Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 5, 2019

Speaking of streaming, this very popular Netflix show named after a suburb could have gone on for years longer and kept a huge crew employed, but the former child actress turned addict turned A- list adult actress was bored with it and wanted to do something else.

Santa Clarita Diet/Drew Barrymore


  1. So she got herself a daily talk show on CBS which will be seen by more people and pay her fat ass more money. Who knows if it will be any good.

    1. I give her three months -- the amount of time it takes to call in all guest appearances people owe her. This isn't 1994; what fan base or relevance does she have?

  2. I sure she can take any criticism on the chin.
    It's Hollywood; and actress must have thick

  3. Yeah, forget about the cast/crew who need a paycheck. I don't buy the "years and years" though. I watched the first season and it "sort of" had its moments, but I bailed on it. There's only so many times you can watch her kill and eat people and then realize you're basically watching a series showing Luciferian rituals, lol. Its obvious what they're doing.

    She's another one who's destroyed in the mind. Why would anyone want to watch her perpetually befuddled face vomiting up word salad?

    Timothy Olyphant deserved much better.

  4. I'm interested to see if this talk show will be "magical!". Truly, I think she's enjoyable, but I dont know if 5x/week tv is going to be her thing. Time will tell.

  5. Blissboo-- Hopefully, he finds a great series quickly. He's great!

  6. Still can't stop laughing that she was cast as one of Charlie's angels.

    1. She was a producer would prefer a member of KPop, I gather.

  7. @Vita I know! I've had a crush on him since Deadwood. He was the reason why I even watched that stupid SCD show and each time I died a little inside because he can do SO much better.

    I'd love to see him in some gritty crime detective role. I'm watching Mindhunter right now and loving it. Timothy would have been GREAT in it. Check it out if you haven't heard of it. :) p.s. I've got you girl when it comes to asking the hard-hitting dung questions. Sometimes in life you just gotta have that itch scratched! lol

  8. @J My guess is because Cam Diaz and Drew are buds in real life and since Cam was basically the star of the movie she probably insisted on Drew.

    I don't mind Drew, I just think she's miscast in strange roles. She has her own production company can't she pull out anything better? Isn't her partner Jimmy Fallon's wife? Drew needs to do some sort of 70s movie. She's the ultimate hippy chick.

    1. Drew was a producer on the 2000s Charlies Angels movies. Cameron was in them because Drew insisted.

  9. The great and sexy Timothy Olyphant has found a new series! He will be starring the next season of Fargo which is far superior than Santa Clarita anyways. :) I also watched the first season and gave up.

  10. Drew Barrymore's Flower Films produced Charlie's Angels, no need to look for obscure reasons she was cast

  11. FARGO! Perfect! I'll see you there Timothy!

    Don't get it twisted y'all that I had it twisted, lol. The other way around, but I had her production company right. :)

  12. I have always loved Drew. She is a free spirit & our type tends to understand each other’s reasons for doing certain things. I highly doubt she just carelessly put a bunch of people out of work. Not one person in Hollywood has ever talked about her being heartless ~ actually the opposite is true.

    Santa Clarita Diet is f’g hilarious! I had to cover my eyes during bloody parts, but the rapport between her & Timothy was BRILLIANT. Their depiction of a typical married couple’s petty arguments & stuff said under one’s breath was GOLD. And spot on! I recommended it to several of my married friends & they all came back thanking me.

    No, I’m not a bot. 🤖 (Still cracking up over that accusation yesterday). 😂 Drew had a FUCKED UP childhood and look where she is today. A successful businesswoman who has lots of cherished friends and she’s a good Mommy.

    For once, let’s focus on the GOOD things that a kid from a fucked up childhood is doing. She could very well be another Aaron Carter, Cory Feldman, Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan...(should I go on?), etc. But she’s NOT. She’s a survivor who has turned that shit around. 🙌🏼

  13. Ooh, I love the idea of him on Fargo, that's great news!

    BlissBoo-- Great to know you've got us covered, so to speak!😉😂

  14. I actually do like Drew Barrymore as well. She is a Speilberg survivor after all.

    I just get bored with all things Zombies and I usually like supernatural shows for the most part. Santa Clarita was just too gory for me and forget about eating during the show LOL.

