, there's always support. Life can be unbearable as we all know, but it also offers us so much joy.

  111. @Unknown (8:08 AM)

    The guy definitely spent some time in Hollywood in the late nineties, the setting of almost all of his major recollections on CDAN. He had actually sold a pitch to Warner, with Renny Harlin (who was then developing Deep Blue Sea) attached as a director. Variety reported about it.

  112. People, we all loved him. He, or the idea that he could be someone famous, made this site magic and made US feel special, close to fame. But he was just a guy. Yes, a guy who lived in a tiny house in Smalltown, Va. If he ever was in Hollywood, it was on vacation. No relatives there. No famous best friends. No screenplays, no pitches, no record albums, nothing but an AMAZING imagination and WAY too much mental energy to be contained by one ordinary human. As is the case so often with mental illness. He is gone now, and the Himmmm story is over. There are no other famous Himmmms to pick up the slack on twitter, no Herrrr, or you would have heard from them by now. Rest in Peace dude. You will be missed.

  113. I loved his stories. I don't care if it was real -- he was a good storyteller. RIP.



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