Monday, October 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 11, 2019

Apparently several news outlets were promised interviews with the permanent A list "singer" in exchange for positive coverage of a family member and reprinting their reasons for leaving a situation without speculating about any other reasons. They were also supposed to ignore the part where the family member still controls the money.

Britney Spears/Jamie Spears


  1. Dan Schneider's baby mama.

  2. Yeah a toe lover probably wouldn't wrap it or pull out in time.

  3. So Britney controls what the media prints with her super positive, super energetic, super happy to be here interviews?

    1. She's a money machine and a procurer. The people who own her own the media, so yeah... She's got some pull. She didn't personally contact the media. Her handlers did.

  4. No her PR people do that or Daddy.

  5. Britney is a robot these days. Nothing natural in the way she moves or talks anymore. You never see her with friends either just always with that paid boyfriend of hers.

  6. Poor Britbot...hope her tyrannical dad is taken off her conservatorship soon.

  7. Curious as to what Brit's voice really sounds like.

  8. It's so sad. Britney, I hope you get free and your trash father goes to hell. This woman has continued to be nothing more than a cash cow to these people and she continues to be controlled and have no life.
