Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 7, 2019

His lavish lifestyle and constant requests for money from an organization have taken their toll on the bank balance of this former A+ list dual threat actor, who is now probably B+ in the work he gets, but is a permanent A lister. His projects keep getting worse in quality as he chases paychecks to get through the later years in life.

John Travolta


  1. Wait until masseuses start suing him for sexual harassment....

    1. $cientology will just pay them off or suicide them.

  2. I don't know, this cat has more than nine lives. Would have thought he had banked more away though.

  3. as long as he has money to pay the $cios back, maybe cheesegrater

  4. Sad that Barbarino has been getting black.ailed for being gay

  5. He gets to keep all those wonderful wigs though I bet.

  6. He's settled so many lawsuits, don't forget those facts

  7. Even rich folk need a savings account.

  8. All he has to do, at any time, is announce Battlefield Earth 2: Revenge of the Psychlos and he's back rolling in the gold.

  9. What are you babbling about? It was an accident. You are disgusting.

  10. I have a friend who was raised in Scientology in CA and escaped in her twenties. She has some seriously crazy stories about them. She confirmed they keep Travolta in check by threatening to out him to the public. They are a monstrous cult.

  11. Ah should have known he was broke. Seeing a legend like John Travolta in a cable tv miniseries was odd, I thought. And he sucked. So awkward. Unless the real Robert Shapiro had a weird affect, in which case Travolta nailed it.

    1. He was so wooden I thought when they asked him to go to wardrobe
      He must have decided to act like one.
      Truly awful performance.

  12. That's absolutely NOT to you, @Vivian

  13. People hate blackmailers. Why doesn't Travolta release the blackmail himself, and get rid of the cult once and for all? Someone tried to blackmail Letterman for 2 million, he talked about it on TV, the blackmailer went to jail. Nothing happened to Letterman.

  14. I think he's given up on the wigs , he's shaved his head totally bald, so that's extra $$$ for him

  15. The saddest thing is everyone knows he is gay, so it is wasting his life being blackmailed. Be like Lily Tomlin, confirm it once and get back to work.
    Like that silly Jonas brother , Corey Booker, and Kirstie Alley, let alone Will Smith . It seems like everyone in Scientology is gay. Why do they give that organization their money and souls? Their bonds are of their own making
    And Also are involved in Ukraine - never knew about that swamp where all sketchy criminals meet
    Give it up,

  16. @ studio54 the Letterman blackmail is PEANUTS compared to Travolta. Of course I think he should break free and out himself but there is exponentially 1 million times more to Scientology and his closeted life compared to Letterman. Not even close! PART of Scientology practices is to get you to admit to your darkest fantasies in an effort to 'audit' you of them and it has been well known for years they record and hold onto just such admissions for blackmail purposes. The man has been closeted his whole life, his marriage a sham (to another Scientologist) and his escapades already seeping out. I fully think folks should head on attack Scientology but it would be tantamount to having your every secret and dark thought PLASTERED in every tabloid. Would you be ready for that? Gotta be pretty enlightened. Even if I didn't care about my fan base I might care about my mother, siblings, CHILDREN knowing all.

    1. his mom and sister died. wifey and kid knows. little one does not.

  17. IDIOT. Leave Mr T alone!! Come out JT and leave the cult behind!! not a mean bone in his body. just confused!
