Monday, October 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 18, 2019

Even though she publicly supported a child molester, this A list mostly movie actress was the hit of a party here in LA earlier this week and everyone wanted to take a photo with her.

Scarlett Johansson/Woody Allen


  1. Oh man, this again? You can't "reveal" a claim that wasn't exactly blind in the first place.

  2. There are plenty of people in the world who don’t think Woody is a child molester. I can’t say for sure he is or isn’t but I do realize he’s a creep.

  3. I'd like to see her in a performance that gives wood instead of is wooden.

    1. I bet she leaves a penis with a shitload of splinters after every BJ.

    2. We can always count on you for a good laugh. Pun not intended, pun stays.

  4. One more thing everybody wants a picture with OJ and most people knows he’s guilty of murder. And men want to screw Foxxy Knoxxy and Casey Anthony.

  5. This is a sad family drama and no clear case of either molestation by the father or exploitation by the mother. Actually, both could be true because both of these people are completely cut off from reality. Taking sides is delusional. Taking sides for clicks is rather exploitative. It's okay, though, as the child is grown now. /sarc.

  6. I'd be willing to ignore her comments if she'd just take some acting lessons. Maybe she had some before but they obviously didn't stick or work on camera.

    1. She's the female Mark Wahlberg
      Permanently looks confused or constipated.

  7. What's it like, being on that dock, watching the ship where people think Allen is innocent just sail, sail away out of sight into the horizon, never to return?

  8. This is interesting, Harvey was calling all his old friends for help:

    1. Harvey called Benza for help also. AJ talks about it on one of his podcasts.

      Hi AJ. You should box Stuttering John, could both use the exposure.

  9. The SS True Mia Believer and the SS True Woody Believer should both sink under the weight of their own delusions.

  10. she's ridiculous & pretty dumb

  11. i wonder what she thinks about woody taking nude pics of his stepdaughter, and then then marrying her and popping out ONLY daughters....

    thats undeniably creepy as fuck.

    1. Woody & Soon Yi obviously bonded over trying to cope w/ Mia's crazy. Woody left with her as an FU to Mia for letting Sinatra cuck him and make him claim Frank's son as his own.

  12. @notthisagain,Woody and Soon Yi adopted the daughters, and regardless of what is to be believed,would you allow him to adopt?

    1. No, but I wouldn’t allow Mia to adopt either, so there’s that...

    2. @Unknown: Not a lot of info about the adopted children on-line. I saw one photo, and one daughter looks Asian and I can’t tell the background of the other girl. I know 3 people who adopted from China, and girls were their only option.

  13. He didn't harass her on set, so to her the man is not a pervert. ScarJo is too old for Woody's tastes.

    1. Please, if Woody was a pedo, he wouldnt still be with Soon Yi.

      Way more likely Mia coached Dylan into the allegations, as the investigations determined, than Woody dry humpin her.

  14. @Count, Why wouldn't he stay with her, she was able to adopt two new young asian girls for him.

    Like I said, that ship has sailed, you're preaching to an empty church. Try going outside where now most people think he's guilty.



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