    Also, I was only able to get through 3 seasons of the Walking Dead before I was like enough of this shit. How it is still going on and ended up with a spin off and has multiple movies coming out is baffling to me. But, whatever floats your boat I guess haha

    1. The only zombie things I’ve ever seen are Zombieland (OG) and SCD. Blood in real life doesn’t bother me (Dad was a doctor/Mom was a nurse), but the eating of a human body just grosses me out. I used to be a horror film junkie when I was “in the biz.” I’d analyze the ways they made things look real. After I had kids, that stopped. I became a scaredy cat. 🙈

  15. I’m sorry. (Kinda)
    I couldn’t resist.

  16. WHY, Drew, WHY???

    I thought it was just one of the sacrificed shows Netflix threw to the bonfire in order to scrape together money for the Eddie Murphy special(s).

    At least, that's what I'd previously read here. :/

    Anyway, HOW can you grow bored playing a zombie real estate agent with a pet zombie head??

    1. And if rumors about him are true, that’s all Nathan Fillion deserves in real life - to be a Chia Pet.

    2. Please tell us more Freebird.

  17. Santa Clarita, btw, was a hilarious gem of a show. I loved the broad humor of it.

  18. hahah @Freebird Dalhmer meme.

    @dotell....THANK YOU! I said this when this blind first appeared. This site said it was scrapped to save money and that Drew was upset about it and aging and losing her another job

    . Now, she is being blamed for its cancellation. Sounds like CDAN is just going with the news of her potentially getting her new talk show and to make it fit the "drama" they are saying Drew pulled the plug on the series which is a total 180.

    This site sometimes LOL Pick a narrative and stick with it!

    1. True dat! 😂 And Thx! I’m the Meme Queen amongst my friends. 🙈 Can’t stop/won’t stop. And y’all know I lerve my emojis! 🤦🏼‍♀️ #sorrynotsorry 😬

  19. I'm a little confused as to why someone is obliged to keep working at a job with which they'd become bored. People in the entertainment industry know that their jobs are transitory.

  20. @ BlissBoo, your 1st comment. Glad you see it for what it is. They have been pushing the cannibalism agenda for some time now. We must eat each other to save the planet!! And I'm never shocked to see who they use to try and normalize it. Other damaged people.

  21. Timothy Olyphant will always land on his feet. There's nothing not to like there!

  22. I doubt highly it was Drew being bored and Netflix dropping anything after two season that really did it. It's their M.O.

  23. @ Gen-z99. You are 100% correct. So much bs out there. I always hope the masses will wake up, but the sad truth is, many won't.

  24. Shes allowed to make choices for her best self. And she will employ another bunch of people with a talk show. Genuinely good crew members move on to new shows quickly and get full medical benefits while in transition.

  25. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I can't imagine any show not being able to continue without her.

  26. I've never seen Santa Clarita Diet, but I'm a Drew stan.
    So continued success in whatever, honey.

  27. She should have stuck with something she was bored with?

  28. Netflix has a habit of canxing shows by the third season. I really don't think Drew is at fault here, nor do I think she was bored with it. She always was extremely enthusiastic about the show in interviews and said she loved the character.

  29. The show sucked anyway.

  30. Santa Clarita Diet was cool but I lost interest at some point, can't blame Drew for doing the same. Let's not forget that these are probably the same types of crew positions which in the past would have ignored her being molested.

  31. So? Who cares? People are allowed to leave jobs in pursuit of something that gives them more satisfaction. *shrug*

    That's what I want to know.

    1. I totally concur.
      Loved that show.

  33. Honestly, it was boring AF anyways. Writers really need to take into account that binge watching is much different than weekly sitcoms. If you're binge watching a better not be the same show 3 episodes in a row. You can get away with a weekly show maybe, but drew giggles, Nathan crazy eyes, and blood on repeat for two seasons was not as endearingly repetitive as al sitting on the sofa and putting his hand in his pants.



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