Thursday, October 31, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 21, 2019

This police force has requested permission from the Queen to question one of her offspring. There are now a half dozen women in their own country who say they were underage when he assaulted them sexually.

French police/Prince Andrew


  1. Just out of curiosity, legally speaking, why would they have to ask the Queen's permission and not the UK's govt?

  2. The police need permission from the queen?! 😂

  3. Although the requesting might have just been a courtesy.

  4. Maybe what the blind really means is that the French Police have asked the RF to make Prince Andrew come in voluntarily for questioning! Otherwise the blind doesnt really make any sense, maybe this blind is brought to us courtesy of ENTERN#7!

  5. Yep- Lol! Perhaps it is some sort of diplomatic formality? Maybe it would prevent him from hiding behind some sort of immunity? I dont think the Queen's got a throne big enough for him to hide behind for much longer.

    1. If it'll save the throne they'll sacrifice Andy. Literally.

  6. According to the internet the age of consent in France is 15. So if the girls were "underage" we are talking 14 and below.

    1. Mansogynist enty thinks no broads under 35 should get jizz injections and thinks 18 is the age of consent world wide, so dont put it in stone that Andy was tappin younger than 14.

  7. Nothing worse than a sloppy monarchy, you think other royal families are this sh!tty at managing their personal affairs?

    1. Yes. Specically the Tudors and the Plantagenets. British royalty has a history of shittiness.

      Other counties? Yes. The Saudi Family is far worse than the BRF.

  8. You love to see it folks

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    There should be No "request'. If he hurt people, he needs to be questioned. Now.
    We do not need these 'royals' In the developed western hemisphere.A primitive concept from a time before telephones, education and law enforcement and it needs to go.

  10. I have a very difficult time believing the French police would get involved assuming nothing more than underage sex was involved. So if they are involved is it something much more? If so, what? Assault/rape? Worse?

  11. Hate to break it to ya @jedi757 but sex with a 14 yr old is assault/rape. A child cannot consent.

  12. Somehow, the creeps who get the girls walk free though..

  13. Yes I understand the legal meaning that underage sex is to be legally regarded as assault, (they cannot legally give consent), but my question is are the French police wanting to get involved because something more than sexual intercourse was going on (I.e. actual physical beating, forced sex/rape) etc. that these girls perhaps tried to resist.

    PS I do not believe he will ever be held accountable for anything he’s done.

  14. Age of the girls is irrelevant if said girls were trafficked.

    1. Trafficking doesnt mean they were shipped around against their will. The GirlsDoPorn guys caught trafficking charges, and all they did was buy air plane ticket for the bimbos to get to San Diego and live out their whore dreams.

  15. The issue isn't the age of the women. The issue is they weren't consenting. They were paid. They were trafficked across state lines and the ocean. They were property. That one chick that Epstein made a pilot. My god. Some story there.

    The fact that no one calls any of this out speaks volumes. Like imagine if during the demo debate they brought up Epstein and Clinton.!! ROFL LIKE NEVER

    This is how we know who really runs they show. They are literal monsters.
    Happy Halloween

    1. They took the cash so they consented. If high powered people were raping randoms, they would not be around to complain about it afterwards.

  16. French officials want to turn Epstein’s Paris house into a home for victims of rape & DV.

  17. @momo, Think of it this way, if Earth was Hell, humans would be the demons and all other life would be the suffering.
    Happy Halloween! 🎃

  18. Thanks for some of your explanations. Makes more sense now.

  19. Count, Perhaps MANY smuggled in on boats and through tunnels WEREn't PAID and were't consenting and LOST THEIR LIVES .... hmmm What if that were the case? We only know about the higher echelon "girls"


    I watched the Epstein Island youtube from Wearechange yesterday. They have little goblins and things that look like stone coffins down near the "temple" ... I guess if you walk em through the labyrinth and dose them with enough, they will willingly lie down on an altar and let someone cut their throat?

    Happy Halloween!

    1. That is pure speculation. I am just talking about facts. The facts are that the whores complaining were paid and are looking for more money.

  20. French police, thank you. No man is above the law! Let the facts and the evidence come out. If this entitled 60 year old doesn't bother to show up, take out an Interpol Red Warrant on him, so he can be arrested anywhere he steps foot outside the UK in the West.

  21. They fuck with the Queen
    Those frogs gonna croak
    Prince Phil's just gonna arrange another tunnel 'accident'
    And they come from the right country for it.

  22. One more bullshit blind.

    The priority in this kind of investigation is to look for fresh evidence, recent crimes that have a better chance of getting results and landing in court, so they can indict accomplices.
    They would never start with Andrew, given that it's a long shot, that he may be heavily protected by the Royal Family and even the British Government (why would French police engage a fight with Britain that could create some scandal right in the middle of Brexit negotiations?), and that the assaults would have happened 15 or 20 years ago, which also results in a statute of limitations.

    It's always more important to use resources to uncover and dismantle the entire chain of enablers and accomplices around Epstein rather than to focus on a single high-profile celebrity.
    Especially as it's very possible that Andrew was the very reason that allowed Epstein just to get a slap on the wrist in 2005. The UK diplomats may have asked for a favor, so the case was more or less buried.

    This story also illustrates why you people would make terrible fighters against pedophilia, if you were given the opportunity and the power to act rather than just whining about stories tailor-made to make you react and scream. You would just invest every resource on a dozen of names that regularly come here, by courtesy of the main writer, or his late "friend", the mentally ill guy with a very fertile imagination.




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